Showing posts with label free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 May 2017

A freebie - Wound Markers MK-IV - 8th Edition compliant

It would appear that keeping track of wounds is going to be a meaty task in 8th Edition with the likes of Imperial Knights having more than 20 and the large Tyranids a dozen or more. As much as everyone seems to think that's still feasible with dice, who really wants a D20 sat next to their model? I mean at least with D6s in 7th you could purchase some unobtrusive little ones [not that anyone did], D20s are big beggars and it'll just look downright odd.

Of course I immediately saw that my own markers were slightly lacking, insomuch as although they went up to 10 [thank you Doom of Malan'tai, we still miss you], they needed a few more to meet the bounty of wounds set to be given up to our big vehicles and monsters. I'd also seen plenty of folk clamouring for a solution so I thought I better step up and fix that uncertainty so we can think about the rest of the sky that's falling - like GW making massive new marines, 'cos it's not like the community hasn't been crying out for true-scale, how dare they give us what we wanted?!

Anyway, I added in new markers up to 30, or actually it'll be counting down now, which I'll have to get used to, excuse me while I write some long-winded scathing rant to GW about how the fact I'm now forced to count wounds down and how it's ruined my life! I digress. 

I've also done them in a variety of colours, either to match your faction, or to have a range to choose from to attach to different models so they don't get mixed up. So I've got:
  • Red - original and best - ideal for Khorne and Blood Angels
  • Pale Blue - Tzeentch
  • Yellow - Imperial Fists?
  • Green - Nurgle, Necrons or Salamanders
  • Pink - Slaanesh or Emperor's Children
  • Brown - Nurgle, Astra Militarum
  • Yellow and red - More Imperial Fists?
  • Black and Red - Khorne, Black Templars, Ravenwing, Raven Guard
Usual step-by-step to make:
  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these counters
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.

    So if you want them you can download the .pdf here:

Choose what suits you best. Obviously when 8th hits these may end up being impractical, goodness knows how to store them all so it'll be easy to find the specific number you need. It may well be that laminated datasheets with dry wipe pens used on wound trackers will be the most practical way to keep account of how damaged someone is. But that's still not as easy for your opponent to see how wounded a model is as a marker, yes even a dice, right next to that model. 

I know some have suggested rotating wheels, similar to the old Titan void shields or the discs for X-Wing but they seem too big. Alternatively there are these handy knitting/crochet counters that folk are raving about. Potentially they could be a good idea, again for me it reall depends on size.

Then there's the other option I once saw of putting small elastic bands on the model but again that suffers from 'counting down' issue I'd always railed against and therfore counted up. If we're to count down remaining wounds, as you will HAVE to do in 8th, your Imperial Knight is going to have to begin the game with twenty odd elastic 'looms' festooning it's Adamantium hide like its at Spring Break before the game even starts!

Monday, 2 January 2017

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah new FREE Print & Play building template

I know Christmas and New Year has been and gone but there are still presents to be had and the 40kaddict thinks you've all been very good this year so please accept this gift as 2016 begins...

This design is over 3 years old now but it is an absolute nightmare to edit as Ilustrator crashes all the time due to memory issues. To be fair it's really my machine's fault and the fact it was hobbled by our IT policy before we even started with it. When I began designing Print & Play terrain I developed all four texture maps one after another, basically just jamming with the layout and seeing what ways I could make it different. The inspiration falls squarely on this old 1st Edition Epic Space Marine building, I think it's the Generatorium but there's so little info from these days [although I do have the rulebook at home somewhere, wait... yep just found a .pdf on my hard disc and it is indeed a Generatorium, which as we all know is:
A city or industrial complex requires vast quantities of energy, and power supplies are a favourite target for attacking forces. The nature of a generator will vary from world to world. Fertile planets often use organic or fossil fuels, while fusion grids and plasma reactors are common on industrialised worlds. Solar generators and geothermal energy are also used where local conditions permit. These power sources, and the secrets of their operation, are jealously guarded by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Of course my misremembered stab at it no way matches the majesty of the original but the concrete texture came out really well. Now you can obviously just print these out, stick them to foamboard [printing on sticky labels will further facilitate this] and build but I would heartily recommend an alternative. Should you have access to the printer and materials then print one set onto clear acetate and then print another set onto paper/labels. Now you may have to print another set and apply to the foamboard as well. Then cut the windows out on the foamboard, apply the acetate sheet for transparent windows. Then apply the label set to some cereal box or mounting card, cut out the windows again and glue over the top for a composite detailed building.

