Monday 19 October 2020

'nids part 290 - Tyranid Termagants

Afternoon #warmongers and just prior to #DreadTober I had been #paintingwarhammer on some 5 Devgaunts. I'd totally given up on forcing myself to get the Land Raider done and just went back to what I knew - Tyranids.

Now this may have been a mistake, my #DreadTober pledge was the Tyrannofex and it might have been easy to get bored of painting my 'nid scheme having done these.

Luckily I did not 'focus' on these and was doing them alongside some other bits and it felt very easy to get from the washes and first teal highlight through to the second turquoise and first bone highlight.

I also managed to do all the black claws, hooves and talons. This was all a by-product of the Rippers. As there are only 5 of them it wasn't too hard to just paint them together. Obviously the bone is a little more substantial so that's why it's not quite complete but it won't take much for the 2nd coat.

I also highlighted all the Adrenal Glands, again these are only for unit markings. I went a little more extreme shading/highlights on the Devourers for when the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 goes on.

It won't make a difference to my previous painted Devgaunts but I did want these to be the blueprint for future gaunts, not that I have any intention of getting anymore.

Friday 16 October 2020

'nids part 289 - Tyrannofex #Dreadtober week1 pt2

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Tyranid Tyrannofex for #DreadTober week 1 and I'm cracking on with the bone. At this stage I wasn't paying too much attention to what I was doing each session but I think I recalled it all when I started on the chitin in the next update.

I was also beginning to regret a little bit that the model was glued together. Of course it's not glued to the base and that helps to get underneath but it's still a little awkward to paint.

But getting the pose right wouldn't have been possible if everything was painted and I was gluing it together at the end.

I'm not sure if having all the pieces separate is the best way, it was certainly easier last time when I did the Tervigon. 

I have got my Tervigon out for reference which is helping me make decisions.

The lines of bone to add texture is a lot better than my previous Tervigons, although the tail has some very ropey bits, luckily hidden from view [which explains why they were difficult to paint].

I got a bit giddy in some places with the bone, caught the blue areas which is a nightmare to fix. 

I think I just added some black wash in places to try and obscure the mistake and hope the turquoise obscure the fact it's not even blue.

Quite pleased with all the different colours. I'm running out of my bone 2nd highlight mix. I think it's be Citadel Pallid Witch Flesh now, previously I just mixed a pot but I'm even running out of white it's been so long since I bought paints.

Anyway, teal and turquoise next.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

'nids part 288 - Tyrannofex #Dreadtober week1 pt1

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Tyranid Tyrannofex for #DreadTober week 1 and I'm off to a pretty decent start. Granted I'd got the basecoats, base and washes all done beforehand but there is still a lot to do with my scheme so it's challenging nontheless.

First bone highlights on ribs and body. I really like this part. It can be messy and still look awesome. I can make decision about just how much shade and shaded bone is showing through.

All the thorax spikes will be black, the central ones and the side ones.

I added the extra adrenal glands on the legs just for variety. I doubt I'll ever use the biomorph but I love the idea of these symbiotes crawling all over the bigger beasties.

I highlighted the hive nodes too and all the wraithbone chips. I actually think there's a bit more pumpkin orange highlight to do on those rocks too.

Another head start [pun intended] was on the head. I'd managed to include this in my Carnifex heads and so it's pretty advanced at this stage.

There are some extreme turquoise highlights that need doing, the eyes, maybe some other bits but it's almost complete.

I've quickly noted down a progress diary that I'll include in a future post so you can see what is being achieved during a session. I forget how useful these can be as knowing how long a set of first highlights takes and the 2nd set isn't usually quicker means I can set goals for what gets done in subsequent sessions. Having those goals means you can better access the endorphin hit of success. It's also easier to pack in for the night when you hit those targets or add a stretch goal for greater high if you make better progress than you planned for.

Monday 12 October 2020

'nids part 287 - Rippers - TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Tyranid Rippers. These are my original Rippers, almost a decade old and I was just refreshing them alongside their more recent siblings.

Actually, lets just take a moment to let that sink in, almost a decade since I originally painted them!

Came out alright in the end

At least I can do these without any hitch or crisis of confidence.

That's always a relief I can fall back on something to get me back in the groove. 

As the Free Radical Collective would say "progress is progress".

Top view so you can get a better view of the carapace chitin.

And alongside one of the more recent Rippers. The only noticeable difference being the slightly less saturated bases. 

However, if I keep these three together as a brood that might not be so apparent on the table. Here we go with all ten bases of Rippers.

Great Big GRANITE Stamp of Approval!

Monday 5 October 2020

'nids part 286 - Carnifex heads

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer and while I have put the Land Raider on hiatus I thought I'd get these Carnifex heads ticked off. All the bone and chitin is done and I'm on to the flesh bits. 

Some red highlights next, the teeth, tusks and tongue any toxic bits and then the eyes.

It's a little project, although it's not going down as a minor project, can't be dealing with that nonsense on these. 😜

Friday 2 October 2020

'nids part 285 - Genestealer cult - Acolyte Iconward

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Genestealer Acolyte Iconward. Another hobby 'chaser' - something I tack onto other painting as and when I do it - paint some orange - do this banner, paint some red - do the robes.

He's slowly getting there, I'm not convinced about the red wrappings on the banner pole but it'll be easily fixed with some wash.

It's been a slow burn project over many many weeks, but I'm OK with that because I'm not really focusing on it all. I'm expecting at some point to just wake up and find I've completed him! But I did all the highlights on the grey and white and picked out some more details.

You can see it alongside one of my other acolytes and once again I've managed to retain some consistency despite many months, even years between two. In fact they make a pretty nifty pair, even though the Iconward isn't even complete yet.

Still plenty of little bits and details to pick up but no rush. I do find all that ribbing on the body armour surprisingly difficult to do. You can see that despite all the ridges I cannot seem to make my highlights stay solely on the peaks. Not matter what they always seem to bleed into the creases. I can live with it but it's a constant annoyance

Looking forward to doing the Free Radical Collective freehand too, it's been a while since I'd done it but it should be fun. Hopefully next update is TO DONE! whenever that may be 😉

Monday 28 September 2020


Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer and #DreadTober begins this week. If you want to join in hop on over to and leave your 'pledge'.

I'm committed to painting my Tyrannofex. I've obviously got a head start on this, because I know what my pace is and I need it. However, I am doing all 3 weapon options so that makes up for the advanced state of progress.

And should I get through this quicker than I thought I've plenty of other dread sized things to keep me occupied

In fact I picked up a couple more Sentinels for my Genestealer Cult. I'm not sure why but two for £14 was an absolute bargain and I love them. As a stretch goal I only plan to get them based and primed but again I'm fine with that.