Showing posts with label freebie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebie. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 December 2023

#ArmiesOnParade2023 - Parade Day @ Warhammer Wigan

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity it was #ArmiesOnParade last month and I was busy celebrating Liam's 50th birthday so couldn't get to Warhammer Liverpool. However, Warhamer Wigan was hosting Parade Day the following week, so it would be rude not to attend? I had my 4 #BloodBowl teams, a scratchbuilt Megabowl 7's pitch and I'd even had time to add a little crowd backdrop, thanks to some fussy AI prompts.

Here's a video of the board, although you've seen it already you can see the backdrop a bit more.

So here are some of the other entries. This great Tyranid board, which understandably I love.

If I recall correctly I think this won the 40k category.

It's so annoying to see this miniature close-up as I want one, just can't justify getting one or the silly price-tag on it.

Screamer Killers do look cool

And I love the effect on the wings of this Tyranid Prime.

I think this Word Bearer's army won the overall prize.

It was really well don with lots of little details. 

The lave weaponry was most effective.

Another Tyranid army, almost Behemoth but brighter.

And not just figures from Leviathan, we have a Tyrannofex too!

This was the only entry in the Young Bloods category, but well deserved.

A small diorama, but we love it regardless.

And another Chaos Space Marine army, which next to the Word Bearers made some interesting comparisons between the same figures used in each Parade. 

And my Parade. I was the only Best of the Rest so inevitably got that certificate but it was just great to be instore on the day. 

Interestingly the Wigan manager had been in charge of the Southport store before it closed.

I didn't recall her, but she did remember my Tyranid Parades.

We had some really good discussion about AoP and she was very much supportive of the event, even if it was a bit quiet on the day.

As an early Christmas present if anyone wants the backdrop you can have it. It's set up for an A4 sheet. You'll need to print 2 of these on sticky labels. Add all 4 bits and it should make a 2 foot strip. Repeat and you have a corner backdrop. I stuck them on 1cm up from the bottom of the board, so the pitch-side adverts pitch-side, not buried in the ground.

Lastly, some pics from the store displays. Worth noting this means in my decade of parades, I've paraded at Warhammer/GW stores in Southport, Manchester, Liverpool and now Wigan.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

A freebie - Wound Markers MK-IV - 8th Edition compliant

It would appear that keeping track of wounds is going to be a meaty task in 8th Edition with the likes of Imperial Knights having more than 20 and the large Tyranids a dozen or more. As much as everyone seems to think that's still feasible with dice, who really wants a D20 sat next to their model? I mean at least with D6s in 7th you could purchase some unobtrusive little ones [not that anyone did], D20s are big beggars and it'll just look downright odd.

Of course I immediately saw that my own markers were slightly lacking, insomuch as although they went up to 10 [thank you Doom of Malan'tai, we still miss you], they needed a few more to meet the bounty of wounds set to be given up to our big vehicles and monsters. I'd also seen plenty of folk clamouring for a solution so I thought I better step up and fix that uncertainty so we can think about the rest of the sky that's falling - like GW making massive new marines, 'cos it's not like the community hasn't been crying out for true-scale, how dare they give us what we wanted?!

Anyway, I added in new markers up to 30, or actually it'll be counting down now, which I'll have to get used to, excuse me while I write some long-winded scathing rant to GW about how the fact I'm now forced to count wounds down and how it's ruined my life! I digress. 

I've also done them in a variety of colours, either to match your faction, or to have a range to choose from to attach to different models so they don't get mixed up. So I've got:
  • Red - original and best - ideal for Khorne and Blood Angels
  • Pale Blue - Tzeentch
  • Yellow - Imperial Fists?
  • Green - Nurgle, Necrons or Salamanders
  • Pink - Slaanesh or Emperor's Children
  • Brown - Nurgle, Astra Militarum
  • Yellow and red - More Imperial Fists?
  • Black and Red - Khorne, Black Templars, Ravenwing, Raven Guard
Usual step-by-step to make:
  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these counters
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.

    So if you want them you can download the .pdf here:

Choose what suits you best. Obviously when 8th hits these may end up being impractical, goodness knows how to store them all so it'll be easy to find the specific number you need. It may well be that laminated datasheets with dry wipe pens used on wound trackers will be the most practical way to keep account of how damaged someone is. But that's still not as easy for your opponent to see how wounded a model is as a marker, yes even a dice, right next to that model. 

I know some have suggested rotating wheels, similar to the old Titan void shields or the discs for X-Wing but they seem too big. Alternatively there are these handy knitting/crochet counters that folk are raving about. Potentially they could be a good idea, again for me it reall depends on size.

Then there's the other option I once saw of putting small elastic bands on the model but again that suffers from 'counting down' issue I'd always railed against and therfore counted up. If we're to count down remaining wounds, as you will HAVE to do in 8th, your Imperial Knight is going to have to begin the game with twenty odd elastic 'looms' festooning it's Adamantium hide like its at Spring Break before the game even starts!