Showing posts with label blog wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog wars. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Blog Wars X - This time it's numeral - The Aftermath

And lo it came to pass that Blog Wars X would be the final Blog War. I can't thank Alex enough for all he's done to arrange these events and keep doing them for 5 years, this time we even got these cool objective counters [supplied by NafNaf at Objective Secured]. I managed to attend half of them and I'm really looking forward to Alex's next competition as although Blog Wars is gone a replacement is in the works but I can't tell you about it or I'll have to kill you and then Alex will have to kill me but as always if you want the info it'll be on From the Fang first.

Back to our weekend, Otty, Ben, Liam and I all got to Stockport on the Friday night. Otty and Ben had a practice game and I watched ;) I'd been suffering from some pain in my foot [possibly plantar fasciitis] all week and although Liam arrived an hour or so after I got there from work I just didn't want to start a game with a whole days standing on the morrow.

So I took some pictures of Otty and Ben's game

Otty's nids are just fantastic en masse.

Then we all bundled into the nearest curry house Kismet in Stockport the food was great and 20+ young women having some kind of sports team post match celebration didn't spoil the night -
Me, the 40kaddict? Here? In a Stockport Curry House? With 20+ excitable young ladies? With my tyranid collection? What were they thinking of?

Actually it was more what were we thinking of, because we're all sharing a camper van in the NWGC car park! Ooh the smells!

Ben took a picture of his first game - Ork Vs Ork

And justifiably very pleased with himself for getting best painted Special character with Ghazgkhull.

But hat was not the end of it as Otty won best painted army and Liam got best conversions with his Nurgle CSMs which included his Hellflies, Land Raider, maggot Chaos spawn and various other scratchbuilds and kitbashes! They're going to stop us coming in future I think.

I picked up these fellas too, so I can make some Shrikes like Monkeychuka, will try and recoup some of the cost by selling the rest of the Crypt Horrors on sprues.

Also on the Friday night I say this awesome Chaos Knight conversion

I love how the hatch has been welded shut so the pilot can no longer escape his hellish confines.

And a pretty cool Heldrake conversion too.

I'll try and get on with the battle reports as soon as I can, there's loads I want to blog about but I'm struggling to fit it in, I'll do my best.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Blog Wars X

Today is Blog Wars X, I can't say enough how much I enjoy this event and appreciate all the hard work Alex From the Fang does in putting on the event. When I started back into the hobby and met up with my mates and they were desparate to attend Warhammer World I really enjoyed the experience but it is costly, the tickets and accommodaiton is one thing but it's not just the price it's the time overhead too. You're away from home for two nights at least and getting back from Nottingham on a Sunday can be quite late.

Obviously for me and my mates the North West Gaming Centre is practically round the corner, I know  alot of people have to travel much further and I can sympathise with that but the tickets are considerably cheaper and it only being a one day tournie means you still get at least half your weekend at home with the family. And the raffle is also pretty cool, not that I've ever won anything in that but I've made up for it obviously in other ways and there is always that chance - it could be you!

Alex has stated ext year there will only be one Blog Wars, with the fledgling tournament Fluffageddon taking the November spot. Fluffageddon was originally set for September just gone but didn't have enough interest. I know I struggled to fit another even in between BW9 and X but I've every intention to jump onto it in November 2016 as I wish I could have been involved in BW1. We may well look at attending a Warhammer World event in March/April too as it's been far too long since our last visit but for right now I'm looking forward to todays competition, BW11 and Fluffageddon.

I'll let you know how we all got on as soon as I can, have a great weekend.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Blog Wars X Tyranid Army list

As I've seen a few other blogs post their BWX army lists I thought why the heck not. Having abandoned the Dark Angels as a bad idea [and also unachievable given timescale and rate of progress] the nids will be there yet again. I'm reluctant to enter them into the painting competition, having won last time, but Alex said it's not a problem and I honestly think there will be lots of competition for the top spot as I know Liam and Otty's armies will do really well alongside the usually high standard of entrants. But I know it's an issue for some and money is involved so I'd rather not be 'that guy' when I don't have to be. From recent experience I know whatever good will I generate from people enjoying the army is easily lost when the competitive side gets involved so I;d rather just display it and try and promote the blog this time.

