Wednesday 15 May 2019

What GW should do - Space Ghosts

Now the thing with a blog is quite often you have an idea for a post and then sit on it. I've 20 draft posts, a dozen of which are probably posts I should just finish/publish so I don't have their ugly 'draft' status staining my dashboard, so here's one I prepared earlier, much earlier!

In case you didn't know I've bought Citadel Miniatures and GW products since the late 80's. I also have a blog, it's quite cool you can view it here. Those two facts alone qualify me to make 'suggestions' to Games Workshop and their subsidiaries in how they can grow their company/improve their products. On many of the forums and social media platforms you see people theorise, or usually ask, what GW will do next or what new faction they'll create. A while back I was struck by a vision of one such faction. To be fair it's not a great idea and I'm sure when GW announce something wholly new we'll be super impressed, but I was compelled enough to put it down on [digital] paper and then couldn't be bothered to publish but now I've bit the [mass reactive] bullet and I give you - Space Ghosts!

Sometimes GW creates something that is pretty darn special, exceeds expectations and potentially creates even further things. Case in point the Lord of Plagues - this model is an absolute classic. I'd love to know where it stands on the most popular figure sold numbers. John Blanche himself must have hundreds!
Courtesy of Games Workshop
And this success eventually spawned some similar models to try and capitalise on it's awesomeness - we got the Putrid Blight Kings. Models that bore a passing resemblance, following the same aesthetic but growing your unholy filthy horde. Not forgetting Gutrot Spume and the Lord of Blights.

Also in Age of Sigmar they learned a lesson from this with Spirit Hosts - these were undoubtedly awesome and commonly used in 40k too.

They must have been successful because they eventually got their own faction - evolving into the stunning Night Haunt. And that even brought new technical paints to the table too!
Which begs the question - what the flip are you talking about Dave? Well, in a few months time we will have every Codex complete for 8th Edition 40k. The Sisters will be due in 2019, blessed be the faithful who waited for that Blue Moon but after that the Universe is their oyster. Age of Sigmar has shown true creativity in bringing new armies - Kharadron Overlords and Idoneth Deepkin for example into their worlds. So what of a new and different army for 40k? Well this is one of the questions that  gets bandied about all the time and I had a sudden idea to take the highly successful fantasy ghosts and why not make 'space ghosts'? But not so much ghosts as a purely energy based army, beings of non-corporeal power.

 You could extrapolate the Night Haunt into angular lightning beings, again the recent Malign Sorcery spells show just how cool and exciting that sort of abstract shape can be. And all those lightning bolt style extrusions would be snapped up loads to kitbash Psykers using their powers! I know as a concept it's kind of lazy - GW will no doubt eventually come up with something that is totally unique and awesome but I just thought Space Ghosts would be pretty cool. When I originally wrote this they hadn't even come up with the Skaven spells but lo-and-behold that sort of angular lightning effect was something they'd already begun to explore

What do you think could be next?

Monday 13 May 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - April - Squads

Following on from March's Battle of the Brush [or 'Tale of our Warlords', as it's also known], April's category is Squads. I entered Garrek's Reavers, and also Steelhearts Champions, so I could make up for my missing January entry. My goal is just to achieve the 12 entries over the course of the year and as you can see the standard is exceptional each month so the competitive aspect will be tough, hence why I'm just along for the ride. The top 3 are in order - Idoneth Deepkin justifiably taking this month's honours.

Tidy Necrons coming second, with their red glowy eyes and Scarabs.

Khorne Chaos warband was 3rd.

These Sylvaneth were awesome yet again. If I was doing Age of Sigmar I'd go Sylvaneth [having previously thought it'd be Flesh Eater Court].

Ad Mech

House Delaque

Space Hulk Genestealers



and more Squigs.

Very bright Wraithguard.

Some old skool cool Dwarves.

Witch Elves

Stormcast dudes in bronze.

And Hive Guard.

And on the way back I managed to get a nice snap of NOT the Lady of Winterfell!

Large miniatures for May, so I best crack on with my Sanctum Imperialis.

Friday 10 May 2019

Terrain is everything - TT Combat Gothic Ruins MDF kit - Red walls.

In amongst everything else I further procrastinated by getting the  TT Combat Gothic Ruins primed. I had sprayed it black with some cheap £1 store matt black. Then I mixed some black masonry paint with PVA, some of my finest sand and some powdered plaster/wall filler.

