Wednesday 10 July 2013

'nids part 91 - Tyranid Bastion growth pt12.

The Bastion is now weaponised! All the Deathspitters are now in place.

With some left over Milliput I sculpted some fleshy muscular bits that will allow the weapon to move in it's fire arc [not for real, just pretend]. I also added some Toxin Sacs, not so much for them to be toxic mind I just wanted to add some other bits and so I can put in some different colours. If anything it may be the brain sacs that fire the weapon...?

I wanted to add an Adrenal Gland to the top of the door, it opens the sphincter obviously, its not there for any other reason )

Another emplaced weapon.

Some more fleshy musculature perhaps.

And the top view showing it's compass points as a normal Bastion would have as a fire arc, just offset.

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | 

Monday 8 July 2013

Necron tactica and showcase from my mate Ben pt1

My mate Ben decided he wanted to share his efforts on the blog and as you can see felt like the Bridesmaid in our little gang. At Throne of Skulls he was the most successful gamer out of all four of us but did not come home with any certificates which was a shame. I think his army is extremely well painted [despite his claims otherwise] and I'm not sure I could have done quite as good a job on them. He's incredibly consistent with his painting and has added nice little touches throughout. So when he says "I will openly admit I don’t possess the painting or conversion skills of my 3 talented friends" don't believe him. As a group we like to play with painted minis and I always enjoy setting up against Ben and his army, even if they're going to smear me into Xenos paste by the end of it. Be sure to comment at the end to let him know what you think.

Throne of skulls march 2013 - Necron list that won 5 out of 5 games.

Feeling a bit left out as my mates Otty and Liam both having contributed to Dave's 40k blog site, I thought it may be of interest to everyone, especially Necron players, the list and army I took to Throne of Skulls March 2013. I will openly admit I don’t possess the painting or conversion skills of my 3 talented friends and see myself as a player more than a modeller. I sadly spend days reading/ studying rules and codex’s trying to come up with competitive (some may say beardy!) lists. The list I took to Throne of skulls is below.
I thought I’d give a brief outline of why I took what I took and I apologise now if it seems I’m trying to teach people to suck eggs that isn’t my intention.

Imotekh Stormlord
I took Imotekh who’s Lord of Storm rule is, well, just too good to be honest. In most of the games I played he was able to destroy something first turn thanks to lightening which often gave me first blood. The night fighting rule also helps Necrons as their guns have mostly short range(24inch) it makes your opponent move nearer as the max range during night fighting is 36inch. Imotekh’s hyperlogical strategy is also a good rule giving you a great chance of steeling the initiative. I’ve often thought it might be best to let your opponent deploy first and have the advantage of second set up and then try and steel the initiative.
3 Crypteks

I took 3 Crypteks one with a Chronometron I placed him with the Stormlord mainly so he could re-roll the dice to keep night fighting in play throughout the games. The shrouded and stealth rules also often give the annihilation barges a better jink save.


I took another Cryptek with a voltaic staff and put him with Necron warriors, I felt the haywire ability of his staff fitted well with the warriors gauss blaster ability. They all have a good chance of wrecking even the most heavily armoured vehicles with multiple glancing hits.


The final Cryptek I put with 10 immortals he has the Abyssal staff template weapon and veil of darkness. I start this unit at the back of board behind the aegis and use it to deep strike near the end of the game to either try for an objective or gain linebreaker or both.

Saturday 6 July 2013

'nids part 90 - Tyranid Bastion growth pt11.

It's two days update for the price of one, or else you'll never get this thing done. So first of all it's another load of flesh strands on the towers, with Chitin plates 3 and 4 on the larger and inner towers respectively. 

I'm also going through latex gloves at a healthy rate too. Can't stand Milliput on my hands :(

And the morning after the night before I begin again, applying the final Chitin plates to the inner towers. I suppose they do look a bit skew-whiff but nobody ever accused Tyranids of being great builders - they have no thumbs, they can't use Quad Guns give 'em a break!

The 4th larger Chitin plates are in place and I'm also really glad I went with the Spinefists, they add some extra 'official' nid texture to the whole thing however together with all the clay on the walls I'm becoming dubious I can fit 10 Termagants on the roof now :(

And the other side of the Bastion, slightly more 'plumb' for the inner tower on this side. 

How we getting along folks, are you enjoying the ride? Let me know if you're liking it and if you're going to try this yourself.
Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | 

Friday 5 July 2013

A freebie - 45° fire arc template

Sometimes you just have to throwout the schedule and add in a post just because if you tried to fit it in the schedule it'd be months down the line before I could give out some more freebies

You may be aware I'm making a Tyranid Bastion, apparently only the cool kids are doing it but don't hold it against me. One of the key elements of the Bastion is the emplaced weapons and their 45° fire arc. GW doesn't povide a 45° fire arc template and aside from emplaced weapons hull-mounted weapons on tanks also have a 45° fire arc. So I wanted to make a template so I knew what a 45° fire arc was and could use my 45° fire arc template to gauge if my tartget was within the 45° fire arc.

And this is the 45° fire arc template I made

And you can download the 45° fire arc template for free,

  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with this 45° fire arc
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.
Just in case I hadn't made it clear this is a free 45° fire arc template ;)

Thursday 4 July 2013

Dark Vengeance Vs Assault on Black Reach

Granted this may seem odd to be doing a comparison of the 5th Edition box versus the 6th Edition nearly 12 months after release but y'know how I am with delaying things and I still have the pictures of my unboxing so why not do something with them.

