But I've got half the 2nd highlights done here. I may have done a bit more of the cream than I usually do, which makes the process slower and in some places the results aren't great.
All fixable and I'm far from disappointed but it doesn't help with keeping motivated.
You can see the variety in the butt plates here, the middle one in particular went too far. But I can easily hide that with some tribal markings.
Here we are with the remaining upper half of the highlights. Still to do the shoulder pad on the shield arms, but want them glued in place so they're highlighted correctly.
But I'm OK with the results even if they're still less consistent than I'd normally prefer.
And the rest of the Terminators have got done too - just in time for many of them to be excised from the Codex, or so I believe.
Good job I didn't put a Cyclone Missile Launcher on one of these. A common load out gone from the Codex.
I think the Apothecary and Champion have gone also, but again I remind myself I was never going to play with them anyway!
They're just figures I needed to paint and poses I wanted to create.
Lots still to do, just about half-way through the spreadsheet but the hardest parts done so far I think.
I even decided to do the bare heads and I was really pleased with the results, that is until I looked at the close-ups - they look shocking.
Which is a shame as they look great from a gaming distance. I was genuinely chuffed and then gutted when I saw their squints and patchwork skintones.
I mean I love seeing a brushstroke but these just look like blobs in places.
I'll get over it once they're in place but it's a little disheartening as I was convinced these were some of the best faces I'd done, only to realise I was way off the mark.