Showing posts with label middle earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label middle earth. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Middle Earth Moria Goblin Prowlers - BIG BUILD TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Moria Goblins for #MESBG I had seen three of these metal Prowlers on ebay at £4.50 or so for a while and I thought they could be a great bargain. I mentioned them to Otty but didn't hear anything back.

Naturally, come the end of the auction they shot up in price  but I still got a thrill at the end as my maximum bid of £12 won the auction for £11.50. Add on the £4.50 postage and I was quite pleased with myself.

Until Otty messaged me an hour later to say they are back in production on GW's website and you can get 6 for £18! More fool me. Still, they came and I got them glued into their bases, glued sand onto their bases and got them primed.

On went some rough and garish base colours ready for washes and highlights.

 I get a Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

And a Great Big RUSTY Big Build Base Stamp of Approval for the basing!

Thursday 15 September 2022

Middle Earth Moria Goblin Durbûrz & Blackshield - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Moria Goblins for #MESBG The last time I was at Otty's he'd got quite a large Moria Goblin auction and in there was a Durbûrz that he kindly let me have. He makes a much better Zit, the leader of my warband.

I think I'd already started to panic about available hobby time for AoP so rushed him and a Blackshield that had been promoted. I think one of my spear Goblins had made two kills in one game so he deserved the promotion.

I brought home one of the other Blackshields to ensure I kept things consistent. Most of my Warband is kept at Otty's now for convenience. But they make a cool little gang and all of the Defence 6 models are beginning to make things far more durable now.

If I'm honest he was a bit rushed and not quite as good as he could be. That said the pictures aren't bad and his green glowy eyes are far more effective than I thought they'd be.

As it was second hand some of the detail on the chainmail on the back was worn away, or filled in with some form of hobby coating. So, the final painting feels rough and ready because there wasn't really any detail to capture. On the plus side it makes me feel I did the best with what i had so the end result I'm pleased about.

I'm not sure what was the donor model for this but the head and shield are Moria, with a Milliput cloak.

So, another GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the 2022/23 Hobby Season.

  As time is short, I didn't actually take the BIG BUILD black and white pictures and rather than just add another post here's the WiPs.

 I get a Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

And a Great Big RUSTY Big Build Base Stamp of Approval for the basing!

Monday 22 August 2022

Battle Report - Middle Earth Battle Companies - Baggage Train

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity - I've been playing #MESBG [Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game] again at Otty's. I appreciate this is rapidly making a mockery of blogs title of 40kaddict but I go where the fun is. This was an exciting game against Liam's Elves, We rolled the baggage train where I had 5 'pack horses' along my [southern] board edge. My aim was to have 3 pieces of cargo at the end of the game. I also got an influence point for each item moving off the board. Liam had to kill a pack train and steal it's cargo and then escape on the northern board edge.

Now we read the rules quite a few times as it felt like the victory conditions were the wrong way round. I just had to hold onto the cargo, but that promise of extra influence points was mighty tempting. So I headed off to the right side to try to make for the trees and cover

Unfortunately Liam's Elf bowmen had range, accuracy and proper deadly. I soon realised the long march up the board needed more cover.

So, I started to sneak behind the trees and then took full advantage of the slightly larger than your average pack horse - wagons and cattle to hide some of my units behind them. 

Liam could see me heading to the northeast board edge so reposition to cut me off. But my convoy continued on and I was beginning to struggle with congestion in some areas but still used the wagons for cover.

Things are beginning to get tense now, Liam closed off my escape and managed to get his foot troops and archers into the woods too. Priority is going to ne essential.

I move further up, with my cattle hoping to sneak off down the flank, the other items still as obstacles he has to get round, or kill. I have to say my heart was pounding at this stage. Numerous turns building up to this point.

I'm guessing I lost priority as it's all kicking off now. My pack train was both a boon and a curse, getting in the way, blocking charges but also trapping some of my own models. Sadly I missed a picture before this. I was in a very lucky position where the troll managed to pick up a knight on his horse and hurl it 6" through a wagon a 3 other infantry. Each warrior he hit managed to avoid injury but one of them clipped the knight as he crashed into them and he was injured in the final sprawl as he landed. It was an epic moment.