This gave me some texture to the flat walls. Red Oxide zenithal base coat was next and then stippling/drybrushing with Vermillion art acrylic.

Shading and verdigris areas to pick out next, hopefully less drama than the Sanctum as I'm far less precious about this.

Monday 6 May 2019

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Dark Shroud part 5

With both the Sanctum Imperialis and my Ravenwing Dark Shroud as priorities the Sanctum took preference when I balked at the Speeder, so when the Sacntum became troublesome I used the fact I had to patina the building to simultaneously do the same on the Speeder. Not that it'd likely weather in these areas [maybe the grav plate holds moisture in the up-wash...?].

But this was another example of 'misdirection', like how my Mum used to give us veggie-burgers with sausages just as a way to have more vegetables on our diet. If I'm going to push on with one troublesome task I may as well do the same on another project.

At the very least it's one less thing to do, to make it easier when I pick it up in earnest. Thankfully the thought of painting the black meant I was not easily distracted from the Sanctum.

I'll get back onto this when the Sanctum is complete but small steps. I think the controls and touch some of the metallics up will be next. I won't mention how I think the verdigris on the engines a little too much, the last hting I need is another crisis of confidence - just get stuff done and move on!

Friday 3 May 2019

Terrain is everything - Sanctum Imperialis - I'm getting there, stains n'all

I cannot believe how much this colour choice is challenging me. Luckily after a plaintive appeal on twitter [as well as feedback here] I had enough reassurance from these pictures to keep going.

I mean I still had reservations but folk liked them and ultimately the decision has been made what direction these were going in, that's inevitable now. It was just actually doing it, like magnets sharing the same poles opposing each other.

And instead of taking the big piece to this stage I actually took the medium piece to the next stage - adding shading and stains ot all the rivets and edges with the result I am much happier with where this is at now.

Although the turquoise is still very much in your face that shading on the right hand side is working so much better than the non-shaded left in the pic below.

These three sections, plus the front and the two sections from the small corner piece [more on that later] were shaded in one sitting, so now I have a measure of how long that will take.

I added staining to all the rivets the next night. I still need to do some addtional shading on it but I needed to pick out the red glass finials on the roof so the shading can be applied to those as well. I also felt the doorframe needed to be more akin to the older copper than the newer brass/bronze.

I also picked out the glass in the buttress lights but I've no idea how thats going to work - Tamiya Clear Red X-27 dries super quick and I'm not sure it'll play well with those small areas. I'll no doubt have to touch up afterwards...

The corner piece got grunged up, not much left to do on this apart from Bonewhite chips on the base and some of the debris inside.

I might have had to tidy up some turquoise smudges, but thinned Rhinox Hide covered the worst of it. I'll blend some red in so it makes it fully masked.

The big piece was also taken to the full verdigris with all the finial and lights picked out. Stains and shading next which is just laborious and will make everything work but because it;s a couple of nights work and I've been feeling a bit tired of an evening I've just not got back onto it for a couple of nights. Time for another push.

Returning to my Photoshop concept I wasn't too far off. A little lighter perhaps but I've already identified the shading will help tone it down and it'll better match this when it's done.

I was reminded the other day that this ruin was built coming up 12 months ago. That sound pretty bad but it's not like I haven't worked on other projects or had other prioritiesn not to mention I've had longer projects.

It will be nice to get it complete though, it just requires that push on all the shading, then pick out some interior details and all the lights/glass followed by varnishes. I keep thinking it's half a dozen session's work or so and at this stage it's just doing it...

Monday 29 April 2019

'nids part 265 - Biotitan Tyranid Hierophant pt.18 - TO DONE!

Back in August I completed my Tyranid Hierophant but only shared my phone pics. I also took some pics with my digital camera but they required a fair bit of tidying up, specifically the ones on the white background. I'm not entirely sure if they're any better but I needed to upload them to the blog and finally got round to it.

Not entirely sure what to say about these pics to be honest, it all seems a long time ago but like I say, they needed adding to the blog/gallery page so I'll just leave you to scroll through the pics.

And the 'white' background shots which were a pain to take and clearly the lighting was insufficient and the choice of a glossy sheet of paper did not do me any favours...

So there we have it, and all the links to the project [though some might be incorrect?].

Part 1. | Part 2. | Part 3. | Part 4. | Part 5. | Part 6. | Part 7. | Part 8. | Part 9. | Part 10. | Part 11. | Part 12. | Part 13. | Part 14. | Part 15. | Part 16. | Part 17. | Part 18. |