Friday 11 September 2020

Blood Bowl - Nurgle Team Bloater - TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Nurgle Blood Bowl Bloater and only goner and finished the guy!

Here's my team so far, minus their coins and counters.

Once again Camera360 is smoothing everything, I mean  just compare these to my Ripper pictures in June.

 I don't mind the smoothed effect but I don't want it at the expense  of showcasing what I've actually painted.

I love the tar string I've got stretching from his heel.

Anyway, I was so frustrated with those pics I fished out my old digital camera. I started playing around trying to get decent colours.

I think these might be the best pics I managed, the auto-focus is a real pain though.

I tried this fella again and although most of it is sharp I still can't get that eye in focus.

And I continued with the rest of the team. Still can't get that green guy...

And the last two.

Full disclosure - I finished the bloater before the 28th, so technically he's last season, but I'm going to go with this season's Great Big Granite Minor Stamp of Approval because I can.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

'nids part 284 - Scratchbuilt Tyranid Capillary Tower repairs

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity back before I was using twitter I'd have called this micro-blogging. To be honest it's not even worthy of the 'nids part 284' title. What happened was I was searching for my 2 missing Ripper bases - found them - YAY! In the process I recalled one of my scratchbuilt capillary towers had a damaged base so went to glue the piece of DAS air drying clay back on. While rummaging through the 6 towers I spotted this one which has a crack across on of the chitin plates.

It goes all the way across and although I didn't test my theory too rigorously a small amount of pressure did appear to show it would widen the crack.

So, I ran superglue across the length of the crack and hopefully it will 'capillary action' [pun intended] into the crack and bond it back together. 

I added a quick coat of matt varnish blend it in and also tried to cover up any paint chips on this and the other towers. It was always the risk of choosing the clay over Milliput but it's been OK for 6 years and should be good for now. It's not like I need it for anything at the moment and even if I was gaming I don't think the Skyshield Landing Pad would be high on my list of choices... Anyway fixed.

Monday 7 September 2020

Blood Bowl - Nurgle Team Bloater

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Nurgle Blood Bowl Bloater. Now that I've finished all my 2019/20 TO DONE! pics - new content! So this is the only thing to really progress whilst I've had no mojo. I'd been holding out on the Land Raider as my primary project but couldn't pick up a paintbrush to progress. However, I did muddle on with this a bit and again my pics are all over the place.

These are from the OnePlus camera app. I had got a whole different effect on the green compared to my last green player [which didn't work out great]. I was much happier with it and then added all the Khorne Red in the recesses, which looks even better, I just regret not documenting the previous step.

But my pictures were so poor and I still can't get it right that I couldn't bring myself to make the effort to photograph them 😔

 Once again Camera360 does much more interesting colours, a bit too vibrant but closer to the actual model. However, smoothed all over the place!

And this is the screenshot, for a bit more sharpness and you can see the finer details.

He's practically complete, just some highlights on the pants. The back plank and the base. With him TO DONE! I will try to focus on the Land Raider and finally break its back. Then I might build some of those bikes and see what's next on my palette.

Friday 4 September 2020

'nids part 283 - Genestealer cult - Familiars TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Genestealer Familiar. Not a great deal to say on these.

They're so little it's amazing they too so long. I got stuck on the debris on the bases though.

There's a subtle torso swap to get slightly different poses. I probably should have cut and reposed that arm in the air to get more variety.

Really straightforward to do.

And they look almost identical to the first two I painted. I think the variety in pose looks clearer in this order...

I also did their carapaces teal/turquoise. My Genestealers are all mixed up when it comes to colouration and it helps to differentiate units etc.

2019/20 Great Big Galactic Stamp of Approval for being a good boy! Better late than never.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Imperial Knights - House Corvus extra weapons TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Imperial Knight weapons and finished them.

Twin Icarus Auto-cannon, the yellow rails were a last minute decision, it had been weathered bronze up to completion. Then I thought it's match the grab rails on the top of my House Corvus Knights and the carapace missile launcher.

Shadows too dark in this sadly. This is the black twin Icarus Auto-cannon, from Euronymous, although it could probably go on a House Corvus Knight too. Doubtful though, I think this is the least useful carapace option but I may take just one in a list for the anti-air.

Missile launcher and Battle Cannon for my crusader. Again the Battle Cannon looks far too good in these pics, a bit too dark in places but gorgeous. I kept on looking for the gatling cannon to go with it and forgot the front plate is all black, only the top of the cannon is chevroned! I'd been overlooking it repeatedly!

I've got 4 of these now and it's my least used weapon!

Invariably I use the Thermal Cannon as it's cheaper on points but they do look pretty cool together.

Anyway, I going to use the Great Big Minor Project Galactic Stamp of Approval. I don't know why this is a minor and the servohauler was full-blown, particularly as this was such a hard nut to crack, maybe I deserve 5 of these?

Monday 31 August 2020

Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Servohaulers - The little one TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer the littlest Galvanic Servohauler. Once again my blogging has been caught out with the end of the season. I've a number of 2019/20 Season TO DONE! posts that will be in the new season, but you know all this as you've seen what I achieved

OK, the little servohauler that could. I think perhaps I should have put a small warning decal on the red tank on the arm perhaps.

To be honest you've pretty much seen all these pics already. The last update was almost complete.

It was really just the lenses and screens on the control panel which needed doing and varnishing.

And you can just about make them out here.

And then once again Camera360 makes it look like a digital painting smoothing out all the colours. Don't get me wrong, I;d love for it to actually look like this, but genuinely those lenses are not as good as they look in this pic. I mean that centre one looks almost perfect!

Great Big Galactic Stamp of Approval for being a good boy! Which is odd because 3 Blood Bowl players got a minor and this gets a 'full fat' one. This is why I don't like to measure or score them as I can't find a consistency. Dsespite this as 1 of 3 servo-haulers I started it alone and so it seems like one project. The Nurgle team, although sharing the same criteria just feels like numerous minor TO DONES! whatever, I'm bonkers.