Monday 27 May 2024

NOT a Battle Report - Middle Earth Moria Vs Rohirrim #MESBG

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been playing MESBG again. This isn't really a battle report as I only have a couple of in game pics and it was a month or so ago, so I've no real recollection of what happened. But the bottom line is we're going to a one day MESBG tournament at Warhammer World and I needed some practice. I wanted to take my Moria Goblins, so we set about making a Warband that looks something like this:
  • Durbûrz
  • 2 Goblin Captains
  • 4 Goblin Prowlers
  • 17 Goblins [of various loadouts]
  • 3 Cave Trolls [2 with hammers, 1 with spear]
So everything is my own, except for a couple of the Trolls, which I'm borrowing off Liam. I'm hoping that despite the lack of mobility and a banner that I've just got stuff I can have fun with. The Trolls are a bit 'power gamey' but it was just the easiest way to make up points and limit my unit choices so I have less to worry about.

Anyway, the first game we played was against Otty's Rohirrim, I think it's Theoden or Theodred, but whoever gives his army Fearless, while he's alive. This nullified my fear causing Trolls unfortunately. Something happened turn 1 which was pivotal. I think I'd been really lucky and managed to put some wounds on 'Theo' but Otty and Liam were able to squirm their way out of it thanks to some special rule. But whatever it was the fact Theo survived meant the rest of the game I got absolutely stuffed.

I'm not entirely sure if I also stuffed up the mission rules as well, or if I'm confusing that with a subsequent game of of 40k. However, it's a learning session, the event is the 10th July, so I have to get 'match fit'. Learn my rules and understand how to play my Goblins and how the missions work. 

I already felt a certain competitiveness with this. Losing badly was not fun, which ordinarily I have no issue with. I desperately hope this doesn't make me lose my enjoyment for MESBG. We'll just have to see...

Friday 17 May 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Ironsoul's Condemnors pt.2 TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer I know it's only four figures but I'm really chuffed with these. The thing is that despite not technically being on my TO DO LIST they actually represent 'decide on how I will paint my Primaris...'

This has been an internal debate I've been having with myself for years now and this has helped make the decision. I'll come back to that in a bit, but for now I just want to talk photography again.

Rather than power up the old phone and go Ektacam these are a mix of my phone's native app

 and Camera360 with the Velvia filter. You should be able to see the difference. Velvia is bringing its rich saturated reds, but the filter is making some of the detail smooshed up all painterly like.

All the remaining pics are Camera360, and you can really see the loss of detail in places, which annoys me no end.

It's so hard to get the colours I want with the detail.

Very frustrating and it dissuades me from wanting to do my TO DONE pics, which is actually one of the best bits of the hobby.

 Especially when you're addicted to the dopamine of getting things done.

But just to mention I think I got that red spot one, not too much on the highlights and the gold adds a nice touch in places.

I kept the highlights on the black simple too - for speed.

Another Bloody Great Big Bloody Stamp of Bloody Approval!

Here we get them on the white background and you should be able to pick out the freehand crossed swords chapter symbol of the Guardians of the Covenant. I'm so happy to finally settle on this.

I genuinely enjoyed painting these, which I can't honestly say is the case with my greenwing. To be able to keep my first born separate [as I always wanted] and find a connected colour scheme that is quick and pleasurable to paint is a G.O.D.send.

There'll be more touches I can add to the marines in the end. I will have some blessed verdigris 🗽 in places and the chapter are renowned for litany scripts written/inscribed on their armour.

It should help to tie them in with existing army but still differentiate them enough.

I am looking at some 3D printed chapter symbols though, or even decals. I mean the freehand isn't bad and even OK freehand looks awesome but part of me wants to streamline things further.

That said adding decals can be a fussy process, to get them right, so we'll have to see. It's worth pointing out how little difference there is between these two, despite the difference in approaches.

And also to point out the subtle use of weathering powders on the Red Planet BASE!🔴 model. It's something I always wanted to do, but currently it's really only on my Ravenwing and vehicles. 

I just think it adds a touch of realism and helps break up the main colour a bit. It should help more on figures that don't have a lot of fabric, so are mainly silver rather than this silver/red split. That's it for now, I've some battle reports to try and write up, weeks down the line so I won't remember what happened.

Friday 10 May 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Ironsoul's Condemnors pt.1 BIG BUILD BASE TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer Underworlds Ironsoul's Condemnors... Yes, I know it seems leftfield and completely off-list but I assure you it's not. I've had two [or three] sets of these from one of the AoS Hachette partworks for a good while.

And I decided to try and paint them in the same colours as the Dark Angel's successor chapter - the Guardians of the Covenenat, But before we get to them these are the bases and I started to play around with a blue base, shaded with purple wash - for something a little more fantastical.

Various highlights on the paving stones. At this point I'd really like to record the recipe for how I got here - it's the purpose of the blog afterall. But of course I painted these weeks and weeks ago and only just got round to blogging about it so naturally I've forgotten!

And when the finished article looks like this, it would have been really handy to know how I got here! I really love the scheme but I did realise that whatever test model I put on them it won't be representative of what I hope for my Primaris, as they will be on Red Planet BASE! 🔴

So I prepared another base, but in my traditional Vermilion to Pumpkin orange.

And that's them TO DONE. Really pleased with both and arguably the blue ones came out much better. However, that's on a sculpted base. Putting them on PVA/sand/gravel may not look quite as striking as these plastic ones are in blue.

Bloody Great Big Bloody BASE Stamp of Bloody Approval 

Test models look even better on the blue! 😑 As they're test the three on the left were all primed red oxide and had the silver painted on. Whereas the one on the red base is primed with Army Painter gunmetal spray and had the cloth painted red.

Silver and red was washed with a black wash. Valejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red, followed by Mephiston Red on the fabric.

Look closely to see if you can spot the difference between prime red, paint silver on the left and prime silver, paint red on the right. I think with this much fabric priming red might be the easier option. The Primaris marines will be more silver so I will probably prime with that. Interestingly the Gunmetal primer does dry with a gloss finish...

I think I was using purple washes here for a little more richness in the shadows. I was going to have to be careful as I want this a darker red than I usually go. Any further highlights will be limited, which will also help speed up the painting process - which is one of the primary reasons for adopting a successor chapter rather than go greenwing.

More shading to do on the one primed silver. I have the other two from this trio knocking around which I might try some testing on. I want to prime them silver and then use Contrast Basilicanum Grey, rather than black wash, followed by a silver drybrush. Cut down on some of the steps to speed things up. 

When I actually get the grey I'll prime the other two miniatures and then I'll be able to compare them to the different approaches I've made here.

Thursday 9 May 2024

What's on my palette?

Bless me #WarHamFam for I have sinned, it's been nearly 6 months since my last confession! There's a variety of reasons for this but predominantly it's time. I'm struggling to fit everything in and once again if it's a choice between painting and blogging then painting will win every time.

The problem is that I'm also finding it difficult to fit in taking pictures. With a lot of projects painted in sub-assemblies it can be tedious arranging a dozen tiny weapons, just to show they're primed, or have silver basecoats. On the plus side I continue to be relatively productive. Completing the Armigers I've moved onto Ironsoul's Condemnors... Yes, I know they're Age of Sigmar but I'm using the Underworld's Warband to test a Guardians of the Covenant painting recipe. But this is my number 1 Dark Angels Task - deciding how I will paint my Primaris Marines. However, I foolishly decided to try a different basing scheme...

So, I've had to do an extra one in Red Planet BASE 🔴 so it will match the rest of my 40k figures [even though the blue base looks sweeeet!]. I'll eventually have some posts on these but it's interesting because the figure on the left was primed red, with the armour painted silver. While the figure on the right was primed Army Painter Gunmetal, with the tabard/cloak painted red. There's no real difference between the end results. But my takeaway is if there's lots of cloak go with red primer, but if it'll just be power armour [which is silver] prime Gunmetal. I've 2 more I want to play around with using contrast paints over the metallics. I just need to find time to write the blogposts for what I've done so far.

