Showing posts with label tyranid prime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tyranid prime. Show all posts

Friday 25 February 2022

'nids part 333 - Tyranid Primes & Warriors - TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed into Tyranid Primes and refreshing my Tyranid Warriors. For some reason I didn't feel much need for my usual red pics, so I thought I'd combine them altogether.

There was a small drama with the varnishing at the end, which almost derailed my satisfaction of completing them. If I'm honest though it was a batch too far in some respects and I'd already felt it was becoming tiresome.

That said, I'm really pleased with the results and the consistency across all 9, the Primes, Spore Mine and the previous 'new' Warrior from December 2020.

Plenty of rumours are flying around about improvements to Warriors, which could be timely. I had only envisaged these as paying for a Crusher Stampede Battalion but if they're more useful in their own right that's just a bonus.

I may end up regretting some of the upgrades but with 10 done, meaning with 3 broods of 3 I can drop one heavy weapon if needed to recoup some costs. Otherwise there's variety should I ever consider a Kill Team - I keep saying this but we've only ever played Kill Team once and now I'm contemplating nids as well as my Death Guard for a game we never play! 😆

The Primes came out well. I had got Vallejo Environment Moss and Lichen to add yellow splotches on the slate on the one on the right. Although it didn't quite work on it's own - it looked like spilled paint, id did help blend the yellow flock onto the stone.

I spent far too much time debating the spore mine, the little red triggers and if they should be green when in reality it didn't matter. I've loads of these and never use them so I just took the simplest solution and boxed it off.

Primes and their Warriors, I'm so glad they stand head and shoulder above the norm. 

Just imagine if they'd kept the original Warrior proportions rather than going smaller. All of our nids would be so much bigger.

Although I'm really fond of the Venom Cannon Warrior the glow on the barrel isn't quite right, rushing again with the green highlights on the edges rather than in the hollows.

Nevermind, it's an epic brood by my reckoning and will give me plenty to think about in what needs updating from my other older figures.

There's around 30 Termagants that could do with a refresh, but as I have 40+ that don't, which I use ahead of the ones I do there's no urgency.

Pretty much the only things that need refreshing are the 4 frosted Warrior to Hive Guard conversions.

In the mean time I'm going to take a bit of a hobby break. I had wanted to finish the Talonmaster alongside the Tyranids but it was a disruption that might have derailed my progress. I feel forcing myself to delay going back to it will motivate me further to completing it when I do.

Now to explain why the last minute drama - at one point I was very slightly aggrieved that my Army Painter Anti-shine pooled and cracked, like the AK Interactive Matt Varnish. I think I've become aware this can happen with the batch I have at the moment. So I was trying to make sure that any pools of varnish were dabbed clear, but must have missed this - more haste, less speed! Taking into account one of the prime reasons for repainting these was the Purity Seal frosting, to have the varnish go wrong here was somewhat infuriating. Luckily it was only in a few places and easily covered up with a few dabs of paint, as you can see in the above pics.

Here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! White pics to follow, which are a little more comprehensive as you get 4 profile views of each model.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

'nids part 331 - Tyranid Primes - chitin 2

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed into Tyranid Primes and painted 11 or 12 years ago. 2nd chitin highlights is always a milestone, even if I do chitin first and bone afterwards.

But in this case, chitin second, then there isn't so much to do, probably 25-30% of the model left. That's still a lot, but that's only because some of the details can be time consuming even if they don't represent the bulk of the model.

The reds are not a standard recipe, I wing it each time, which is why things are varied but at least these will all be similar. Black claws and talons will take a while too, because it's black, obviously. But I think my 4 original Warriors I can salvage their blacks, they'll only need tidying up and gloss varnish again.

The highlights on the black might be a little different because of it, but it's such a small part of the model I don't think it'll be too noticeable.

Still to add all the veins to the Lashwhips as well, that should be fun, a little experimentation on my nids for a change...

Thursday 10 February 2022

'nids part 330 - Tyranid Primes - chitin 1

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed into Tyranid Primes and painted 11 or 12 years ago. Turquoise on the chitin for the 'big' guys. It's taken me 5 sessions [nights] to get all this done and suspect that means another 5 nights to do the 2nd set of highlights.