But Liam had quality fighters in his warband and started to pick off my Goblins, while my own success dwindled after the mighty thrown cavalry. He'd also misunderstood his objective in killing the back train and taking the cargo, so quickly set about destroying wagons and my herd of pigs But I think he was too bloodthirsty in his zeal and may have tipped me into 25%. I'd lost my force but I think I'd won the game. I still had 3 pieces of cargo and Liam had failed to steal those he'd taken from the damaged train.

A really tense and exciting game, plenty of suspense leading up to the first clash of battle. The combat itself was challenging and I was lucky with the outcome, but the victory conditions were really confusing, certainly moreso for me in control of the pack train and it didn't help that Liam hadn't understood he had to kill/destroy each pack horse and then steal away it's cargo. I'm sure he'll play it differently next time.

And there we have the map, I've started to make inroads to Scott's domain in the south. I'd thought to make a buffer between My red hexes of Moria and Lothlorien and Otty's green hexes, but thought if I'd put the marker I used in the south there Otty my see it as aggression. Instead he took those hexes and now I have him breathing down my door. That's what happens when you don't play to your faction!

Friday 19 August 2022

NOT Battle Reports - Middle Earth Battle Companies - 2 battles

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity - I've been playing #MESBG [Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game] again at Otty's. I continue to take pictures of the games, but not always write the report soon after. This means these two games I had are really sketchy in my memory and not much of a report with so few images to remind me. 

First up though I was playing Recovery against Scott's Khandish [mainly] cavalry. This was a real disadvantage for me as there are 5 objective along the centre of the board. First to search an objective and find the sole relic hidden in one of them and escape the board wins. Scott's cavalry and chariot can all move 10", I just have two Wargs with that pace. Add in the fact I have massive hill between me and the objectives and I was going to struggle to win that race. It might have been more interesting to have swapped sides but it's moot now. I got priority and luckily my +1 and rerolls to climb tests at least got many of my Goblins to the op of the cliffs. Meanwhile my Troll went round the left flank and my Wargs the right.

I got the search the objective on the furthest right - no relic. Scott started on the left and then, like me, deduced it had been hidden by Liam and Otty in the centre objective, leaving that wagon right in the way of my Troll attempting to catch up with the warrior hot-footing it up the board with the loot. Somehow, one of my Goblin Archers picked him off from maximum range, dropping the little green relic, but another warrior was nearby to take up the prize. Meanwhile the rest of his army prepared to face down my Wargs emerging from the trees in the top right.

I came down from the hill, using the watchtower as cover. I may have searched the wagon to remove it as an obstacle, but the Troll managed to get past and perhaps squash on of the horsemen [or that's him next to the chariot], but it didn't look like I could catch the relic-bearer.

I vainly pushed on but I think it was just too far to catch up and I can't see any more Wargs. I think I lost this.

However, you can see my red pins I have quite an 'empire'. We started not from the yellow hexes, but I do have the Lake of Rhun, which means ever expansion phase, on a 4+ I get to secure an additional hex. Which I am going to try to use to my advantage. Also, having the Grey Havens means I can capture any coastal hex which might prove useful too.

I think the second game of the evening was Seize Ground against Otty's Rohirrim. I hadn't expected a second game as it was getting to 10:30 but he said it wouldn't take too long, I think I was there until 1:30am! Ordinarily I'd have knocked it on the head but this was one of the most tactical games I'd played so far 

As the mission was very similar to how 5th edition 40k used to play its objectives it was really cool to try to find ways to be sat on an objective just as the game ends. But the game only ends when a warband is broke. So, it's a finer window of success because who knows when that will happen? In 40k it was at the end of turn 5, unless the game carries on so you always had a clue when you had to be camped. Anyway, I was trying avoid his cavalry as much as possible, which is why my Wargs hid in the vegetable patch and I tried to put as much terrain between me and his more effective archers. I even hid behind a wizened old man objective in the bottom right - using him as a human shield! Very Goblinesque!

The hedge at the crossroad became a hugely strategic obstacle. It had stopped Otty from charging forward but having killed onw Warg with throwing spears he'd retreated and now it was slowing me getting to his horse warriors. Meanwhile his ghostly apparition [that randomly appears because he holds the Dead Marshes] held the strategic objective of a haystack.

