Showing posts with label buildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buildings. Show all posts

Monday 29 September 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last   'Print & Play' terrain template so it was about time I added the wide version of the green marble building. If you've made the first beige or black building then it's exactly the sayellow grid leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 13.5MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last 'Print & Play' terrain template and as the loft conversion is beginning my hobby and blogging exploits will take a back seat. Therefore, to tide you over I thought I'd release a new building skin. This time you get a green marble structure with reinforced iron buttresses.

The complete set of three will once again follow the same basic sizes as my beige and black buildings. Which raises the question - should I be making some additional sizes? How about a tower that is half the width [2 windows] of this one or some single storey buildings that will offer LoS blocking to infantry but leave those Imperial Knights and Lords of War with just a cover save. Let me know if you prefer new sizes or new skins?

Just to point out you can make these as simple or as difficult/detailed as you like - print onto paper and stick to foamboard and they're done but you can print multiple copies and stick on top of the foamboard another cut-out version on mounting card that's the rusted iron and then another later of just the buttresses. That way your buildings can be more detailed or as simple as you want.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. Black foamboard would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 8MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Friday 13 June 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

It's been a good few months since my last   'Print & Play' terrain template so it was about time I added the wide version of the black building. If you've made the first beige building then it's exactly the same wider footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same, but wider with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 11MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Support your local blogger - Fenrisian Studios

I may be a little biased about this but I had to share Fenrisian Studios blog, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact Javier created the ruins below from my very own STCs

I love the pale colours, I really need to have some cream/bonewhite buildings on Ferron Proxima, I think they'd look fantastic against the red but Javier has gotten a lot of texture and tone into the colouring, really nice.

Additionally he's got airbrushing tutorials, painting guides for his Space Wolves [well we can't all be perfect and play Dark Angels ;) ] He's even made some terrain based on plans from my own original inspiration - Bugbait

A lot of the blog is in Spanish but google translate cna help cut through the language barrier and ultimately we're all speaking the language of hobby anyway. Have a look see what you think:

Thursday 6 March 2014

Support you local blogger -

How do I get to blogging for so long without ever coming across this website. Germy has been creating free terrain tmeplates for years and I was completely oblivious. His awesome buildings for 40k are all FREE to download, which I obviously love and the sheer amount of them makes my own efforts pale into comparrison. With so many building I'm even questioning if I need to do anymore, although they mostly seem to be sci-fi/frontier, original Rogue Trader stylee, not the Grim Dark Gothic, so there's still a reason. What's more is they all seem to be pre-textured and look to be simple to construct, truly 'Print & Play'

There are even  6mm buildings for Adeptus Titanics/Epic Armageddon

Additionally there are some great tutorials:, not least this simple tutorial to make fences:

Apologies if some of these picture links don't work, they look a bit dodgy here, but that should be reason enough to check out Germy's website, it's pure gold and all for free, check it out NOW!

Friday 28 February 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building

As is the tradition on my birthday it's time to give a gift to the community, sorry it's just another terrain template but you could look at it as a gift horse, just don't look it in the mouth! ;) Therefore I give you the tall tower version for my new black 'Print & Play' terrain scheme. If you've made the first building then it's exactly the same footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same, but taller with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 18MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size, I tweaked it a little bit and got it down so hopefully it's less of an issue now.]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Friday 7 February 2014

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new Print & Play building scheme

Here's a new scheme for the 'Print & Play' terrain, if you've made the first building then it's exactly the same footprint with exactly the same options to keep or remove the windows, this time a lovely diamond leaded effect. So the building is the same with just a different colour for variety on your battlefield.

These would ideally be suited for the foamboard that has the black foam core. I was going to make one but didn't get round to it, sorry. However, that black foam would make these easily playable from the off, without looking too much like a quickly knocked up bit of terrain.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 84MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg or spend hours trying to reduce the file size but what the hey?!]:

Meanwhile all the other Print & Play and standard terrain templates are available here:   

Sunday 22 December 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Yet more Print and Play terrain.

Here's an early Christmas present, a new 'Print and Play' building template. I planned to release this on Christmas Day but who's going to be reading my blog on the 25th? You should be spending time with your loved ones, trying to work out at what point you can safely slope off to start snipping figures off sprue and gluing them together without getting shouted at by the better half. I'm not averse to adding a post outside of my usual schedule but providing this early seems to make more sense.

