Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 October 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - September - Characters

Following on from August's Battle of the Brush [or 'Tale of our Warlords', as it's also known], September's category was Characters. I entered my Space Hulk Deathwing Librarian . My goal is just to achieve the 12 entries over the course of the year and as you can see the standard is exceptional each month so the competitive aspect will be tough, hence why I'm just along for the ride.

1st place was this elf.

2nd to the Slaughterpriest.

3rd to the Nighthaunt

And the staff pic for colour scheme they would do - Gotrek

I did manage to pick up the 'Warlords' award - the miniature chose by all the other entrants who last year completed the 12 month challenge, I was actually really chuffed with this, moreso than I felt with the Land Speeder Dark Shroud - this felt like a big deal to be honoured so.

I took these pics in the old store, not sure if they were also entered into the challenge.

Some more random pics

And an Orruk in Orange.

The obligatory Chaos/Necron/Tau

A rather pallid looking dragon

Some Ork bombers from Aeronautica

And their new home in the new shop.

A Squat display in the window.

With fab Red Planet BASE!

And the old Squats in Exo Armour, I used to have these...

 Lastly a fantastic Renegade Knight - makes the Imperial kind so dull 😞

Next month is squads and I'll be putting in my Genestealer Neophytes but I seem to have misplaced my entry form which isn't a problem but is annoying, ...

Monday 23 September 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - August - Big Models

Following on from July's Battle of the Brush [or 'Tale of our Warlords', as it's also known], August's category was Squads. I entered my [still wet] Ravenwing Dark Shroud - a model in the category completed in that month! My goal is just to achieve the 12 entries over the course of the year and as you can see the standard is exceptional each month so the competitive aspect will be tough, hence why I'm just along for the ride.

I've had a number of technical issues, hence why it has taken so long to get these pics sorted. Hopefully that's all fixed now and the winner for August was this fantastic Renegade Knight

2nd was this Repulsor tank.

3rd was yours truly with my Land Speeder Dark Shroud. I must admit to being honoured but a little 'unmoved' by the accolade. As much as I anticipate the reveal of the awards each month it would be disingenuous after my assertion I'm only in it to take part and then jump for joy when I win something. It's difficult to reconcile, I hope I'm explaining it enough, emotionally there's a lot of baggage. Anyway, the Slaaneshi Greater Daemon got the most inspiring award.

I'd taken these pics on another occasion because I was so impressed.

The creative use of sprue on the base was also a nice touch, and if you check out the new terrain elements for Warhammer Underworld's - Beastgrave you will see a definite similarity!

Other entries included this Invictus suit.

A couple of Deff Dreads.

Kastellan Robots and their 'handler'.

Venerable Dread and Abbaddon.

Another Venerable Dread and Mortarion.

Greater Daemon of Khorne.


With LOTS of weathering.

Magnus [who did a number of things wrong].

Giant [Mangler?] Squig?

Greater Daemon of Nurgle and the Night Haunt gibbet guy.

Arch-Lord Discordant.

And another pic of my own entry.

Once again I was compelled to take pictures of the store armies. I may well have taken the same pics previously but never mind enjoy once more Ork Speed Freeeks

And the crazy insane, Chaos Necron Tau conversions, which I have more pics next time.