Sunday, 30 December 2012

Warhammer World Photobomb 4

 lsat from the Warhammer World Exhibition. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image,

Fantastic Elven ships

Battlefleet Gothic - Ahoy!

Epic Armageddon

More Epic Eldar


One of the really old Warhammer dioramas.

I had this Minotaur, don't know why but I'm pretty sure was one of the first few models I actually got. Perhaps it was one of the ones the 'bad lads' at school 'obtained' and casually sold it on to an unsuspecting geek. It's only now I realise I was perhaps buying stolen goods - I was right naive!

Epic Eldar titan baby!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Warhammer World Photobomb 3

Penultimate Photobomb from the Warhammer World Exhibition. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image, although this pic was some Ork flying craft/space junker, not sure which but it was impressive.

Love this model.

Wraithlord on a rampage.

All the Empire Wizards

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Terrain is everything - Forge World Realm of Battle Cityscape boards

These have been out for a while now and I'm sure if you've got £280 for all four boards they're awesome but White Dwarf Daily reposted the YouTube video below of the boards painted and in use. I think for your average hobbyist on a budget there's plenty of inspiration in the video to consider creating their own board. Some of the plinths and plazas are very simple shapes and a few sheets of foamboard or man-made hill or two could easily recreate the same effect for much less. Even then you may as well just watch it for the sense of drama in the set up - enjoy!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Look around you - more real OLD world inspiration

Came across this website the other day featuring old photographs of a variety of industrial buildings - iron smelters, water and gas towers, mining buildings. For those who are into the terrain building aspects I thought it might inspire.

Not least because these sort of containers are easily modelled as illustrated by the legendary Bugbait_NZ who was the original inspiration for me making terrain in the first place. His models can be incredibly simple to do, just requiring patience and care to get the good results. A true genius in the field.

Some more pics of the the amazing buildings:

Check out the website for more examples: