Showing posts with label ruin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ruin. Show all posts

Friday, 19 April 2024

Terrain is everything - TT Combat Gothic Ruins MDF kit - ruin base TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I made this base for my TT Combat Gothic ruins way back when, but I never actually shared it. 

The ruins themselves come in two parts, a ground floor piece and this upper floor and I wanted an option so I could have them as two separate pieces.

This was built, primed and based for years before I finally painted the small bits of debris the other week

And for this I get a Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval, because it was built in 2021/22 Season.

I primed the bases with my truly awful Simoniz Red Oxide Primer. Loads of shaking and it still won't mix properly. I managed it in the end though, using a toilet roll tube to mask off the model itself and just spray the base. Then I went on with my standard Red Planet Base process. 

Here's my Great Big Big Build Base BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval, although I didn;t take any pictures at the time.

This sat for so long with these half dozen bits of debris just waiting to be finished.

And it's not like I hadn't done Blessed Verdigris countless times, I just hadn't remembered ti do these bits too.

Not that I'm ever likely to use it but you never know.

I mean it's the bread and butter of Red Planet BASE! 🔴

Nothing fancy, so no excuse why it took so long.

But it's done!

Anyway as I finished it this season - a Bloody Great Big Bloody Stamp of Bloody Approval!

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum - TO DONE! White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. I know, I know, the blog has been quiet but its not been a priority as I've had some interviews to prepare for and upgrading the Man Cave, which has taken all of the Queen's Jubilee weekend so I don't even know if she won or anything - no spoilers, I'll watch the season finale on catch-up 😂 

I'll just try and get this out of the way so you can see the pics against a white background. Check out the faked lenses using multiple thick coats of VerniDas Gloss Varnish.

 Again, the Dirty Down Rust was abandoned in favour of a mix of Vallejo Rust Wash and Secret Weapon Pigments Rust Orange, with some additional sepia and dark brown streaks. 

Sure I want the Dirty Down to do it's party trick, but I'm OK with this too.

It turned out really well

because partway through it was just OK. Som additional weathering just lifted it onto that next level.

But the inside, oh my! I just love it.

Despite all the hard work and grind of painting such a large and detailed 'miniature' I'm minded to build up my Shrine of the Aquila and get that painted too.

It would certainly be something to add to my #ArmiesOnParade board. And yet, I was offered £140 for it! I got it with some vouchers for £30 when I could see it might be discontinued.

Part of me is wedded to making it and painting it because I see it as a gift. Theoretically I could decide to sell it and it may even increase in value, although red terrain might actually reduce its value!

Most likely it would ensure I didn't sell it as I can't bear to part with anything I've painted I may one day do a Twitter poll to see what to do. 

Anyway, lots of lovely pics for you to check out, hope you like them.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. It's funny, the Blessed Verdigris has always felt like a step too far on these terrain pieces. The brown underneath always felt sufficient, yet I think it really works here. Despite an abundance of turquoise I'm happy with the result. 

The door itself wasn't as weathered, which fits with my Sanctum Imperialis. I am looking forward to seeing these alongside each other and how they sit together #ArmiesOnParade baby!

Now, I had ordered the mythical 'liquid talent in a bottle' Dirty Down Rust to play around with on these AC and heating units. Unfortunately they did not perform. Starting with a dark brown only the most yellow of the rust showed up. Multiple coats, reactivation with water, thick or thin application I only got yellow rust in tiny amounts. Whether that is because of the dark base, or the fact I applied a matt varnish beforehand that somehow prevented whatever alchemical reaction that causes the rusty goodness I don't know. So, I resorted to my Secret Weapon Rust Orange Pigment, mixed with Vallejo Model Wash Rust.

I'm down with this rust though, especially with the streaks that are dripping off the bottom over the verdigris. I briefly considered shading the rivets, but there are just too many of them. Not that the challenge wasn't worthy, I just felt there would be far too much visual noise with every rivet shaded. Some have some rusty leaks, but for the most part they're just highlighted. The dials have been filled with multiple layers of Vernidas gloss varnish. It shrinks like most varnishes, but far less, so you can get these almost glass lens results, which I really like.

And from the inside, much less weathering, which is also pretty cool.

