Looks like it was Hammer and Anvil I think Night Fighting was in as my shooting was at a massive disadvantage for cover saves.
Pete had his Forgefiend safely ensconced in a Watchtower while the other flank was anchored by the Soul Grinder
I bunkered down in my Skyshield, as usual.
Pete has a Chaos Lord on a bike with an Axe of Ruin [?] he wants the biker to die so it can release a Greater Daemon of Khorne. Well I wasn't falling for that. Given the Tyrrannofex and Carnifex opposite I did not assault after whittling him and his Juggernaut buddies down. I hoped overwatch would remove the last wound and then his Daemon would be stuck out in the open for me to fire and shoot at in my own turn.
He did split his unit [thanks to the Lord being an Independent Character] in a very unexpected way though, which put me on the back foot again.
However, the biker did not survive.
And was promptly replaced by a bigger baddie. Somehow he survived the resultant fusilade. He even survived the assault, wiping out the Carnifex, the Malanthrope and I think the Tyrranofex as well. He subsequently killed my Tervigon on the Skyshield, wreaking havoc across my entire deployment zone...
except for the fact the remaining Termagants, ravaged by the death of their brood mother killed it with two wounding Fleshborer shots!
I'd just like to share that point again because I know Pete was going to tell his son about it the next day.
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