It's both a blessing and a curse to work out timescales like this. It's good to know how long things take but when you think there's probably another week of just turquoise it feels daunting. 

However, I think that's at least 75% done then. Reds, black, little bits, FX and tweaking the bases should be another week on top. SO about a month in total on these updates.

That feels like a really long time but actually 9 Warriors and 2 Primes is s significant amount of an army, all things considered. It probably took me longer to do my 11 Macragge Tactical Marines!

So, pushing on. I know this is a lot of posts and may seem tedious but just feel lucky you're not the one compelled to record it all, as well as paint it! 😉

Tuesday 1 February 2022

'nids part 327 - Tyranid Primes - bone 2

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed into Tyranid Primes and painted 11 or 12 years ago. I'm probably going to set my OCD off now, chronologically I did the 2nd bone highlights on the Primes, after the Warriors [next blogpost] but for some reason I want to post these first.

As you can see they are very pale, compared to what their original paint scheme was. You might just be able to see a subtle retention of that on the legs. I didn't go over the top with the second shading of strong tone, so they have more of a sepia tint lower down.

However, I probably do go over the top with the 2nd bone highlights, there's perhaps more of that shading and 1st highlight I could retain but I may get carried away. 

I don't know if they appear overly pale because the turquoise hasn't gone on. It presents as such a huge contrast with the dark blue. I'm comparing them to my most recent Warrior from last year and they appear no more pale, but the chitin does make him balanced a bit more.

Anyway, I was lucky these two highlights, alongside a Warrior were completed in one painting session, That was a slight speed increase on the first highlights - less thinking as I'd already laid down the areas perhaps. Maybe if I'd done less highlights second time around I could have boxed them off even quicker? I'm pleased with what I've done, but yet again I query how much I'm obscuring with my final highlight being too much. It doesn't matter really, they're going to be a marked improvement from their original scheme.

Friday 28 January 2022

'nids part 326 - Tyranid Primes - bone 1

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed into Tyranids and painted 11 or 12 years ago now. I saw someone making fun of these sculpts the other day, comparing them to the new[er] models. Sure the current warriors are streamlined and have a consistent theme with the rest of the Tyranid range but these are really tall and menacing. They tower over the current models, which is why I thought they were so apt for Primes [when there was none].

Additionally, that rib cage tho! I can't think of any current model that utilises that hollow, layered effect. I think we've lost that ingenuity and creativity because you can cast in more detail now. That kind of layering of pieces seems to have been forgotten about, which is a shame. 

OK, their waistline and neck is a little anaemic, thanks to their insect-like head/thorax/abdomen design. But the head crest helps them look part of the current line up at least.

They're a devil to paint though, as I tried to individually pick out all the texture on the legs. Again, that texture has been lost on the current range. In some respects the smoothness looks cool, but quite often you will see artwork, where that non-chitin, non-fleshy area has lots of texture.

Just look at the work of Helge C. Balzer and his renditions of Tyranids. Now that is the level of alien horror we should be seeing. Fibres, threads, textures, slime and all sorts of bio-material emanating from these creatures.

I appreciate that might be challenging to injection mould, but we've evidently had texture in the past. Of course the design language for Tyranids is pretty set now, so we're unlikely to get more detail. Thankfully it's easy enough to simulate the effect of texture with paint, which I'll be doing with the next set of highlights. It took me 5 sessions to get these and the 9 Warriors done, fingers crossed bone 2 highlights aren't so time-consuming. I don't know why but I'm really looking forward to the turquoise...

Friday 21 January 2022

'nids part 323 - Tyranid Primes - washes

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, which I kitbashed and painted 11 or 12 years ago now. Having upscaled and repainted their bases to 50mm it was time to wash the model now that all the basecoats are in place.

I often delude myself into thinking this is the halfway point. In reality it's no more than a third of the way through. With the 2 lots of highlights on the Chitin, bone ares, red fleshy bits, black talons/claws and any special FX there's so much still left to do. 

