Showing posts with label titanicus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label titanicus. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Cerastus Knight Lancer TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanics on my Cerastus Knight Lancer. Apologies, it would appear I haven't really recorded any progress on this since April last year. It seems unfair to dump a finished model out of nowhere, but here we are.

The Lancer had got to a stage where I'd done all the metal work, the base [obviously] and the red had been shaded.

So, all that was left was highlight the red, any battle damage, weather the bronze, glow FX and all the markings...

Because I wanted it to match the full scale Lancer I already have.

I'm guessing its a common urge to recreate in miniature, your bigiature.

At some point I'll therefore be compelled to paint up 3 Questoris Knights, 2 as sHouse Raven and one as my Freeblade Euronymous.

I was not especially looking forward to all the markings, freehanding the Raven symbol seemed ridiculous - but a black triangle with yellow halo and lightning wasn't too hard.

The lightning was really easy in fact, it was putting the cogs on the halo that was dodgy, it was so small my fixes work [for a distance].

And here's a 360 spin

The white cog symbol on the black half of his left shin is actually a decal, cut in half.



So, is this not the cutest little model ever?

Or is it this? Just think, the Cerastus Knight of today is as tall as a Reaver Titan of yesteryear. Amazing and sad in equal measures.

For reasons I can't explain, this I gets me my Great Big Granite Stamp of Approval - TO DONE! Rather than a 'Minor', dunno why that is, but that's what fits in my head.

Friday 24 July 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Greys

Afternoon #warmongers and I am #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanicus. The advantage of having numerous projects on the go is you can always jump onto something else when your motivation wanes. So as I avoid the Land Raider Redeemer I tried adding some of the Legio Gryphonicus spot pattern on my titan carapaces and although the Warhound came out really well the Reaver is much darker and less convincing.

I was really quite pleased with the result, I don;t know how much of the zenithal priming is still apparent on it now but the patterns on both the grey and yellow seem consistent, the scrollwork also looks cool.

I even managed to keep both sides patterning consistent.

But then the Reaver somehow is just too dark. Part of me is trying to convince myself that that's acceptable and that all my Titans can have different greys and yellows. But another part of me is not having it. The blue shield came out OK though. Hopefully I'll one day get the decals to put on them.

The spots are much more defined, showing the priming more. The problem is I can't quite recall what I did on the Warhound to achieve it's effect, there was a good few days between painting them and my lack of hobby just meant I forgot the process.

I did however put some effort into the weapons. They have their yellow done and all the bronze panel edges have been shaded and highlighted. I've more highlights to go but these are super tedious.

The net result - having lost motivation on the Land Raider and jumped to these I've not stalled ont he Titans and gone back to the Nurgle Blood Bowl team.

Monday 25 May 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Yellows

Afternoon #warmongers and I am #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanicus. |These are on of a plethora of projects that I'd been working on simultaneously alongside my Deathwing Knights. With the Knights being so challenging I needed many different things on my palette to keep my mojo ticking along. I've done all the metallic highlights and got to a point where I wanted the armour panels on. Typically I'm not sure if that's premature and I'll suffer for adding them too soon.

I think previously there were orange panels, I've added a thinned Iyanden Dark Sun to begin the Legio Gryphonicus yellow panels.

Added some sepia on all the trim and it also helped blend the yellow with the orange base.

I'll be looking to stipple on more yellow in a diffuse mottled effect akin to the original War Griffons colour scheme.

There's so much here that I had achieved in the preparation of these Titans I know I'm going to end up covering, it's infuriating I can't just leave things as they are.

An additional frustration is that I had intended to follow Duncan's guide to painting War Griffons on Warhammer TV but typically I've just gone with how I would paint these things myself.

It would have been so good to just follow each step, come out with something new, with new skills and knowledge and no need to make decisions, which I fear I'm going to end up doing as I make my own way.

Here you can see mottling effect with further spots of Iyanden Dark Sun and then Valejo Game Color Sunburst Yellow.

It's not entirely what I was after but I still have some battle damage and some line highlights to add which will help define the shapes and give the impression of more detail which will then change the perception of what the mottling is.

I think I have to shade the entire grey pieces with black. The grey primer is very different to Stonewall Greyand as such I can't use it as it looks odd.

The primer is a cool grey, while Stonewall is a warm grey.

I also picked out the blue shield, still have to done the bone scrollwork.

The shoulders have come out OK, like I say, the damage should help tie everything together.

I mean these are great and everything but once they're done I've all the weapons to do! 😳 Anyway, I'll keep chipping away at these, literally and figuratively for now.

Friday 17 April 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Base colours

Afternoon #warmongers and I am #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanicus. I've done all the metallic highlights and got to a point where I wanted the armour panels on. Typically I'm not sure if that's premature and I'll suffer for adding them too soon.

Washes needed to be added to the metals, but the edging on the armour panels need a bit of highlighting too before that gets to be done.

Now as Legio Gryphonnicus I should be doing these yellow and grey but I do always start with orange. This is the Instar paints IV-17 - a replica of the Macharius Solar Orange Foundation paint. Now the colour matching is looks bob on, it is a great comparison to my original. 

However, straight out of the pot the coverage is nowhere near the same, but that might be because it's not quite mixed thoroughly. I really need to get a stirrer in there to see if there is thicker paint at the bottom. I bought a 50ml pot which was a little extreme, I should have gone with 20ml and got a load of other sample pots to try the range - experience for next time.

The Reaver has not had it's armour plates glued on just yet but it's progressed at the same pace. On the one hand this is going to be a huge success at the end but right now it's a little overwhelming. I'd focused on the Titans for a while but thankfully it helped me return to my Deathwing Knights.

With all the highlights to do on the Terminators I'd been put off and switched to these, now it's time to switch back.

But, when the Deathwing are done I need to get all these metals up to scratch, then shaded so I can focus on the fun of the armour plates... oh and all the weapons. It's weird because with so few figures in a Titan army I was deluding myself into seeing this project like a Warhammer Underworlds Warband, but with 2 Warhounds, Reaver, Knight AND all the weapon options I should have seen it more like painting a 40k Imperial Titan. Or at least it's been as big as doing both my Armigers! Mistakes about the task at hand were made, still we'll get them done in the end.

Monday 13 April 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Big Build - Prime and Base TO DONE!

As much as I wasn't feeling the hobby there are always some things I feel comfortable doing and priming is one of them, because as sure as eggs is eggs I'll get my mojo back eventually and if I've got stuff ready to go then I can speed things along immeasurably.

So on top of the priming and basing I did a quick pass of vermilion. The Warplock Bronze is going to be a nightmare but still more progress than I planned.

The Reaver got bronzed [even though I planned on doing them silver I just couldn't]. Those arms need doing...

Warhounds also got done. They were primed black and then I did a quick grey prime for the armour panels but it was a much lighter primer than I expected and satin too. It won't be an issue in the end but it was a setback when it happened.

All the bases have been further highlighted since this. I am discovering I hate doing all the metallic armour edges - it fills me with no satisfaction whatsoever. I'd be even more stressed but I have now clung to that most important rule of painting.

I'm convinced I can cover all the crap bits, and everything that's gone wrong in the end. I have to be patient which is frustrating as I actually just want to get them done. They were completely off-list but they look gorgeous and will be awesome when they're finished - I have no doubts... although the guns I'm not so sure about ;)

Big Build Galactic Stamp of Approval for basing these puppies.