Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Covid-19 lockdown

You may recall I was taking a little break, both in the blog and the hobby. In some respects I don't really feel like blogging at the moment but I do feel I 'have' to blog, it's a subtle difference and not entirely healthy when scrutinised. It's one of the reasons I had taken a break but I think I reached a point where I had been painting/making and needed to write down my progress and with so many people in lockdown there's a need to keep people occupied, eve if it is just my toy soldiers.

I'm currently in a really lucky position in that I can work from home and I've got plenty of animating to do to keep me busy. My wife had been into work at the local hospital but because the youngest had a sore throat at the weekend they've insisted she stay away for 2 weeks. Much like everyone else we've been staying in, although we had to nip for Oscar's latest MRI scan. Stable again, which was a relief but they have seen some other anomalies in his bone they want to check out with a different sort of scan in the next 2 weeks.

So all the motivation  I had to get back to blogging suddenly feels like it'll evaporate, or it might just be what I need I can't tell. The world is pretty grim and although I was having it easy in some respect I'm now facing something unknown again. Anyway,  there's nothing we can do until we've had the new scan so I'll just write some new posts and see where we're at when the dust settles.

I hope you all are keeping well, stay safe!


  1. Stay well Brother, post when you feel you want to, not feeling you have to.

    1. Thanks Siph, wise words, but you know I can't always take heed. I had some relief from the compulsion to blog but then I eventually felt bad not doing it - 'whatever makes you happy' is where I;m at, if it's blogging I will do it, if it's not I'll take a break either way I'm just being led by how it makes me feel.

  2. I've had a lack of motivation for blogging recently as well. Looking after 3 kids all day has been a challenge to say the least! I've always looked at blogging as something to do when you've something to add say, something you want to say and not something that should be a chore or be forced. Blog when you feel like it, the rest of us aren't going anywhere for a while!

    Good luck with the next scan, hopefully everything will work out fine.

    1. Hopefully, we've had some information from online groups about what it could be and we're a little reassured when considering some of the specialist felt a scan was unnecessary. However, the appointment is in for the 17th April and it's a full body bone scan and we'll be there for 4 hours, which is bad enough but that's a little more challenging in the COVID-19 era... We'll get through it, good luck with keeping your 3 entertained and engaged.