And these elements require far more finesse, painting skill and patience than those parts painted so far it can become quite a shock to realise this isn't the 'hump day' on the project. Add to that there are 9 Warriors also being painted/updated at the same time and there is significant work yet to do.

I'd washed everything with my dubious Vallejo Sepia wash, that does leave powdery deposits like Seraphim Sepia Shade, but a second coat of Army Painter Strong Tone on the Chitin always fixes it and gives this polished finish ripe for the first turquoise highlights. I've also tried a different approach to the Lash Whip - using Bloodletter glaze over VGC Pale Flesh.

It's a new way for my to tackle pinks in my army, not necessarily a good thing but I wanted to explore a new technique. I think as there are 3 Lash Whips among the Prime and Warriors, there are sufficient number to support this new take on pinks. If I confine it to this weapon alone it might not look out of place. Anyway, just had to check my previous WiPs - it's bone highlights next.

Thursday 6 January 2022

'nids part 321 - Tyranid Primes - Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been contemplating my original Tyranid Warrior to Tyranid Prime conversions. The twin Bonesword Prime first featured in this blog in 'nids part 2 just over 11 years ago. On the plus side I look at that post and I can see how both my writing and painting has improved.

I thin built a second Prime in September 2011, there were some WiPs too, you can access them here, or through the tutorials tab. I kitbashed the Lash-whip from a Devourer, florist wire and a Mawloc claw. Alongside the original 3 Warriors they're all starting to show their age a bit. Not just how the Turquoise feathering on the chitin was executed but the colours themselves.

The Decoart Turquoise I use now is much more vibrant than the pale mix I created and I no longer do the 'liver' colour for the muzzle and fleshy bits - it starts off Khorne Red. On top of that the bone colour goes much paler. Some of these element won't need too much updating, perhaps, but I'm also adding 50mm bases to the Primes. It'll add another 3mm to their height, making them even more imposing so they stand out against normal Warriors. Also, the Tyrant Guard weaponry might look cooler than my weedy kitbash.

I decided to keep my twin Bonesword old skool, even though I'm no fan of his 'Rending Paws'. I glued the bases down and used tile adhesive/grout to blend the bases together.

And for this I get a Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

I primed the bases with my truly awful Simoniz Red Oxide Primer. Loads of shaking and it still won't mix properly. I managed it in the end though, using a toilet roll tube to mask off the model itself and just spray the base. Then I went on with my standard Red Planet Base process. I've also added Bahama Blue to the chitin and Khorne Red in all the fleshy bits. Sepia Washes next.

Here's my Great Big Big Build Base BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

1500pt battle report - nids vs Eldar

Been a while since I've played against PeteB and his Eldar so we had a little 1000pt battle on a 4'x4'. He'd painted and flocked both MDF boards but the further one was warped so he ended up turning it upside down. Having planned to go MDF in the future and my mate Ben looking me in the eye and honestly asking me 'will it warp?' I think I'm having second thoughts about my answer. Still at 10% of the cost of a Realm of Battle board its still an attractive option, anyway, moving on

Psychic Powers
Tervigon CC HQTervigon Plain Troop 
EnfeebleLife Leech
Warp SpeedSmite

The low down:
  • Emperor's Will
  • Dawn of War
  • Pete won deployment, and went first
  • Warlord Trait - +1 VP for each Character my Warlord kills in combat.
I had a stripped down list, no Doom, a Spore Pod with Devgaunts, 2 Tervigons, 2 Hive Guard, 2 Biovore and a Trygon for a change. PeteB had a Couple of Vypers, 3 Jetbikes, 5 Wraith Guard, and Avatar, a Wraith Lord, bunch of Guardians and their Weapons platform and some Warp Spiders and an Exarch.

PeteB got to go first, my objective is in the ruin and PeteB's is inbetween the three outpost platforms at the back.

The Vypers headed forwards.

My Hive Guard were stupidly positioned in sight of the Vypers

and despite the cover were gunned down turn 1 - First Blood to PeteB!

Whilst the Trygon was also exposed

And paid the price with 3 wounds, it's amazing how lethal shuriken weapons and other Eldar weaponry can be. I was suddenly fearful like their Dark siblings make me and I hadn't even faced the Wraith Guards weaponry yet and that made me even more scared!

