Wednesday, 6 July 2022

'nids part 337 - Modern Synthesist's Tyranid Barricade - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on Mr Pink, aka The Modern Synthesist's Tyranid Barricade. And this was just another evening's work to get it done. There were a lot of striations on the chitin plates, that middle one in particular, but otherwise it was eerily familiar.

As I was painting the edges it almost felt exactly the same as my own efforts. As each paint stroke went on I could almost feel the process of the sculpt, which brought back those first-hand memories of sculpting my own Tyranid defence lines.

I explored some additional redness to the bonewhite on the inside. Watered down Vallejo Extra Opaque [I know it's a contradiction to water it down] Heavy Red does an amazing job of adding that raw soreness to the interior. It looks like the bio-organic growth is painfully rupturing through the ground and the additional tones make it more interesting too.

The tiny little dots inside some of the furrows are a really nice touch. Adding the odd highlight to them to stand out, as if they are seeding spores - it's a nice touch. The Barricades are not just defensive structures, but also organisms to further xenoform the planet they've infested.

It's been an absolute joy to turn this round so quickly. To Take Mr Pink's model blend it with my hive fleet and further expend my on repertoire in how I paint my nids.

It's made me think again about scratchbuilding. I really need to think about my next effort - the Tyranid Promethium relay pipes. My priorities are all my Ravenwing and Death Guard to do for #ArmiesOnParade but once that's out of the way I should explore the joys of scratchbuilding again.

So, here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! 


  1. Thats a great little piece of thematic terrain

    1. I'm glad I was able to do it justice. It will be nice to have it as a terrain piece in games, that is of course if I ever play any games on my own board...

  2. Very cool! They came out great and fit in with the rest of your swarm perfectly.

    1. It's so comforting to have something I can always rely on. There are very limited questions on how to approach it and I can just deliver a finished model each time.

      The worry is I'm actually running out of nid things. I've a lot of monstrous weaponry to do, but they're not magnetised yet and they're fiddly so don't appeal. I do have a Zoanthrope that's primed and I suppose there are my Space Hulk Genestealers but I don't really need to ever paint Genestealers again thanks to the current brood sizes. Lastly I've a lot of Termagants to repaint, but that's job in its own right, rather than a palette cleanser inbetween task.
