Saturday, 15 February 2025

Not a Battle report - MESBG Rohirrim Vs Orcs...?

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PlayingWarhammer with more games of new MESBG but unfortunately I have absolutely no recollection of this game whatsoever. This is becoming something of a pattern, what's worse is I've another 2 MESBG games and both of those haven't been written up after 1 and 3 weeks so they'll probably not make any sense either.

So, instead, lets enjoy the pics and espouse [once again] just how good MESBG is.

Even the new rules, although there are some negatives with many factions and models moving to Legends/legacy. But the game is pretty much the same with some subtle changes and additions which aren't too hard to adapt to.

Bottom line, MESBG is still the best game that Games Workshop do. I don't know how, given it often just boils down to multiple small scale combats across the board. But they all matter, they're all decisive and most of the buffs and stratagems are easy to keep track off.

More importantly the game is fun. Not just fun in an entertaining way, but also funny in a rolling on the floor kind of way that I have never experienced in any other game. Granted this often down to a simple dice roll and pretty much every game system is like this.

But these dice roles can be so pivotally hilarious. Also, by playing doubles or two versus 1 there's plenty of of scope for offering the dice to your partner to both result in jubilant success or crushing defeat. Doubles are definitely the most entertaining way to play when you're with your mates.

And MESBG looks cool too. Of course it helps when your mates are massive Middle Earth fans and have made boards and armies to showcase the best of the game. It also means I don't have to bring anything, except a bag of crisps. Although obviously I do have my own small Moria force.

I will just take a moment to moan about highlight one annoying discrepancy that the new edition did not resolve - banners. Unfortunately some match play games have specific victory condition based on having a banner. And, if your opponent does not, then you immediately score those points. Given not all factions are allowed banners I think it wrong, especially in match play, to have banners score this way.

Let the dice decide... 😵

Not some arbitrary mechanism that rewards you before the game has even started that your factions has a sheet of cloth on a stick and your opponent hasn't the wherewithal to make their own!

Boy, I wish I knew what happened in this game! Sorry I can't give any details, just know we probably had a right old laugh.

I mean look at our silly grinning faces. The question is - who's smile is fake and hiding their pain of a crushing defeat?

Thursday, 13 February 2025

'nids part 374 - #DreadTober Genestealer Cult Sentinels TO DONE! 🔴⚪

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer DreadTober seems so long ago now but once again I had been thwarted by models being 'nearly finished'. So close to TO DONE! and yet so far.

It doesn't take much sometimes to derail what is otherwise a quick win.

I'm once again struck how wonderful these old models are. I know the new ones are all cool and shiny but these have so much character.

They definitely suit the Genestealer Cult aesthetic much more.

My 'crop-top' scouts remind me of the Forgeworld Elysian Drop Sentinels.

As such a small amount of kitbashed roll-cage would have dipped into that theme, but cutting the lot off is much easier! 😎

There is a subtle difference in my newer Sentinels compared to the older ones.

The yellow is richer, the weathering has more contrast and the numbers/letters are slightly different.

But it's not that obvious and I think they make a great quartet.

I've still quite a few GSC things to do. Some Neophytes and Acolytes but that's so far down my list of things it's not even funny.

I do have a Chimera to paint up as well, which is more likely to get done than 20 or so highly detailed infantry. But when I do the Chimera it'll be so much fun to have alongside these fellas in rusted yellow.

And another Great Big Wooden Stamp of Approval.

Here are the pics on a white background. Not much else to say, just enjoy the hobby.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Warhammer Underworlds - Ironsoul's Condemnors pt.3 - TO DONE! 🔴⚪

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer Underworlds Ironsoul's Condemnors... Leftfield once again and completely off-list but if you recall when I last painted this warband I only did one of them on Red Planet BASE!🔴

I really wanted to complete the trio and I'd also secured some 3D printed chapter badges and crossed sword decals which I wanted to compare to my freehand attempts.

Additionally, it's a nice exercise in seeing how easy it is to replicate the scheme, having had a break between the first four and the final two.

Although the red is something I'm fairly familiar with and the silver is pretty basic.

So it's not surprising that there is very little difference.

One day I will get round to painting my Primaris, I think they'll look pretty cool altogether.

I'm still struggling with my photography, so I decided to try old Camera360 again and my favourite filter - Velvia is not what it was.

Far from the enhanced, saturated reds and oranges they're become completely blown out.

And another Great Big Wooden Stamp of Approval.

And on the white background, which actually makes them look much better I think.

So, here we go with the 3D Heresy icon, which ended up much smaller than I expected and hard to define the crossed swords. And, the crossed sword decal, which did exactly what I expected it to do. No doubt that'll be my weapon of choice. There's faffing with gloss paint, but actually it's probably quicker than the freehanding and much more consistent.

And in comparison to the blue bases ones. It's still clear that's the better option, but not one I'll be exploring for the Primaris. 

There we go.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Adeptus Titanicus - Battlefield assets, terminal pins and markers - TO DONE! 🔴⚪

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Adeptus Titanicus - Battlefield assets, terminal pins and markers.

We've actually been playing with unpainted ones - now THAT is heresy! But as I'd foisted my Red Planet BASE!🔴 on Otty and his shed, then the next thing to do was paint my assets accordingly.

Alongside my own penchant for Blessed Verdigris 🗽

Void Shield Generator. I had no plan for glow effect. When I ended up with a 'radar' spin I realised one of the arms was going in the wrong direction... I ummed and aahed for all of 5 minutes before I was compelled to fix it.

Plasma Generator follows suit on my red glass insulator coils, rather than blue or even orange plasma glow FX.

Comms Radar Dish.

Command Bunker.

Missile Defence Battery.

Lost titan crew.

Titan firing templates, all shiny and gold. 

So much better using painted versions of these.

And fun to play around with gold. 4 new things painted.

OK, so here is where things get a bit tricky. Some numbered counters and triangular [or should that be hexagonal?] data pins. When I'm counting up 'models painted' should this be 11 or 2? 

Similarly, there are 42 pins here. How would you count them? Individually it seems like I'm gaming a system I have long tried to avoid for these very reasons. However, they are very fiddly to paint, even if small, so what counts when I come to my end of season review?

And another Great Big Wooden Stamp of Approval.

Here are the pics on a white background.

If you didn't already know, I love 😍 Blessed Verdigris 🗽

I'm so lazy when it comes to cleaning up models, you can still see lots of bits of sprue I should have trimmed off.
I think they all look so cool in close-up detail.
I had considered full on verdigris buttresses but thought red all the way. Maybe I'll get to play with some more and be adventurous next time...

My fallen titan head. I'll have to do a Warlord to go with it now. The Red Planet BASE!🔴 is a bit ropey here, which is a bit disappointing, but less obvious when on the mat or board.

The varnish is a bit more noticeable here, it seems to have clumped in some of the recesses. But it's a cheaper, thicker varnish so somewhat expected. 

We've got loads more of these but they're not on sprue, which will make them 10 times harder to paint, and even prime. Maybe they are worth 'one completed model' each! What do you think?

More TO DONE's to follow.