I actually bought a second set, they had it at my local independent game store for silly money so I sold off the bits on ebay and despite learning how much postage has gone up since my heady ebay trading days of a few years back I still made a profit of around £22.

I didn't manage to sell the blast templates, I suppose they always come in handy - they do get lost don't they and the Chapter Master which I may repurpose as an Azreal with a head-swap and a Watcher holding the supplied helm. I dislike the pose as it very nearly looks like a kendo stance - hasso-no-kamae but the bits that are wrong are the sort you constantly tell people to fix so I look at this 'master of martial prowess' and he looks like a beginner. Still, cheaper than buying the actual model.

Anyway the meat of this post is not really a true comparrison it's realy just comparing the marines because although there was a lot of deserved praise for the new DV miniatures I think there should be a lot love still for AoBR guys and they are still available on ebay. First up the Terminators and you can see quite clearly th eposes on the Deathwing are head and shoulders, dynamically, above their 5th Edition counterparts. Of course if your not a Dark Angel player you're going to have a hard time removing the wealth of iconography shown off on these 'blinged' Terminators, something the AoBR guys don't suffer from. The other problem is that because the DV Terminators are so dynamic they look awfully odd when you have two sets, how come they're all captured in motion doing exactly the same thing. Now the AoBR guys are more static but because their arms ar eseparate at least you can repose weapons in different positions. Kitbashing the DV guys is a nightmare as most of the elements fit perfectly and ar enot discrete components - an arm or weapon, quite often they are a torso and an arm. I've managed to remove a head with my Dremmel and replaced it with a hooded Ravenwing head but it's quite a feat. The AoBR really deserve a lot of love for adding extra bits on and taking into account a Deathwing squad box has bits for three alternative loads there's bound to be plenty of spares left over to add to them to bring them up to the modern era. The DV models are much better but I definitely think the AoBR hold a lot of potential nowadays.

The Tactical Squad has one of the best sculpts I'v eseen. I love the Sergeant, his face has so much character but aside from the Plasma dudes there's very little variety otherewise. You do have two Corvus dudes, but they didn't bother to stud their shoulders but more importantly every model has a near identical Bolter and if I recall they each fit a specific model. The only real difference is some small detail on the side. If you check the AoBR squad you will see there ar ebolters with scopes and straps and you can mix them up to the similarly psoed models so each ends up with a different silhouette. Add that the variety in helmet types and knee joints the AoBR guys really impress me because you end up with a varied unit. I was looking to mix up my DV guys with some extra Dark Angel Veteran upgrades and bayonets, it helps a bit but I still think it's a step backwards in some ways. 

So if you want cheap alternatives to the boxes it's maybe useful to look beyond just the DV bits available and look out for AoBR models too and if you were to mix and match both squads amongst each other you could have practically individual poses in each unit, worth a thought.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

'nids part 89 - Tyranid Bastion growth pt10.

Next update and I'll start with the obvious exciting new addition to the Bastion - the Spinefists. Let me state straight away they are only their for decoration. I really wanted some spikes jutting out of the towers to wrap the fleshy Milliput strands over and knew I had loads of Spinfists handy, who doesn't? They're nigh on useless in my book, I only ever put them on tunnelling Ripper Swarms but for 3 bases I could have nearly 5 Devgaunts that would be more deadly. Anyway, I cut them at an angle and superglued them to the towers. I then added more Milliput flesh strands and the second large Chitin plates.

Third set of inner small Chitin plates go on.

And Spinefist spikes go on the inner towers too. I then found a load of spare Carnifex spines and for a moment felt I'd wasted time and effort cutting these down but I think they're a better option. The tops will be black and the undersides will be bone white. I think this'll be a nice contrast to the predominantly red battlements on top.

I've got to add more flesh strands to ensure they stay in place too as they're not pinned but they do look cool.
Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | 

Sunday 30 June 2013

'nids part 88 - Tyranid Bastion growth pt9.

Next up is the dry fitting of my pseudo-heavy bolters. Simple addition of some flower arranging wire, drilled and glued into the donor Deathspitters [plain warrior version on the left, monstrous creature ones on the right, sadly I couldn't get all MC versions, never mind].

Pushed into the foamboard inside their fire slits. I will prepare a 45° fire arc template soon for this

As you can see it's not too bad, I can at least avoid the capillary towers although I'm not holding onto too much hope with my weapons here. A 45° fire arc with a 5+ chance to hit, not great odds but I think the fire ports will be the main benefit, not to mention the 3+ save on the battlements.

Here's where I switch to Milliput for the Chitin plates and I've added some stretched muscular flesh similar to the Forgeworld towers. Of course this meant I had to invest in another couple of packs of Milliput taking my costs up to about £10 spent specifically on this [not including the moonscape base which wasn't being used for anything else].

Second set of Chitin plates on the inner towers, perhaps you can make out how much crisper the detail is on the Milliput ones versus the DAS clay. I'm not 100% convinced I needed to make the swap, I'll continue on for durabilities sake but you could probably use DAS throughout.

The other larger towers first chitin plate.

That's another nights work, bring on tomorrow, although I may have to pause at some point because my Milliput order may take a few days to arrive, ooh the frustration!
Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8.