We have the 'final' part of the first 'print and play' building. I say final, I've suddenly realised I can make some more sizes. 2 window section widths would allow you to make a tower, add in a Modular Plug and cut and rebate the socket on the roof and you could add extra dimensions to these simple structures. Alternatively it could be slotted into a CD base. However, I'll start releasing my second building skins before I go back and create a new size.

This building is a 2 storey, wide structure. I can't go 3 storeys or it won't fit on A4, these are all designed to be printed on A4. Once again you can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 42MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

Alternatively if you want to reduce the footprint a bit and still retain some of the proportions you could employ the standard 2 storey template on one facing to make a rectangular building instead of a square one. It's your choice but here's another 'artists' rendering and a link to the page where it's at.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Print and Play terrain cont.

Technically this should be a Free Radical Collective post, as I'm not going to make this but it's a simple block so there's not much that can go wrong [is there?!]. What you have above is an isometric render of the 3 storey tower block. There are two floors in the .pdf but feel free to reprint them if you want more floors.

You can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 44MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

There will be a wide version coming up next month and then I'll look at the marble version - great if you can put it on black card, I may make the tall one fore this ;)

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Terrain is everything - hedge your bets.

A quick one, another gem from the old White Dwarf back catalogues. This time it's more a tutorial than tmeplates - how to make Warhammer fences, walls and hedges. Hope you enjoy it.


Friday 22 November 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new type of STC is found - Print and Play terrain

A few months ago EvanS kindly pointed Fritz40k to my humble little blog and its FREE .pdf building templates. He was impressed despite his actual need for 'print and play' terrain. Something you can print out and play with pretty much from the get go. So I tasked myself with doing just that. Originally I planned to just add texture to my existing plans but thought why not make something new. Here's the first one, a mash up of some found imagery and a new building template with elements from my existing STCs.

You can choose to keep the stained glass windows or cut them out. Equally you can go at it with a craft knife or a Dremel multi-tool and make a ruin. You can even print an extra set onto card and add some of the decorative details onto the paper so it has a little more depth, your choice.

The roof section also comes with a Standard Manifold Coupling illustrated on top. You can keep it as is or cut it out to add any other modular plugs. Additionally it will provide access to the first floor, which is also available in the ST, should you wish to add it to your model.

Essentially all you really need to do is print these, stick them to foamboard and cut out. I might suggest using A4 sticky labels for the printing, then either bevel the edges to 45 degrees or remove an interior 5mm strip so the boards can slot into each corner - simple!

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here, be fair warned it is 44MB in size [I make no apologies for this, I could probably render it as a .jpg but what the hey?!]:

As you can see from the teaser picture below I have some other sized versions which are awaiting completion and a different colour of building. In truth I have five different styles so far, I think they get better as I developed them.

As you can see I started to get adventurous, this plan will be slightly more complex because you can print the windows onto printer acetate, another copy onto card and another onto foamboard. Remove the windows on the foamboard, add the window sheet, then use the card version to add some details!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new STC concept!

With the introduction of the Cetacean 'vent' Tower the other day there was a proposal by Tech Adept First Class Spyrle to create a landing pad platform that could protect larger units of the Emperor's Finest or in certain circumstances provide a forward base for Imperial Skimmers. Ordinarily this kind of outspoken innovation would have sent Adept Spyrle to the flagellants yard for penance - new technology is bad technology progressive thinking is the mark of the Heretic.

Thankfully though before he felt the sting of the arco-flail a sign was sent to one of our more Visionary adepts who is beyond reproach and the Heresy of new thinking that indeed this concept could already be implemented thanks to a 'blessed' Mechanicum Approved STC. By using the Hex Tower 2 and employing a Standard Manifold Coupling on the base it is theoretically possible to combine these two ancient and revered STCs.

Currently there are no examples of this on Ferron Proxima but data scribes have conjured these picts of how the Hex Tower could be employed on the Cetacean Tower and it's Baleen roof extensions. Additional underslung roof support struts could also be fashioned to make use of the emplaced weapon ports but current load simulations do not suggest such strengthening is mandatory for it's current role.

In reward to Adept Spyrle, this will be reclassified as the Spyrle Forward Observation Platform, please update you cogitators forthwith.

Friday 20 September 2013

Terrain is everything - Hail the Omnissiah a new STC is found!

Techno-archaeologist Avro Vulcan has believed to have been in enforced hiding for months now. The truth is he has not cowed to the shadowy figures out to destroy him or steal his work. His absence has been in the pursuit of more knowledge and to unearth the Standard Template Construct (STC) pattern for what has been described as a 'Vent Tower' by some of his more disparaging contemporaries.

