Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Hobby Spends 2019

Following on from previous year's spending record I've kept another log for 2019 [and will do so for 2020]. The final figure of £150.42 was roughly a 75% reduction than last years gross spend of £624! But again I tried to limit my spends as much as possible to Christmas money and vouchers, and my GT4 refund of £65 helped balance the books.

On top of that I still have a number of surplus items earmarked to sell on ebay to cover my hobby costs. And I managed to save up some of those Amazon vouchers again and won a couple of social media competitions for Element Games [Use this code: DAV910 for DOUBLE Element Crystals], so I thought I had £10 added to may account and a further £10 voucher but when I checked I seem to have accrued of £100 from their Element Crystals reward scheme!? At some point I may find a use for that.

So my net spend of £55 over 12 months is £120 less than last year! My figure purchases are down again [9 models, although 1 is a big a$$ building] and having queried the group about Zombies!!! and whether it was a legitimate hobby cost, or something for the family, I included it in my spends. Having done that I feel even better that 10% of my outgoings wasn't even 40k related and not solely for me [even though we've not played it yet!]. And another 10% was on the Humble Bundle Black Library Audio books. I've not listened to any of them either but it was too good of a deal to miss. One day I'll get it all sorted.

I've still got the Warhammer Conquest Calsius models to sell on ebay, maybe need some bits for conversions and paint [always paint] but not much else planned. With my limited gaming there is really no urge to add to my grey tide. To beat this year's spend will be tough but I feel like I've plenty to paint already, so paint consumables could be my biggest outgoing in 2020 and even if I do spend on gaming I've got £170+ of vouchers to cover it!

Anyway, I had a very frugal year, bring on 2020.


  1. That is a very frugal year indeed! Best of luck with the spending in the new year!

    1. Cheers Mike, obviously it's no favours for GW's profits but I think they're doing all right despite my stinginess! 😉

  2. Ouch, that total makes me blush, lol. I think I spent that each month! Doh! Although I did manage to paint 349painting points worth of stuff so I think I slightly painted more than I bought (only because the Warlord Titan offset my purchase of a Reaver)... May your 2020 be a frugal affair but full of hobby mojo and blog content! Happy New Year Blogger buddy!

    1. Well everything is relative so you spend within your budget 😉 I'm just trying to be a little more accountable and feel my backlog is reducing, not necessarily being added to while I get stuff done. I've a lot (for me) that's unpainted so I just want to see them done. I get a significant sense of achievement for tackling the grey tide and adding to it, although initially satisfying does add more pressure to what needs to be done. Identifying that getting stuff done is more rewarding than adding to it is another way to keep my momentum going.

      Your painting points have been good this year. All the very best for 2020 and I hope you surpass 2019's efforts! 👍

  3. I was fairly frugal as well... on 40K. Everything else... weeeell, let's not talk about it! I think I'll be buying some Idoneth Deepkin this year, I can feel it in my waters.

    1. I believe Cranberry Juice might alleviate those symptoms! 😂 I thought my son would like the idea of Deepkin, he's a massive Shark fan, but he just casually nods. I will have to face some painting with him though, as we tackle the Nurgle's Rotters he got me but I need to get the recipe right first. Hopefully I won't put him off forever. It'll be particularly challenging as since his treatment following instructions closely has been a bit hit and miss. I'm not known for my teaching skills, I lack patience and I struggle re-evaluating my approach if it doesn't work. We'll just have to see, that's why I got the Rotters as they don't have to be perfect.

    2. Well, teaching has taught me that the most effective lessons are those which students take responsibility for themselves, safe in the knowledge that they can make lots of awful mistakes along the way. That's hard when it comes to painting expensive models, but it sure is how I learned! Good luck to both of you with it, I hope goes well.

    3. Oscar has shown some interest in the hobby but I think only to really humour me. In truth I think he enjoys the collective pi$$ taking of the hobby at my expense more, but if it makes him happy I'll take it on the chin.

      I'd rather do something he enjoys that we can both get behind. We've had fun playing Mario Kart and Star Wars Battlefront and I'd happily play that all the time, but despite the enjoyment he doesn't invite me to play very often [he's happiest watching junk YouTube channels :( ]. Which is one of the reasons I have doubts about the painting, it's too laborious and too much commitment until you see the results. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong...
