Thursday, 23 January 2025

Battle report Adeptus Titanicus 4

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PlayingWarhammer and yet another sort of non-battle report but still Adeptus Titanicus. But I think you can tell things have all gone a bit Red Planet BASE! 🔴 I had been reluctant to bring my Realm of Battle board to the shed for a few reasons:
  1. It's not my shed - it's not but Otty said he was happy about it.
  2. I didn't think there was room to store it - It managed to tuck behind another RoB bag, in the middle of the table
  3. I hoped I may use it at home - who am I kidding? And if I did I still have my laminated battle mats and this deserves to be used rather than sit in the bag until AoP once a year!
  4. I've been 'burnt' before leaving stuff at someone else's house - unlikely to happen now.
So, alongside the board, the new MDF terrain and Ferron Fire Firs I think we made a much more interesting board. Liam had been mighty busy and added not one but two Warlords to his legio! He'd seen a pair for sale and asked if I wanted to go halves. Then we'd both found better deals on single auctions but this one was still going and he got a sweet deal on it. It included 4 Questoris Knights and loads of plastic terrain, which he also painted super quick, but they still look awesome.

Anyway, I can't recall what the missions were but we did not use my Legio specific rules. 

Liam castled up at the back - a beautiful firing position and the deployment was a shallow diagonal, which meant I had a lot of ground to cover to get to the titans.

My Cerastus got halfway up the board for the paltry price of half their numbers. I think initially it looked like all of them had gone but I think there was some technicality that kept two alive. The Reaver kept pace somewhat.  

We had started to use the reactor rules correctly at this stage. Liam had pushed his reactor into the orange and suffered 3 wounds to his titan, this was the damage role - so he suffered no damage whatsoever.

The dangers of pushing your reactor suddenly hit home and I realised I'd casually put my own Reaver into the orange by running up the board to close the distance.

Unfortunately I was less lucky, as although I suffered only 1 wound the damage was severe [although I can't recall how. I think at this point our old friend Jay turned up with his two sons. 

As time went on Liam and I co-opted them to roll the dice on our behalf. What followed was a classic example of all Liam's proxy rolls achieving exactly what he needed and all my proxy rolls failing. The gleeful success of one brother over the embarrassed failings of another - I've been there but it was all good fun. Despite it all I was closing in on Liam's trio and so close that if I blew I could take one, two or even all three Warlords with me!

My Lancer got in, and I'm not sure he managed to do any damage. My Reaver swung, punched the Warlord who was spun to the side, but somehow managed to use that momentum to backhand my Reaver with its own Powerfist, spinning me 90°.

To make matters worse it suffered catastrophic damage and was 'laid low'. It stumbled away towards the board edge and effectively fell out of sight with no fanfare. What could have been a glorious meltdown, taking the traitors with it, or stumbling in any other direction toward the enemy and doing damage to them was not to be!

I think at this point we called it.

We'd had a fun days gaming and we'd got better at the rules. I don't know how I'll ever take down 3 Warlords, but we're getting there and enjoying the game.

As an aside the next shed night I added some of Liam's terrain, both the quick painted plastic ones and his own modular MDF design to see how they looked.

And it just goes to show that wildly different terrain schemes can work in harmony with each other. Those grey buildings look perfectly at home on the red board and I suspect vice-versa. 

As I've said before, real world architecture is not all colour coordinated. So 40k/30k doesn't have to be.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Terrain is everything - Adeptus Titanicus Ruins MDF kit - WHITE BACKGROUND PICS ⚪

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer MDF ruins for Adeptus Titanicus created by Nook and Noggin. Here are the pics on a white background, for those that prefer it.

Although the red background pics are better for my own context this does go some way to showing how it may look on Otty's grey board. Obviously this is much lighter but even so.

And actually I like how it stands out. This is not the first time my insane choice of Red Planet BASE! 🔴 has looked cool on pale 'boards'.

If I get some more I may consider adding additional detail strips and increasing the amount of Blessed Verdigris 🗽.

Although I am pleasantly surprised how the floor and wall markings add to the look of the interior.

Not to mention the simple cream drybrushing and then thinned burnt umber splodged on and then dabbed with a paper towel to give a mottled effect.

I think a little more detail could have been added to the original laser etched cracks.

They're very simple and not 'crack' like. Although that may make them quicker to etch. 

I obviously went a little overboard trying emphasise them and make them look more like structural damage than a single etched line alone.

I'm still dubious about the crenelated rooftop. 

It's just a little too chunky. I think it would have worked better on a 40k terrain piece than an Epic ruin.

But we live and learn.

Not sure if there's anything else to add, please just enjoy the remaining pics.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Terrain is everything - Adeptus Titanicus Ruins MDF kit - TO DONE! 🔴

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer and forgive me but I don't appear to have taken any WiP pics for these MDF ruins for Adeptus Titanicus created by Nook and Noggin.

You actually get 12 ruins for around £15 [after postage] which I thought was great value. 4 small buildings, 4 medium - big enough to hide a Warhound, and 4 large which are as tall as a Warlord!

Now I added a few extra bits of detailing here and there. I cut 6mm strips, scored them down the middle and used them to cap all the corners.

This hid all the finger joints that are synonymous with MDF terrain. I also used wooden coffee stirrers to cap the roof edges too.

Bases had a small amount of rubble and you can see I followed my 40k terrain colour scheme of the TT Combat terrain and the Sector Imperialis Administratum.

Rather than leave the interiors plain cream I had a bit of fun painting in strips. These are where internal walls and floors had been and wouldn't have been painted. 

With their destruction I suspect you'd see something like this. It wasn't too hard to do but adds so much.

This medium ruin had some extra detailing around the roof. A 5mm card strip to hide the slot the the roof piece is attached to.

Then a small Aquila from the Space Marine Drop Pod kit. I thought about painting more of the Blessed Verdigris 🗽 but wanted some buildings that had no additional spot colours.

But yeah, the insides are still a huge contrast to the exterior.

This medium building was customised with some 'sprue' pieces from my TT Combat ruin.

I kept all these crenelated finger join pieces as I knew them may come in handy.

It's a bit over-engineered and clunky but it does add a little something to the overall building to make it different.

I won't be able to create another as I have run out of that bit of sprue.

I also added some mounting card floors in some of the tall buildings. Easy to do and adds a lot. However, it does mean you can't store them like Russian dolls - stacking the small corner piece inside the medium, inside the tall. 

It's an inconvenience but worth noting if you wanted to do something similar.

I considered verdigris and additional vertical and horizontal strips but with the laser etched cracks I didn't want to obscure the details already provided. 

Also, with this going on Otty's grey board too many colours were going to look odd. I mean the red terrain was probably already going to look out of place. Although buildings are all different colours on all different surfaces so maybe not...

I must say all the crack details were a tedious task and although it works it's probably the wrong scale. This would be far better on a 40k building whereas this epic scale these cracks are the size of tennis courts!

And another Great Big Wooden Stamp of Approval.

And also The Big Build Great Big Wooden Stamps of Approval for Building and Basing!