Anyway, I didn't get a lot of pics but these are the highlights. I think I was lucky in that I did capture the top three etntries with this Wight King gaining the top spot.
Gandalf was 2nd I think but he was absolutely stunning. You can even see Sir Ian McKellen in his face.
Riding Shadowfax too, and Merry or Pippin [I forget which].
An Isharann Tidecaster and some kind of Troggoth
Watch Captain Artemis and Spirit of Durthu - this Sylvaneth army is growing month on month so I lookk forward to seeing more entries.
Some additional entires, including a Biophagus.
Moar dakka?!
One of their taster tables, I like the fact it has the standard Realm of battle board next to the Sector Imperialis gamboard. I quite fancy having a couple of those to sit next to my own board as a transition to a more urban area, even if it's a nightmare to play on!
I'll be taking regular pics throughout the months for this challenge, so enjoy.
Lovely stuff! I agree, that Gandalf model looks amazing. White is so hard to get right, and they look to have nailed it.