Tuesday 7 January 2014

Wrap up warm, 'cos it's frighteningly cold outside!

For my North American friends [that's about 50% of the folk who come to the blog] watch out for that cold weather, keep it tight and stay toasty, there's worse things out in that blizzard than just snow.

Monday 6 January 2014

To Done - Adeptus Titanicus Epic Reaver Titan

Officially this fella isn't on my 2013/14 'To Do List' but it's been an extra thing to do to keep my mojo up by not OD'ing on just 'nids and other stuff. In truth I wimped out as I should have put some chevrons on it. I think some nice black and white ones on the carapace would have made it that bit better but I think then it would have strayed into an existing Titan Legion.

As it stands it seems a bit 'Word Bearer-ish' I know they're not a Titan Legion but I'm pleased I was able to make a new red scheme that wasn't as bright as the ones on my Chaos Cultists and I think I learned from some of my mistakes on the OSL glows. Tristan M's advice about less is more worked out a bit better, especially on the eyes.

And the white hot green glowing plasma reactor is also quite neat. The litany on the Titan breaks up the flat colours and I'm really surprised how effective that can be. I've always wanted to do battle damage but haven't been brave enough to do it. Pseudo etchings and paint work seems to be something similar but also I have a lot more control over so it may well become my 'cheat' instead.

With this colour scheme I may well try and add some darker red guys into the genestealer-cultists just to add a bit more variety.

Whilst doing all this I had a seed of fluff begin to grow in my head. This will be Ferron Proxima's own Titan Legion. They will not be a Traitor Legion but in fact during the Horus Heresy did go rogue. This will be due to some devious behaviour on behalf of the Alpha Legion that fed them lies about what was going on. This will explain any Epic battles that PeteB and I have with him using it against my War Griffons.

Once the Heresy was resolved much like the Dark Angels seeking to absolve their failings the Ferron Legion will go about trying to redeem themselves, under the watchful eye of the Inquisition. I'll write some more decent fluff  when I get the chance.

Here's my big blue tick anyway, for getting it done.

Saturday 4 January 2014

To Done - Dark Angel Tactical Squad

My first post on these was September 11th 2011, but as I don't recall if I'd already posted about them I may well have been working on them for months prior. Suffice to say after about 2.5 years I'm more than a little relieved to finally painting my first ever Dark Angel Tactical Squad.

I've finished them up with freehand Dark Angel symbols, pencilled in first and then painted Vallejo Stonewall Grey followed by some highlights in white.

The green is something I'm happy with, not overly highlighted, still dark in places and still obviously green in places. Thankfully these pics aren't too saturated but I think they give a decent enough representation of their true colours.

The symbols aren't spectacular but they're not bad, certainly they weren't as difficult as I expected and there isn't one that looks awful even if there are slight differentiations between the lengths of the wings on the swords. But I like that, it gives them some variety. You can also see some litanies written on to the armour. I've some awesome fluff yo go with this and why all their weapons are tarnished. When I get chance I'll tell you the tale of the 'Shards of Caliban'.

The Sergeant is perhaps my least favourite model. I wanted him dark skinned and I think it almost works but his eyes are a bit odd.

And the red Dark Angel symbol on his tabbard just sucks, the folds dont help recognising the symbols but I couldn't think of anything else so it'll have to do.

To help identify the two combat squads should I split them I put litanies on the left vent on five marines. I'd actually put quite a lot of 'text' already on the power armour and feel this may have been a bit too far but I did have fun making some strange 'illuminated' characters and typography as if each marine has decorated his armour with an oath or message from one of the many teachings important to the Dark Angels. It ties in that vibe of a knightly order - warrior priests, versed in the art of scripture as well as fighting. 

And Litanies on the right vent of the remaining five. The second from left has his litany in a spiral, to represent the Dark Angel obsession with such a shape. Don't know how they'll be perceived should I ever take them to Throne of Skulls. Not sure they'll stand out quite like my Tyranids do, even if they've been slaved over considerably more per model, we'll just have to see.

And here's there new home, a handy £2.49 craft box from Home Bargains.

All decked out with laminate floor cushioning foam, stuck in with double sided tape. Unfortunately it only takes 18 models, just short of two tactical squads :( Still, better than nothing.

Here's my big blue tick, for getting it done. Finally some Dark Angels in the bag a momentous occasion!

Thursday 2 January 2014

Dark Angel Tactical Squad update

It's been another 6 months since my last update but I've covered the why's and wherefors. Unfortunately these pics look worse than the model does in the flesh [or is that Ceramite?]. Usually the oversaturated colours make the models look very bright but in this instance it enhances the subtleties too much. However I'm sure when I do the final pics in daylight they'll look better.