Now that may be a little more effort than Print & Play but it's next level detail and only a little effort for a lot more gain. Over the next few days I may consider putting this one together myself as it looks like I'll need some city blocks for a new interesting hobby adventure, more to follow.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 4MB in size and may not quite fit on A4 paper depending on how big your printer margins are.. [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:    

P.S. let me know if there are any problems with the download, it's a bit difficult for me to check

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah new FREE Print & Play building template

As per usual on my birthday it's time to give a present away to the readers and what better than the next installment of my Generatorium design for my Print & Play building. It's also timely in that this could form part of your Google AdSense competition entry. Still not quite pinned down the deadline date, I'll have a better clue at the beggining of March based on the earnings in Feb but please start thinking about your entries as it'd be a bit of a damp squib if there were hardly any entries. obviously not for the winner, but y'know.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 4MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:    

P.S. let me know if there are any problems with the download, it's a bit difficult for me to check

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah new FREE Print & Play building template

I know Christmas and New Year has been and gone but there are still presents to be had and the 40kaddict thinks you've all been very good this year so please accept this gift as 2016 begins...

In truth the bulk of this design was created over 2 years ago. When I first started designing Print & Play terrain I developed all four texture maps one after another, basically just jamming with the layout and seeing what ways I could make it different. The inspiration falls squarely on this old 1st Edition Epic Space Marine building, I think it's the Generatorium but there's so little info from these days [although i do have the rulebook at home somewhere, wait... yep just found a .pdf on my hard disc and it is indeed a Generatorium, which as we all know is:
A city or industrial complex requires vast quantities of energy, and power supplies are a favourite target for attacking forces. The nature of a generator will vary from world to world. Fertile planets often use organic or fossil fuels, while fusion grids and plasma reactors are common on industrialised worlds. Solar generators and geothermal energy are also used where local conditions permit. These power sources, and the secrets of their operation, are jealously guarded by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Of course my misremembered stab at it no way matches the majesty of the original but the concrete texture came out really well. Now you can obviously just print these out, stick them to foamboard [printing on sticky labels will further facilitate this] and build but I would heartily recommend an alternative. Should you have access to the printer and materials then print one set onto clear acetate and then print another set onto paper/labels. Now you may have to print another set and apply to the foamboard as well. Then cut the windows out on the foamboard, apply the acetate sheet for transparent windows. Then apply the label set to some cereal box or mounting card, cut out the windows again and glue over the top for a composite detailed building.

Now that may be a little more effort than Print & Play but it's next level detail and only a little effort for a lot more gain. Over the next few days I may consider putting this one together myself as it looks like I'll need some city blocks for a new interesting hobby adventure, more to follow.

Oh, and just a reminder that the Google AdSense competition will include the Print & Play terrain. If you can get a decent photograph or photo-manipulated shot of one of these, maybe with practical smoke effects even you could still be in with a chance to win an Imperial Knight [or equivalent] as and when the AdSense funds mature [update to follow].

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 4MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:    

P.S. let me know if there are any problems with the download, it's a bit difficult for me to check

Saturday, 28 February 2015

FREEBIE: Wound markers v 3.0

It's my birthday and you know I like to give presents away [although this may not be the most exciting of gifts ;) ]


You should all know by now I'm on record as disliking the common practice of using dice for recording wounds - they can be accidentally and 'accidentally' picked up. Of course I looked into it and ended up producing my own counters because they practically cost me nothing and if I leave them behind at a tournament I can make some more.