I was able to advance up the centre of the board with my Troll, leaving the piggy objective in the crossroads unguarded. Otty sent the ghost to capture it but I sneakily managed to trap him, but not strong enough to despatch it back to the afterlife.

I think my Troll killed a Knight and a foot soldier, then stomped back to the crossroads while my Blackshield in the top right managed to engage with the remaining Knight and deny him the doggy objective.

Now, I'm not sure what happened in the end but I think I somehow managed to win this. I know Otty has the peasant objective in the top right and I still have bottom left, so that was one each. I think the knight in the top left might have been killed by the Blackshield, the middle objective was contested and the haystack unclaimed. I was absolutely knackered but really excited about how it was enjoyable for tactical reasons. I think I had been a little outclassed again but it felt like decisions I made, like surging my Blackshields towards the rangers in the top left forced Otty to change his tactics. 

Bearing in mind 4 of the objectives were in the top half of the board, only 1 in my half it was quite the slog for my slow moving gobbos. The Wargs are a useful addition for pace but it's a real challenge to get around, especially when you're up against cavalry and Otty, Liam and Scott are all using mounted troops, with increasing numbers in each. I think I need a third Warg to join the other two and definitely my Cave Troll is working well alongside the Blackshields. Once I've got those in place I might look to fill out more Goblins, I can take 20 models in my warband, rather than the usual maximum of 15. I'll see what my Influence points can get me after another Warg.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

#MESBG Zit's Oxy Morons

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I recently discovered the Battle Companies Manager website. It's brilliant site developed by Pat Gaunt, that helps manage your warband for Middle Earth Battle Companies. I have to say I think it is absolutely fantastic. It requires some effort out of the gate, you need to have all your stats and create some basic profiles for unit types, weapons and various rules. But once they're created it's really easy to add new models to your warband. Here's what's currently in mine.

I'd been using paper up to this and then I was both keeping track on paper and via the site on my phone. I was amazed at how easy it was to keep track with it.

I did mess up by closing chrome and it reset my actual game progress, lucky I had that paper copy too. Since then I've locked Chrome so I can't repeat the mistake.

It is free, but supported by adverts, mainly for Element Games so it's not the end of the world. But they can be removed for as little as £1. I was so impressed with how good the tool was I did so and will probably donate again in the future.

There's clearly a lot underpinning the site , it knows when upgrades happen to add points to your warband total. It hold each wounded model back to allow you to do all the injury rolls.

If a model misses a game it covers the profile image with blood and won't allow you to use them next time round.

Models with injuries have icons on their profile to help remind you they have a limp too. The whole process is really streamlined, even with using the book for all the actual rolls on the chart.

You'd have to write this down on a sheet anyway. Having taken all these unit pics it also helps to identify who is who too.

Experience is handled in a similar fashion and it will tell you when a model is advancing and whatever new skill or stat change can be easily applied or you just add a new special rule depending on what you roll.

As mentioned when these things are added it will automatically increase their base cost.

When you add new wargear, so long as you specify how much each item costs it will also calculate the value of the warband.

And with any injuries it will subtract those from your warband value too.

And when you come to start a game and add in your opponents value it will calculate any rerolls for you or them and any extra influence points earned because of the difference. It will also allow you to keep track of those rerolls during the game.

And automatically create your Influence Point scores at the end of the game depending on the result. I am so impressed with this, I can't recommend it enough. It's so well executed, usually you find some flaw, perhaps that is grasping how to populate your profile templates beforehand [see the links below to help overcome that] and when I lost my score data. It's also much easier to do the initial data entry on a PC, than on a mobile phone. The ability to click anywhere with a mouse, type and delete with a keyboard is really straightforward. But, everything else is functional, well designed and helpful once it's in place, even on mobile phone. I'd say it's a no brainer for free, but it's actually even better paying for it as when you print your warband it doesn't have the ads in either, which is handy. And also, that ability to print, so you can have both digital and paper versions is very handy. Go check it out.

Here's an interview with the creator:
And a 'How to...' guide: