So on top of the priming and basing I did a quick pass of vermilion. The Warplock Bronze is going to be a nightmare but still more progress than I planned.
The Reaver got bronzed [even though I planned on doing them silver I just couldn't]. Those arms need doing...
Warhounds also got done. They were primed black and then I did a quick grey prime for the armour panels but it was a much lighter primer than I expected and satin too. It won't be an issue in the end but it was a setback when it happened.
All the bases have been further highlighted since this. I am discovering I hate doing all the metallic armour edges - it fills me with no satisfaction whatsoever. I'd be even more stressed but I have now clung to that most important rule of painting.
I'm convinced I can cover all the crap bits, and everything that's gone wrong in the end. I have to be patient which is frustrating as I actually just want to get them done. They were completely off-list but they look gorgeous and will be awesome when they're finished - I have no doubts... although the guns I'm not so sure about ;)
Big Build Galactic Stamp of Approval for basing these puppies.
Titans (and knights)! Nicely done. Spry little buggers!