Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Christmas resin - moar your base are belong to us

I'm starting to regret that double post on the Genestealers now as my content starts to dry up, still that won't stop me throwing all these Carnifex base updates at you in one bumper crop!

I have to say these initial pics of the green digestion slime look really cool and in some respects may look better than the finished article

But you be the judge... sure there's more detail and it matches my other slime green but...

anyway it doesn't matter now it's all too late.

because I attached the rim of takeaway mango chutney tub to the edge of my base with PVA.

I then proceeded to fill it with Vernidas varnish

Here you can see how much was put in. I'd expect this to shrink by about 80% so I am going to use successive coats to build it up. Drying it on the radiator is speeding up the process a little bit.

Fingers crossed when I come to remove the form that PVA can come off cleanly too. I did a little test with the Vernidas on the plastic and it didn't stick too much so that should separate. However, that red stone on the right has highlighted another concern. I've noticed over time that previous Vernidas pits have perhaps yellowed a little bit. As you can see the surface tension of the varnish has pulled it up over the rock and already I've discovered a jaundiced tint to it.

I can live with that as although I think the crystal clear pool looks fantastic it's not particularly realistic given the stuff the nids [including themselves] will throw into a digestion pit.

I may regret not using a proper two part epoxy varnish/resin which would have done exactly what I wanted for less fuss. Anyway, this will continue to be topped up daily and eventually I'll be happy with the amount of fluid and then crack the rim. Meanwhile I've been working on Deathleaper's scenic base and actually have the first set of highlights done on 3 Deathwing Terminators!


  1. They look fab Dave I love the idea.

    1. Thannks Frank, I am modestly proud of repurposing the lava base as a slime base. I'll send Dark Arts a link when I'm done.

  2. Looking forward to you popping them out of the lid. Looking great so far.

    1. I'm both looking forward and dreading it too. It could all go horribly wrong and so far the finished varnish is a tadd flexible so it won't dry hard like resin :(

  3. Looks really good Dave, Great idea with the chutney tub lid, looking forward to seeing the end product:)

    1. Just lucky really, I had no idea how I was going to create a form for it, especially as one of the resin stone elements extends beyond the rim of the base. Luckily that tub was just the right size and by tilting it a little it clipped underneath the protruding buit with only a small gap all the way round to be sealed with PVA. Luckily no leakes happened but still dubious as to how it's going to come off and what bits of glue, paint, of varnish will come off with it!

  4. Agree, looks great Dave. Your vibrant colors also pop. It'll be a lovely base...apprehension extreme till you pop it out though!

    1. Thanks Greg, every time I look at it I want to pop it off but then I'll not be able to top it up anymore and there's no rush as the Carnifex for the base hasn't even begun. I've been good and focussed on my Deathwing, even if progress is slow going. Once they're out the way I can look at a Tyranid, either Malanthrope, Carnifex or Deathleaper.

    2. I'd have to hide it from myself. I'd want to pop it up everyday. I don't know how I'm going to do this chipping medium stuff with the orks...I'm just going to want to chip it immediately, instead of painting the upper area...

  5. I like the extra detail with the lighter highlights more than the initial photos, if that makes you feel any better ;-) I love the use of wet effects on bases; I can't wait to see how this turns out.

    1. Thanks Marc, it does help when someone suggests the current version is better, it eases my doubts at least. Still a few more coats to do yet. It shrinks so much and I need to give it time to harden a little bit. I probably should have invested in some real water effects of some kind.
