Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer and as DreadTober came to an end my Tyrannofex appears to slipped into both #NidVember and #NomVember!
I made the hard slog to re-varnish where I could and fix any damage from the previous fiasco.
All three weapon options got painted to enjoy pics for all sets. But I think the Rupture Cannon is by far my favourite.
I'm glad I went with the lime green [thanks for the advice] it really stands out and draws the eye up.
Which I think if I'd gone a red glow would have left it a little more flat.
I love the Adrenal Glands, they work so well but you can definitely see that the red/yellow isn't quite as striking as the green.
A close-up of the Rupture Cannon.
And some 'desktop patterns'.
And closer...
And closer...!
Fleshborer Hives. OK, they are widely regarded as the least useful weapon.
My mate Otty loves them though. It was the 18" range and 30 shots at S5 that he loved. Doesn't the scorch bugs stratagem give them D2 as well?
Can't say I'm convinced but it's always handy to have them for Devourer's with Brainleech worms.
If I get my other Hive Tyrant or more Carnifex then they will come into their own.
And closer...
And closer...!
And the Acid Spray.
And closer...
And closer...!
Or left,
and right,
and right again!
Alongside the Tervigon I have with its extended Acid Spray so I can also use it as a Tfex. They make a nice pair, subtly different with the colouration of the red fleshy bits. Vermillion on the Tfex, Khorne Red/maroon on the Tervigon.
Can't wait to see all my big bugs on the table together. As I finish of some of these 'nids I plan to take a full army pic at some point. I think I missed the good light of the summer, maybe next year. In which case I need to finish my Void Shield Generator for it! White pics on Friday
And so I gets me my Great Big Granite Stamp of Approval - TO DONE!'