However this level of crafting can seem a bit amateurish so you can go next level like Warhammer 39,999 did with his Status effect markers but there's still a cost involved in that and the smallest sized badge will be about 25mm in diameter so it's not great for wounds.

However, I saw a tutorial by NafNaf on Objective Secured recently to achieve the same status effect but using adhesive plastic bottle caps. Now, a couple of things, I didn't even know these plastic caps existed, but they do and they come in different sizes and shapes! In addition because they're manufactured in China [mostly] you can get them in bulk.

So with this in mind I kept thinking about my current markers. I started off with triangular ones, so they took up less space and you could point them at the specific model that was wounded. They're perfectly serviceable but over time those points fray just a little bit. By time I'm talking four years here so they're really not that shabby. But for ease of construction for the many I give out to my opponents at tournaments I created the square format as the 90° angles are slightly more robust and so easy to cut them into strips with a scalpel and then snip the individual markers with some super-sharp scissors.

One thing I never considered was circular markers as cutting many of those would just be insane, but then I saw the bottle caps and in NafNaf's tutorial they used a 25mm hole punch. So I started looking and found 10mm diameter caps and a 10mm leather/card punch. So now we have a device that can be accurately positioned on a marker and removed from it's surround with a quick tap of the hammer.

All we need is a new wound marker template...

Cereal box card
The great thing is you can use the bottle cap to help position the punch, additionally you can leave them on the paper, or stick them onto cereal card for added durability or even mounting card for super thick counters [possibly overkill I think].

Mounting card
On top of that I've also ordered some 9mm square ones from China, which conveniently is exactly the same size as my v2.0 markers! so I'll see what they're like sometime in March. Ultimately though I think this is an ideal solution for those who want something that look more 'professional' without breaking the bank although the punch cost me £3 and 50 10mm bottle caps cost me another £3.50 so £6.50 for 50 wound markers... make your own mind up about value. Personally I can stick to my MK I's for the time being. I only really entered into this as following a tutorial and expanding on it. Although as I ordered 230 of both 9mm square and 10mm round from China I may well have an idea to sell some should there be a demand, although I think I've proved that this is such an easy task there shouldn't be.

Anyway here's the circular wound template, just download and print at 300dpi:

Oh, and another use of these, back before Maelstrom missions you may well have created your own custom objective that did not have numbers on. These are discrete yet big enough to be tagged beside those strategic points to differentiate the numbered objectives.

UPDATE: So you can see at the top of the page I made some and I have to admit the whole process is a bit of a faff, the punch is not particularly durable and getting through the mounting card was a nightmare. So much so that I actually only took one out and instead stuck with the cereal card ones.

These would be OK for your own purposes but certainly not as a production line [and I'll have 230 of these domes coming soon!]. That being said the adhesive domes are fantastic so hopefully the square ones will be cool and a much easier process that may result in production.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah new Print & Play buildings

I know Christmas has been and gone but there are still presents to be had and the 40kaddict thinks you've all been very good this year so please accept this gift as 2014 comes to a close...

Having introduced a number of new colour schemes for the Print & Play Terrain templates I thought I should add some more building shapes so you had a little more variety. This is based on the first beige tower colour scheme but there are 3 towers you can make from the one .pdf. There are double width towers in two and three storeys and you can choose the rooftop, and even use the 40k Standard Manifold Coupling, aka the Modular Plug Socket.

Potentially you could even stack these ad infinitum or even attach them to the modular sockets on the existing Print & Play terrain templates for some crazy structures. Indeed this adds a huge amount of variety to your buildings, which would suit the 'new' Cities of Death rules, definitely a quick way to populate your CoD! Mostly they add line of sight blocking terrain but with a much smaller footprint than the existing templates. And lets not forget you can always tear them apart to make ruins!