The same goes for the Lion. He's progressed a little bit, with the usual ugly washes. Despite the convenience painting in sub-assemblies, it's also really daunting. You can get to everything but you end up highlighting stuff you won't see. That's not to say there isn't value in that. It's just you end up highlighting things that will be naturally in shadow, because you don't have it in situ. So I have to get to a point where I can be happy piecing this thing back together to help my approach in painting it. 

I'm also building my Adeptus Titanicus Titans. Both Reavers, Warhounds and Lancers, plus all the weapon options. That's a fair bit of magnetising too! Despite how much I disliked painting my Titans last time around I'm hoping my momentum with the Armigers might follow through to these. I know the metallics will be monotonous, but also they're about 50% of the model. Once they're done I get to play with the Gryphonicus heraldry colours. That'll be fun, even if getting the dappled grey effect right again might be challenging.

And that's not all. I've got various Tyranids from the Leviathan box set that have had their shade washes applied, but with no WiP pics! Not to mention my efforts to basecoat some of the others. While the Norn Emissary, who is basecoated, but now I'm trying to magentise him with the spare magnets I ordered for my Titans. I just wish I had the time and focus to paint everything, take all the WiP pics and then write up the blog posts so you can see the progress. I mean I already feel I've done enough for this hobby season and that's by ticking only 3 things off my TO DO LIST! A fair bit of this stuff I'm doing now is 'off list' but if I got all these things done too I'll be well chuffed.

Friday 3 May 2024

Imperial Knight - Armigers in manufactorum pt.8 WHITE PICS ⚪

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer And here we have the pics on white background for the connoisseurs.

And I had a bit of fun making a 360° video, challenging myself to 'remove' the lazy Susan.

Or at least obscure it. I'll try doing some more but they're slightly time-consuming. If I can find a quicker process I'll commit to it, but for now it's just playing around.

I've always preferred the bigger knights, but these little guys are beginning to sway me

Absolutely the right choice to switch to red bonding studs on the Headhunter.

Also, I'm really happy with the decision to have it's chain cleaver red on the outside and yellow/black on the inside. So you get a more consistent profile.

Whereas, you can just get that flash of colour on the inside.

One of the reasons I love the Chaos Knight aesthetic is their dangly things [usually chains]. But I think they really work with models that have height.

Which is why I like it's ribbons [knightly favours?]. 

Gun shield shows it has campaign honours from Legio Gryphonicus and my Dark Angels.

View of the base.

I had funs adding a variety of cogs to the shoulder pad. It's cool to play around with patterns like this. Somewhat reminds me of how Dr Faust's 'Tri-Knight' was painted.

As usual, I have some doubts on the pose but I still love it.

In fact I'm overwhelmed by how these came together. Started in January, bases down by mid February.

Started them in earnest mid-March and completed April 9th!

Just about a month's worth of work, all in.

Just stoked how my efforts have come out.

Ands I just love how the decals add to, like that blink and you'll miss it, warning badge on the gunshield.

Not to mention my BCF - Best Chevrons Forever.

Such a great scheme for me with my love of yellow and black together. 

Throw in the red, bronze and verdigris, it's a feast.

Here I swapped out the Warglaive armament for Helverin's autocannons.

The Headhunter had some additional spotlights added to the cannons.

Useful in low-light conditions for illuminating his prey with infra-red light.

The lights were spare from the Revenwing upgrade sprue.

There's a little protruding stud on the cannon that his perfectly attached to.

Although I've always preferred the Warglaive, and especially in these poses, but I am surprised how great the Helverin's look. The blessing of magnets.

Alongside one of my recent Helverins. 

Now to get some games in.

Hope you enjoyed the showcase. Now onto the next project.