My turn and I spawned out on 10 for the plain Tervigon, typical as that's the side I had my objective, while the CC Tervigon spawned 8. My gaunts and assorted shooters felled two Wraith Guard before 9 of their number made it into combat after overwatch. 8 got to assault and I killed another for one loss. They remained locked in combat!

The Avatar was tar-pitted also and he'd taken a couple of wounds, which would have been better if the gaunts had just been in range by 1 more inch and benefitted from my Tervigon's Toxin Sacs - see that's why I don't take them if they can't keep that 6" range what's the point? 5 of their number remained at the end of my combat.

Bzzzp, the Warp Spiders appeared, nearly off the board, despite the deviation they wiped the Biovores out of existence with some carefully placed shots. You can just make out the Trygon behind the tower, his move through cover was like 2-3" and his run move equally pathetic and fleet got me the same pitiful inch or two. Fat and lazy - as always playing against PeteB.

Even with Warp Speed the Tervigon was getting very far fast. It took 3 wounds from the Guardian who I'd hoped to barrage with the Biovores next turn given their optimum bunching but that plan was obviously scuppered byt the Warp Spiders.

The Wraith Guard managed to kill off some of the Termagants who were then out of Synapse, failed morale and were over run. Jet bikes moved up to be a pain in the behind.

My turn 2 and things were dire, however th vanilla Tervigon managed Life Leech on a Vyper and got a 6 to pen and a 6 on the damage chart blowing it up. We debated whether that was possible on a vehicle but it doesn't stipulate it's not, its a weapon profile afterall but common sense would suggest no wounds could be replaced from such an attack as vehicles don't have wounds, not that it mattered my Tervigon was untouched at this point. Sadly the Stinger Salvo couldn't remove the other Vyper.

Some more gaunts were spawned into the melee with the Avatar, he took another wound thanks to being in range of Toxin on the Tervigon

But in the following turn it was shredded by monafilament, Wratihlord weapons and shurikens!

The Wraith constructs advanced up the centre of the boardkilling the Trygon and then with no synapse to bolster the gaunts theyr were slaughtered and over run by the Avatar

In my turn I'm still trying to work out if I can win, I still have the Spore Pod to come but it fails to arrive so I try and take out the Vyper, but think I fail.

Warp Spiders put the hurt on the Tervigon.

And the remaining Eldar take 4 wounds off, good rolling there.

The pod arrives, finally, in the only place I can make a difference. If I can shoot the guardians and they flee I can capture the objective, hopefully hold off the Avatar somehow and also get Line Breaker.

However the weapons platform is the nearest model and manages to soak up all my heavy hitting firepower from the Spore Pod and there are still 5 'fearless' Guardians left in control of the objective.

Only 1 Wrait Guard remains, having killed the other with Life Leech gaining a wound back on the Tervigon. I think I must have killed the last one with a Stinger Salvo, given it's lack of presence when the Warp Spiders repositioned alongside the Jet Bikes. I seemed to think I could contain this situation, how wrong I was.

The Avatar steps in to meet the Devgaunts who lose 5 to Shuriken fire.

The Spore Pod is mushed by the Avatar's ranged attack.

And the Tervigon is killed allowing the bikes to happily secure the objective.

The Avatar is down to one wound, so close and then everything opens up wiping out the Devgaunts. The only thing left on the table is a missed spore mine which was removed also - tabled.

This was utterly brutal, everything I had was in the wrong place or the dice roll had put them in the wrong place. I have to say without Endurance or Iron Arm everything is so fragile, I think I'd been blessed previously with an abundance of those powers, making me more durable  - without them and especially against weaponry that cuts through my armour save then you're resorting to moving from cover to cover and that slowed everything down. Even when most of the Eldar were on foot they seem to move, shoot and move so they end up being far more mobile than the so-called quick Tyranids. 

It was a bit of a wake up call, I really thought 3MCs would be tough for PeteB but clearly not. Going to have to think tougher next time, not that I'd choose wildly different for a 1000pt battle. Still, he joust got a mint copy of Epic Space Marine for a bargain so we may have a different game to play next time :)