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core as that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 4MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Monday, 6 October 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

Therefore I give you the tall tower version for my new green marble 'Print & Play' terrain scheme. If you've made the first beige or black building then it's exactly the sayellow grid leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 10MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Monday, 29 September 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last   'Print & Play' terrain template so it was about time I added the wide version of the green marble building. If you've made the first beige or black building then it's exactly the sayellow grid leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 13.5MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last 'Print & Play' terrain template and as the loft conversion is beginning my hobby and blogging exploits will take a back seat. Therefore, to tide you over I thought I'd release a new building skin. This time you get a green marble structure with reinforced iron buttresses.

The complete set of three will once again follow the same basic sizes as my beige and black buildings. Which raises the question - should I be making some additional sizes? How about a tower that is half the width [2 windows] of this one or some single storey buildings that will offer LoS blocking to infantry but leave those Imperial Knights and Lords of War with just a cover save. Let me know if you prefer new sizes or new skins?

Just to point out you can make these as simple or as difficult/detailed as you like - print onto paper and stick to foamboard and they're done but you can print multiple copies and stick on top of the foamboard another cut-out version on mounting card that's the rusted iron and then another later of just the buttresses. That way your buildings can be more detailed or as simple as you want.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. Black foamboard would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 8MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Friday, 13 June 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last   'Print & Play' terrain template so it was about time I added the wide version of the black building. If you've made the first beige building then it's exactly the same wider footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 11MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Support you local blogger -

How do I get to blogging for so long without ever coming across this website. Germy has been creating free terrain tmeplates for years and I was completely oblivious. His awesome buildings for 40k are all FREE to download, which I obviously love and the sheer amount of them makes my own efforts pale into comparrison. With so many building I'm even questioning if I need to do anymore, although they mostly seem to be sci-fi/frontier, original Rogue Trader stylee, not the Grim Dark Gothic, so there's still a reason. What's more is they all seem to be pre-textured and look to be simple to construct, truly 'Print & Play'

There are even  6mm buildings for Adeptus Titanics/Epic Armageddon

Additionally there are some great tutorials:, not least this simple tutorial to make fences:

Apologies if some of these picture links don't work, they look a bit dodgy here, but that should be reason enough to check out Germy's website, it's pure gold and all for free, check it out NOW!

Friday, 28 February 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

As is the tradition on my birthday it's time to give a gift to the community, sorry it's just another terrain template but you could look at it as a gift horse, just don't look it in the mouth! ;) Therefore I give you the tall tower version for my new black 'Print & Play' terrain scheme. If you've made the first building then it's exactly the same footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same, but taller with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 18MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Friday, 7 February 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building scheme

Here's a new scheme for the 'Print & Play' terrain, if you've made the first building then it's exactly the same footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 84MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size but what the hey?!]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Monday, 20 January 2014

A freebie - Ymgarl Factor markers

I've amended the Ymgarl Genestealer Markers to represent the new Ymgarl Factor mutations. There's not a great deal to say about it but should you feel inclined to spend 40pts on something that'll buff a model on alternate turns then they may come in handy, knock yourself out! Oh and did I mention these were FREE, that's right FREE!

Just a reminder of my Patented method of constructing your own markers:
  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these awesome Tyranid Psychic Markers
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A freebie - Tyranid Psychic markers

Yes, yes, yes I know it's time to stop bemoaning the fact we've lost the number 1 competitive edge we had as a force - Biomancy [question, what other races have access to that power?] and embrace the wonderful Tyranid Codex Powers of 2010, repackaged and reheated for 2014, lets hope we don't get Salmonella ;)
So I give you some 'fresh' 'new' totally FREE markers to keep up to date on what your bugs are doing. Sadly they only require 4 now, Warp Blast doesn't require one and if you can ever find someone who's not Fearless then you shouldn't need a reminder that you've pinned a unit, the shock will take care of that.