I love how the floor tiles came out. It certainly would have been too much to have the internal wall and floor in this colour. It made a lot more sense to make the differentiation here than justify how the walls were a different colour on the inside, even when they're clearly represented as a rockcrete fascia on top of a metal core.

The yellow pipework was also a bit of fun, and the fastening and some of the stripes embossed on the cable made breaking it up with black hark back to my Knights and eventually my small AdMech force.

This top piece isn't attached, so it can always be removed to create an additional terrain piece if needed.

So much detail, hence why I will be putting this down as a 'Lord of War or Behemoth' in my hobby Bingo scoring sheet. I've plenty of terrain to score and this is much bigger than just a Munitorum Container.

The smaller corner piece as well, that's part of the whole, I haven't scored that seperately.

I just love how this came out. Again the Dirty Down had to be covered up but it's a learning experience and I;m sure I'll find the right way to use it eventually. It certainly stinks, no one mentions that in the videos, quite acrid, bleurgh!

I glossed all the buttons and that broken lens on the controller is Tamiya Clear Green X-25.

I also used Tamiya Clear Re X-27 and Clear Orange X-26 in places too.

So, here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! White pics to follow.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum - Blessed Verdigris

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. It's that time where I've done all the brassy bronze and I'm starting to add the Army Painter Hawk Turquoise liberally on the outside and sparingly on the inside. I fully appreciate the garishness of this may not be everyone's cup of tea, and if I'm honest despite my love for Blessed Verdigris, I still have my own doubts.

But I get to explore the slightly more reserved option inside. I'm really pleased with this as the brassy bronze works so well and with just the floor cream/bone and weathered with Burnt Umber Art Acrylic the result is pretty impressive.

There will be additional turquoise highlights on the extreme verdigris to add more layers of weathering. I did have to decide where to apply the 'pooling' - the area that the verdigris will collect in mostly. In my observations I'm not 100% sure if it's predominantly at the top or bottom and I've seen some examples where the patina suddenly stops, with no apparent reason why some bits weather and some bits don't. Anyway, I chose to pool at the bottom [except on the window frames], and immediately thought it should have been the top. Ironically, this prompted a memory of the last time I did this and I think I pooled at the top and promptly thought that was wrong! Like I say, I'm not sure there's a right answer for this.

Regardless of whether it's right or wrong this is quite the milestone. There's still a lot to do but the interior bronze weathering is complete so each highlight on the exterior will be quicker. I've then got to do the weathering on all the exposed steelwork and add details - like cable colours, lights, switches and dials.

There is some small clean-up work on the Vermillion walls too, but I'm definitely over the hump now. A week or two's work left including varnishing. I've not been super focussed on the hobby recently and to get this close to finishing something is really rewarding. I've got the White Dwarf Hobby Bingo card, although it has terrain as a task I'm covered with that for Munitorum Containers. Unfortunately I don't have any Lord of Wars, but I think this is easily a match in size and effort for one of those behemoth's when it's complete.

Monday, 2 May 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. This is really weird as I can't seem to find any previous specific posts for this.

I have mentions of it and the odd pic here and there in What's On My Palette but I don't have a Big Build pic or when it was primed.

So here we are with Vermillion craft acrylic drybrushed over the Red Oxide primer. I think I may have added some additional black washes in places to add more contrast.

Further lighter Vermillion highlights in places and the odd scratch and detail around the damage to the wall. It was before this I 'd decided not to go with a cream interior as I had with my previous buildings.

Every time I do this I wonder what it would be like not to go to the extremes I do, with the ultra green Blessed Verdigris and all red walls. So not going cream inside was at least a nod to this.

And, I will still be doing the floor cream, so it felt like a sensible decision - the best of both worlds.

Here I started to pick out all the detail that will be Blessed Verdigris, and some that will be rusty too - the 'units' under the windows for instance.

With the floor cream I think this was definitely the right decision regarding how to paint the interior.

And the little corner piece - all of the outside banding will be full Blessed Verdigris.

The insides will be my weathered brassy bronze - with the metallics visible on only minor Blessed Verdigris. This represents the fact the exterior has been exposed to the elements and will have oxidised, whereas the interior will have sheltered from the elements by benefit of being inside.  

Only now it's an exposed ruin is the bronze beginning to go green. All the other panels, inside the walls, that have had their rockcrete cladding broken off will be rusted steel. It's a bit different, another dimension to the terrain, but hopefully it'll work out.