Monday, 8 December 2014


Wayland Games had some extra stock! So despite all the other competition for my funds at the moment I went ahead and ordered a copy. At £60 it's the cheapest around and although the free delivery offer for spends over £40 doesn't include 'bulky' items I think it's a bargain. I'll be selling the Blood Angel stuff and the rule book alone is averaging £25 so the miniatures are equivalent to £40. Even if I only got £20 for the Blood Angel side [which would be disappointing] that means a Carnifex, 3 Warriors, 8 Stealers and the biggest Broodlord ever for just £20!

Of course I did just get myself a Carnifex off ebay because I couldn't get Deathstorm so now I'll have three :( oh dear, how will I cope? Now I need procure two pair of Tyrannofex Fleshborer Hives...!

Anyway, it has crystalised my thoughts, at least in one direction anyway. None of this fits in with my Hobby Season To Do List, which is fine they don't need to be painted or anything. But the more pressing issue is I never meant to purchase much else when I set the To Do List in August. I had plans for three Lictors so I can do a Deathleaper Assassin brood and then a Carnifex but other than that I was going stop. Well this will be the New Years Resolution [aside from the Lictors at some point ;) ]
Of course that takes the Tyrannocyte out of the question but I will make do with my scratchbuilds for the time being. The fact is I need to do things on my list and as much as this is a great bargain, as my wife would say it's just 'more shit'. I have a potential big purchase for my Dark Angel force, I will be adding an Imperial Knight as soon as my Google Adsense earnings reach £60 and then I have an interesting idea to follow. But I want to focus on what I've got, consolidate and then see where I'm at at the end of the Hobby Season.


  1. The one thing I like about these boxes so how they drive down the prices of stuff. Carnifex prices dropped like a rock when deathstorm came out. Be a great time to make a silly 9 carnifex list :).

    1. I have three now ;) and if I run the old 'proto-tervigon' as one, because the bigger oval base is less of an issue now I could have four! The main deal with this is the savings, I was going to do a GW post about starter games ages ago but kept pushing back. This is close to it but I still think they could do something smaller, less expensive but still higher mark up for them. A five model a side kill team box for £30, with the KT rules would be cool. Or at a push £40 with some scenery pieces too.

      ebay is indeed the winner thanks to this, although I'm thinking the Terminators might be handy too. Perhaps some Deathwing Knight bits might fit the standard bodies?

    2. I believe the front deathwing bits fit the standard backs. It's a common kitbash for templar players to bling up ours! (we just shave off your silly heretical symbols)

  2. It is a great box. Already gluing the Nids. Such a great way to start my army!
    By the way the an Imperial Knight works so well with Dark Angels, or at least it does in my force.

  3. I would have loved to have picked up one of those boxes, but at $190 AUS it was a bit pricey, especially considering that all I really want is the Broodlord ;-) The temptation to get some Blood Angels and tag team them with my Dark Angels for some retro Angels of Death action is excruciating, though.

    1. I feel your pain. 235 NZD and I wasn't going to buy it either. buuuut... someone wanted to split a box in the shop and keep the Blood Angels. He already had one set so was giving away the books. I couldn't resist and finally have a paper copy of the rules. GW appear to know me better than myself O_o

  4. This is one of the best box kits I've purchased since Dark Vengeance (I'm a sucker for DA and Chaos) and quite a bargain considering the price of the box contents. Can't wait to get mine to review.

  5. "No new bugs in 2015" gives you 15 days left to shop!