Just a reminder of my Patented method of constructing your own markers:
  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these awesome Tyranid Psychic Markers
  7. Tell them to visit for their own free markers.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

FREE - Battle Mission - Ephemeral Scuffle - Knowledge is Power


The other week at 1:30 in the morning as I struggled to get to sleep, following my epic confrontation with Ben and his Necrons, my mind was racing and in a brief epiphany I had an idea for a Battle Mission. Not only that, but I could give it away, like for FREE! Once again, who doesn't like free stuff? I do and it's the season for giving afterall. So to see out 2013 [good riddance!] and hopefully usher in a new more benevolent and fun 2014 I thought I'd make it a reality.

For all I know this mission may already exist, it's probably not the most original idea, but then again, what is? Anyway, in my typical fashion of coming up with a suitably flippant 'Aldi' naming convention for the flipside of an Eternal War mission [GW like their wordplay too] I came up with these alternative titles [and you can tell which one I chose but let me know if you prefer another]

  • Ephemeral Tussle
  • Ephemeral Tiff
  • Ephemeral Scrap
  • Ephemeral Ruckus
  • Ephemeral Struggle
  • Ephemeral Skirmish
  • Ephemeral Scuffle
  • Ephemeral Conflict

To download the first Ephemeral Scuffle mission data-blurt, point your Cogitator here:

Let me know what you think, if I'm visited by the voices again maybe they'll come up with another FREE mission?

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Yet more Print and Play terrain.

Here's an early Christmas present, a new 'Print and Play' building template. I planned to release this on Christmas Day but who's going to be reading my blog on the 25th? You should be spending time with your loved ones, trying to work out at what point you can safely slope off to start snipping figures off sprue and gluing them together without getting shouted at by the better half. I'm not averse to adding a post outside of my usual schedule but providing this early seems to make more sense.

We have the 'final' part of the first 'print and play' building. I say final, I've suddenly realised I can make some more sizes. 2 window section widths would allow you to make a tower, add in a Modular Plug and cut and rebate the socket on the roof and you could add extra dimensions to these simple structures. Alternatively it could be slotted into a CD base. However, I'll start releasing my second building skins before I go back and create a new size.

This building is a 2 storey, wide structure. I can't go 3 storeys or it won't fit on A4, these are all designed to be printed on A4. Once again you can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 42MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Print and Play terrain cont.

Technically this should be a Free Radical Collective post, as I'm not going to make this but it's a simple block so there's not much that can go wrong [is there?!]. What you have above is an isometric render of the 3 storey tower block. There are two floors in the .pdf but feel free to reprint them if you want more floors.

You can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 44MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

There will be a wide version coming up next month and then I'll look at the marble version - great if you can put it on black card, I may make the tall one fore this ;)

Friday, 22 November 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Print and Play terrain

A few months ago EvanS kindly pointed Fritz40k to my humble little blog and its FREE .pdf building templates. He was impressed despite his actual need for 'print and play' terrain. Something you can print out and play with pretty much from the get go. So I tasked myself with doing just that. Originally I planned to just add texture to my existing plans but thought why not make something new. Here's the first one, a mash up of some found imagery and a new building template with elements from my existing STCs.

You can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

The roof section also comes with a Standard Manifold Coupling illustrated on top. You can keep it as is or cut it out to add any other modular plugs. Additionally it will provide access to the first floor, which is also available in the ST, should you wish to add it to your model.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 44MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

As you can see from the teaser picture below I have some other sized versions which are awaiting completion and a different colour of building. In truth I have five different styles so far, I think they get better as I developed them.

As you can see I started to get adventurous, this plan will be slightly more complex because you can print the windows onto printer acetate, another copy onto card and another onto foamboard. Remove the windows on the foamboard, add the window sheet, then use the card version to add some details!