So, here's my list, I was apprehensive about the new double CAD option at first, it was only in the last few weeks when I was asking some questions of Alex that he pointed out it was possible that I could take two CADs, I was still under the impression it was not possible to have two of the same faction. So I created this list and finally able to run [swoop] two Flyrants, which I haven't been able to do at Blog Wars since the old Codex, which obviously had the Doom of Malantai who was everyones favourite Special Character but he was an Elite choice so made 2 Flyrant HQs easy. Nowadays all but one of our Specials are HQs so twin Flyrants was difficult. 

I've dropped the Manufactorum Genestealers because there were too many models and I needed to shave points. The Children of Cryptus came in instead, slightly more durable, less board presence and ability to affect how your opponent deploys [I so love messing with people's heads before they even put models down] but they are Ob Sec which is pretty valuable. Overall I wanted more MCs, less body count. Obviously they 30 gaunts counter that but there are only 52 models in total so hopefully my games will be a little quicker. I was able to shave a few points off by dropping some Hive Guard I was going to take and instead replace their four T6 4+ saves with the Mawloc's six T6 3+ saves. Now I'm not sure if it'll be anymore effective, it may not even turn up in the game and he is notoriously and literally 'hit and miss' but I like my model and who knows he may work well with Deathleaper this time. I also dropped my Tyrannofex but I'm pretty sure the twin Flyrants and the Tyrannocyte podding in the second Carnifex or even the transporting the tunneling Rippers should I feel the need the Carni's are better starting on the ground will allow me more board presence. I don;t have any weapons higher than S6 but I suppose there's always assaulting with the Carni's too. Either way I think it's a fun list for me, maybe not too nice with the 2 Flyrants but it could have been worse if I had Crones and Harpies. Anyway, bring on Saturday.

Friday 19 June 2015

Blog Wars 9 1850pt battle report - nids vs Chaos Daemons

Ben Leach, the only time I've played against Chaos Daemons was against Chris Sharp and his Nurgle Chaos Daemons which I recall as a particularly tortuous affair thanks to Cloud of Flies cover saves and Feel no Pain that I recently had flashbacks about thanks to the similar shenanigans of the Necrons. However, Ben had brought representations from all four chaos gods so I was going to get to experience all sides of the daemon host

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant WTervigon Plain TrZoanthrope
ParoxysmParoxysmWarp Blast
The Horror

The low down:
  • Into The Maelstrom - like Maelstrom missions but with Blog Wars mission cards and VPs
  • Warlord Trait - Night Fighting Turn 1
  • Night fighting first turn, lost deployment, went second and failed to steal the initiative. 
Ben pretty much filled his deployment zone, I may be wrong but I think he was also unfamiliar with nids so we were equally naive about our opponents.

Skarbrand, the centaur on the left was leading the army alongside the Plaguebearers and the Bloodletters with a tiny unit of Flamers on that right flank. You can see objectives 3 and 6.

I set up the Stealers in the ruin in his DZ and another, those are Flamers of Tzeentch surrounding the objective there. That is indeed a bottle of Cider, not a proxied drop pod ;)

Tfex and a Carnifex hold up in my ruins, with everything else on the Skyshield,

Except 10 Stealers, Deathleaper and a Carnifex in soem ruins on my right flank. I didn;t want to concede the flank completely so I had to put some firepower there, still probably not enough to face the Bloodletters but anyway...

Battle commences. Now I thought I'd photographed Ben's score sheet so I could see what Ben drew and achieved but apparently not which will make this quite a difficult report to make as I only know my objectives but I'll muddle on.

Maybe you can make out his cards but I think one was a pretty easy objective secure that he already had.

Probably hold objectivve 6 as the bloodletters hung around and had a drink. Then the chaos winds struck and a random character on Ben's side was wounded for clearly offending his capricious gods. We rolled and typically Skarbrand was the victim suffering a wound or two, not a good start.

Everything else got forward but with little shooting I don't think First Strike was achieved. I drew 32, 15 and 22: 
  • 1VP for destroying a unit in the shooting phase 2VP for 3 or more
  • 2VP to secure objective 5
  • 1VP if at least one enemy unit with the psyker special rule was killed
First Strike and the shooting objective was doubtful as Ben's units were so big, except for the flamers but they were too far away. However, objective 5 was in front of the Skyshield and there were Psykers in the unit of Flamers behind the ruins next so I sent some gaunts to hold objective 5 and swooped the Flyrant over to the ruins.

