
Over the course of the blog I've tried to add a little bit of fluff to proceedings with a colourful history to explain a lot of the compulsive projects I've done. From the back story to all the free terrain templates - Techno-archaeologist Avro Vulcan, to the history surrounding my own red slice of heaven - Ferron Proxima. Quite often these pieces require a lot of work - photoshopping images, making sure models are painted to feature in the tale, I'd love to have produced far more than I already have.

Luckily I've also been sharing pictures of my Hive Fleet Gorgon - Ferron Splinter fleet on forums and conveniently written a lot of fluff for them too. So I decided it was about time I added another tab to the top of the blog so that I could collect in one place links to the various existing fluff pieces and those to come.

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