Freehand DA symbol, it's but of a 'kipper' sword but I'm still quite pleased with my efforts. Penciled in forst then grey with some white highlights.

I really like the Verdigris now, glad I did it. When these are all complete I'll let you in on some fluff about it too.

Tuesday 31 December 2013

FREE - Battle Mission - Ephemeral Scuffle - Knowledge is Power


The other week at 1:30 in the morning as I struggled to get to sleep, following my epic confrontation with Ben and his Necrons, my mind was racing and in a brief epiphany I had an idea for a Battle Mission. Not only that, but I could give it away, like for FREE! Once again, who doesn't like free stuff? I do and it's the season for giving afterall. So to see out 2013 [good riddance!] and hopefully usher in a new more benevolent and fun 2014 I thought I'd make it a reality.

For all I know this mission may already exist, it's probably not the most original idea, but then again, what is? Anyway, in my typical fashion of coming up with a suitably flippant 'Aldi' naming convention for the flipside of an Eternal War mission [GW like their wordplay too] I came up with these alternative titles [and you can tell which one I chose but let me know if you prefer another]

  • Ephemeral Tussle
  • Ephemeral Tiff
  • Ephemeral Scrap
  • Ephemeral Ruckus
  • Ephemeral Struggle
  • Ephemeral Skirmish
  • Ephemeral Scuffle
  • Ephemeral Conflict

To download the first Ephemeral Scuffle mission data-blurt, point your Cogitator here:

Let me know what you think, if I'm visited by the voices again maybe they'll come up with another FREE mission?

Monday 30 December 2013

To Done! - Tyranid Aegis Defence Line

Don't worry, you haven't gone mad I know I've had a Tyranid Aegis Defence line for quite a while, well this is the completion of the 'spare' and it's on my '2013/14 To Do List'. All that was waiting was some Tendril Vines and the sand base. For some reason stripping string and twine apart and then soaking it in PVA before I individually position them to look like trailing alien vine growth didn't appeal to me, so I'd put this off for long time.

But I'd done the Capillary Towers vines and thought I might as well add to the two hours doing them and continue on with half an hour of pimping the walls. Additionally I added sand to the bases. In the new year I may ask my mate Liam at Blue Warp Studios to take me through the finer points of making a mould and casting these up. Escalation allows for multiple defence lines so this is a perfect opportunity to build more.

Here's my big blue tick for getting it done.

Saturday 28 December 2013

'nids part 117 - PROJECT Y Scratchbuilt Tyranid Skyshield Landing Pad pt1.

What? You really didn't think I was making the Capillary Towers as just terrain pieces did you? What's really surprised me is no one asked about the slots that have been cut into the towers from day one. I was sure if I'd released the towers templates folk would figure out what was going on and I thought even holding out would be conspicuous by it's absence.

Originally I planned to not cut slots, but embed magnets and have an additional central column that would support it underneath. But the slots would solve the problem completely even if they looked a little odd when used just as terrain, I may make some wedges for those instances. There was also going to be a swappable sphincter in the centre - open and closed to represent the landing pad sending bio-matter back into space and in doing so offering the Invulnerable Save. I thought better of that as swapping out the sphincter with models on it would be a pain in the a$$

As you can see it's quite tall but a handy height for Trygons. I will look at adding removable walls. I'm planning to make a frame and then stretch molten transparent plastic cutlery between the frame so you can see through it. I'll add magnets in the base and walls so they easily attach and stay in place.

The landing pad is a bit of a blank canvas though, I know what I want to do, just can't bring myself to do it. Still I only foresee a couple of nights work on the pad but you see how these projects just keeping getting bigger.

And in case you were wondering how it stacks up against the standard Imperial Skyshield you will note there is significantly less surface area. I may be stretching the capacity of the Imperial one, two bases do fall outside the edges but it's wall flip down. The Tyranid version will have ones that are added to the pad, which will in turn contract the available surface area. Granted I also have some impressive LoS blocking terrain in the Capillary Towers but four out of six are no bigger than the walls on the Imperial version.

Additionally my walls will hopefully be semi transparent which is a big point because on the Imperial version with them raised attacking models would struggle to see the defenders. If you cannot see them you cannot assault them. I will probably be surrendering a large advantage to make them look cool, we'll see if I can pull it off.

You can see the slots now can't you!
One other point, what if I create a smaller platform? Something that would be happy supported just by three towers, then I have two mini platforms... I'm a freakin' genius! Unless of course yesterday's rumour that we won't have access to Fortifications prove true, in which case I've wasted a whole lot of time making stuff I can't use, in which case I'm a freakin' idiot...

Tyranid Capillary Towers part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. |
part 10. | part 11. | 

Tyranid Skyshield Landing Pad part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. |