In truth, one use for the tower is indeed venting geothermal ground-source heat pumps and in rare cases through the use of Standard Manifold Couplings a Plasma Generator can be installed in the tower.

However, the Cetacean Tower can be used as a multipurpose structure, including an Imperial Shrine, a frontier outpost, a small Bastion or even an Astral Communications Bunker and Navigation Array. The versatility of it's construction is evidenced when the Baleen roof extension is added during the build.

The extension increases the field of view for the tower without compromising the battlement surface area and can be added repeatedly. Additional fireports are present in the extension and can be fitted with emplaced weaponry, should the resources prove available. Thanks to the Standard Manifold Coupling the Baleen Extension is also compatible with the various man-made hill STCs Vulcan has already discovered.

The STC discovered by Avro Vulcan contains some of the most detailed template instructions to date, a crowning glory for the efforts Avro has gone to to ensure his STC will 'stand the test of time'. However, given the modular nature of this STC there are some elements that could not be recreated using Vulcan's arcane data retrieval algorithms. Luckily, this STC comes with links to a number of archival pict feeds of a Cetacean Tower and its Baleen Roof Extension under construction. These visual records are valuable in themselves as they pre-date the Age of Strife and hark back to the halcyon days before the Horus Heresy.

So far only one Cetacean Tower has been built on Ferron Proxima, to stand at the edge of the wastelands in defiance of the newly discovered Xenos threat that is gestating in its uncharted midst. Underfall, as it has been called is a first line beacon of the Emperor's Will - a tower defence that will see the alien scourge as it approaches and, given it's comms array built into the rooftop, will rapidly call force the vengeful retribution of the recently arrived 2nd Tactical Squad of the 5th Company of the Dark Angels. Squads Gideon and Boreas, veterans of the Siege of Vraks, have answered the calls for help raised from their recruitment world and may herald the coming of a larger force descended from the First Legion.

To access the full STC please point your Cogitators here:

This STC will be uploaded to the full Ferron Proxima STC library shortly. You can access the database here:

Wednesday 24 July 2013

1500pt battle report - nids vs Imperial Guard and Ork allies


Another match up against Ben and his embryonic Imperial Guard, this time I decided to give the Doom of Malan'tai a miss and wanted to give the nearly finished Tyranid Bastion a run out in the sun. So, instead of a drop-podding Doom it was drop-podding squad of 19 Devgaunts - 57 Devourer shots! I also decided to forego a comms relay and upgrade the Winged Tyrant with Hive Commander - for 5 extra points I get the same +1 to reserve roll but also get to outflank a troop - my Tervigon, which I thought would be entertaining to bring it on right in his back field, see how he likes them apples?

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant HQTervigon CC troopTervigon Plain HQ WarlordBroodlord [Adrenal]
EnfeebleEnfeebleIron ArmIron Arm
HaemorrhageLife LeechWarp SpeedNA Haemorrhage

The low down:
  • The Relic :(
  • Vanguard Strike
  • I won deployment, Ben won first turn
  • Warlord Trait - Counter Attack in deployment Zone.
I'm set up on the left, obviously, I'd wanted to hid behind the Bastion and essentially use it as a 'red herring' he can't target it if no ones inside it. I know it's 70pts to sit idle but it screened my setup and I'd read about what Ordnance can do to them thanks to a heads-up from PeteB.

 Anyway those Storm Eagle missiles were going to be dropping so the Hive Tyrant sat in the meteor crater for cover but the Genestealer had nowhere to go so were out in the open.

Ben uses the Wall of Martyrs for his defence line which is quite handy as he can pick it up with the models still in place to move them to another table. Anyway, I failed to steal the Initiative but Night Fighting was in effect.

But the saving throws weren't enough to save the Broodlord who was sniped out of existence from the Ordnance with one of the other Stealers. So much for putting him in the open, that'll learn yeh!

Ork mob rushed towards the Relic.

And those foolish enough to venture forth were cut down by the Tyrant, Tervigon and Hive Guard allowing the 8 spawned out Gaunts to get within half an inch of the Relic on their run move.

Ben's turn and the Dakka Jet and Vendetta scream through the skies the latter disgorging their veterans. The Dakka Jet shoots the Hive Tyrant out of the sky quite dramatically. BANG! First Blood to Ben and there  goes my +1 to reserve roles, that comms relay is looking better now...