The Carnifex and Tfex targeted the Damonettes of Slaanesh, I managed to kill 8 but there were still 13 left. The Flyrant shot at the Flamers and I was able to get enough Precision Shots to focus on one of the Psykers [the Herald of Tzeentch] who couldn't make his save and was out of cover to give me the VP [so I had 2 by the end of turn 1]

Ben's Plaguebeares sat on OB3, I guess it was a card he pulled.

The Daemonettes went for the Tfex who only managed to kill one in overwatch! They'd been Paroxysmed too by -1

But 6 rending hits will end most anything!

The Daemonettes danced on the corpse of the Tfex as I looked on, a bit stunned.

The Seekers of Slaanesh were desparate to add to the slaughter the Daemonettes had wrought on behalf of their god and so assaulted a brood of 5 Genestealers. Somehow they failed kill more than one Genestealer, whereas the premier 40k close combat unit killed 4.

Losing the battle the Daemons then failed their morale and I think daemonic instability caused a further 6 wounds wiping out the unit! So having lost my Tfex fortune suddenly shifted back in my favour. Again the winds of Chaos proved detrimental to the Daemons in some way and these results were just not showing favour to the daemon kind - what had Ben done in past lives to upset the deities so? The Fleshounds got stuck into the Termagants though.

My Rippers turned up, luckily deviating not to far and mishaping

While the Tyrannocyte with Hormagaunts deviated away from Skarbrand but I used it as a buffer between the Carnifex and his Warlord and the Hormies in a position to supprt the Termagants being eaten by the Fleshhounds

I spawned more gaunts and threw the Genestealers at the hounds but only managed a few kills an losing half their number but still Fearless thanks to Synapse.

Skarbrand got to grips with the Carnifex, 

the chaos gods smiled on him [for a change]

and then made a very grumpy face as he failed his save

I'm thinking it was the Termagants and Tyrannocyte that may have put him out of his misery, how galling!

Because I think the Flyrant wiped the daemonettes out. I'd scored objective 2 in my previous turn and this was for
  • 1VP for destroying a unit in the shooting phase 2VP for 3 or more
With two units dead I just didn't have the firepower to get the third :( In part that was because the Carnifex in the ruins on the right kept failing his Instinctive Behaviour test so no shooting on that tiny unit of flamers.

Genestealers and Rippers tore into the flamers

The Fleshhounds alsogot wiped out but I have no recollection of how that happened, I can only assume they failed their daemonic instability test, although I do recal the winds of Chaos blew hot and foul once again at the detriment of the host with another character suffering wounds at the whim of their own patron!

I m,anaged to destroy a unit through shooting [though not sure which one] and secured a VP for that, and the Genestealers remained locked in combat which go tme Linebreaker at least, but as turn 3 came to an end there was no longer any time left so we had to call it.

I'd managed to score 6 VPs, plus secondaries of Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker, for 8VPs whereas Ben was only able to secure 5 VPs in total. In fairness to Ben his Chaos overlords really didn't want him to win, he suffered far more at their hands than my own I think. However, both of us committed a lot of troops to doingn not very much - the right flank was pretty much a game of musical statues. I was hampered by some poor Instinctive behaviour rolls but again when Maelstrom objectives mean just staying put it will hamper your forward momentum and with only three turns we didn;t have much opportunity to get those figures into play. But once again a really great game only hampered by the time constraints, I think it took us about 40 minutes to actually start the game but that's what you get when it's horde V horde! Anyway, this was Bens list:

And here's my scorecard.

Now I didn't actually think to take stock of where I came in the tournament at the time, I only checked afterwards, you will see I placed 30th, which is perfectly acceptable and I'm actually ambivalent about the result. Ben just beat by two places with PeteB being the best of us in 21st and Liam running way short of retaining his last place wooden spoon with 39th out of 48.

However, Alex has since mentioned that due to the current scoring system those who had say 1 major victory often ended up placing higher than those who had won more but less convincingly. So he will be having a new metric to include the imprtance of winning, in which case I would have leap-frogged all my buddies and got 15th place! Only Matthew Tennant and his Necrons made a bigger jump from 26th to 6th. Pete B would have gone up 4 places to 17th and Ben gained 9 places to 19th. Only Liam would have fallen foul of the new system losing 2 spots to become 41st

It doesn't really change anything but it was nice to see that in another dimension I actually did the best out of all of us. Tyranids are still $hit though :P Now bring on Blog Wars X