Two of the Hive Guard had decided to occupy the Bastion, allowing it to auto fire [it may have killed an Ork in my turn] but this allowed Ben to target the Bastion which suffered a couple of penetrating hits and glances - killing a Hive Guard outright and reducing the AV to 11. Additional fire removes the remaining Hive Guard and drops another AV point down to 10. At one point the smaller turret shear off and destroys the gun pointing into my deployment zone.

Two overwatch hits fail to wound from the Termagants and I fail my Leadership to get Counter Attack off the nearby Tervigon. One Ork goes down to the gaunts. And in reply 54 attacks wipe out the 7 remaining gribblies, Ben didn't even need to resolve more than the first 40 dice! Orks consolidate around the Relic.

Much like chess, he takes my Termagant Troops, and my Myectic Spore safely deviates backwards 9" into the ruins, 19 Devgaunts jump out. The Quad Gun tracks the falling spore pod and I fail to save a wound on it despite the cover. Hindsight - later it was a good job it did land in cover.

The Tervigon arrives thankfully on the left hand side in the woods but the Ymgarls fail to wake up [if the Tyrant had been alive they'd have been disturbed by the Tervigon's blundering].

Veterans lose a man or two to the Biovores.

So much for 54 attacks from the Orks, I got 57 Devourer shots on the Orks and the 3 remaining break and run, the Tervigon chases them down and kills them when they fail to regroup. So I've 19 Devgaunts within 6" of the relic and only a small guard unit in the ruins to my left and the 6 or 7 vets over behind the Vendettas.

Ben's turn and the Tervigon is targetted by three different units. Despite the cover save the first two manage to score a pair of wounds a piece and then third adds another pair leaving me with this dice role!

No more Tervigon - poor show.

Stormeagle missiles kill 13 of my Devgaunts - so much for their 4+ cover save! And I'm down to 1 Hive Guard.

Ymgarls wake up but the Quad Gun swivels round and blasts two of them to a pulp, so I check for morale and they bolt for home, except home is all the way round the defence line so they head east instead of south.

Tervigon HQ moves for cover and to try and get Linebreaker, Devgaunts move to glance the Dakka Jet and score 1 :( I'd tried to get them to the Relic but their Move Thru Cover Role was 4". I can only reach it on 6s and don't want to be out in the open to all that Defence Line fire and missile rain.

Biovores pass their Instinctive Behavior test and head for the Bastion, they reduce the vets down to 2 who are pinned but pass their morale and are surrounded by two more unexploded spore mines.

Vendetta moves to kill off the Ymgarls, and succeeds.

Spore Pod eventually gives up the ghost losing Linebreaker.

The Tervigon finally take a couple of wounds, out of six turns it had five +3 Iron Arms and one +2

Biovores make it into the Bastion but not much happens with shooting, a guardsman here or there. Eventually the Bastion takes a hit and the occupants are reduced to snap fire shots only which the Biovores can't make. The Hive Guard manages to impale the now recovered Vet who were heading for Linebreaker. Devgaunts get another 4" move so I have to go for it -

And then they're whittled down to one for their audacity!

The Tervigons bashes the Manticore to pieces. I have Linebreaker, it's 1 apiece. We roll to see if it continues into turn 5.

It does, my last Termagant is killed, I can't secure the Relic, and my Tervigon is shot to pieces with hovering Vendetta fire. My Linebreaker is gone and Ben gets Slay the Warlord winning the game 2:0

Well I'm not a believer in luck 'per se' but I think I was unlucky there. The Hive Tyrant wasn't necessarily unlucky, it fell to the Dakka Jet because that was it's purpose but the Ymgarls and CC Tervigon didn't do anything worthwhile. The Bastion performed better than I thought it would given Ben's use of Ordnance, he was less than successful with his penetrating dice rolls though. Devgaunts were brutal although I was unfortunate not get chance to Enfeeble the unit of Orks which would have seen them thinned quick smart. Biomancy was a bit rubbish this game, although I was better than average with Iron Arm rolls.

Genestealers did nothing, so in hindsight I think I chose the wrong side. I chose the board edge due to lines of fire when instead I should have chosen the other side because it was filled with 4+ area terrain! Anyway, it was a good game and it was nice to run things different. I'm sure this would be a bit more brutal with the Doom in tow in a second spore pod - I guess I need to address that issue of getting that done, it's on my 'to do list' afterall!