Friday 17 June 2022

Battle Report - Middle Earth Battle Companies - The Mines of Moria

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity - I've been playing #MESBG [Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game] again at Otty's again. This time we set up Balin's Tomb, it's amazing to think the basis for Otty's board was the polystyrene packaging cover for his washing machine, but here we go. I was playing Scott, who was leading the Fellowship. Unfortunately it was a while back now, so my recollection is hazy, which is shame as this was a most awesome game.

I took on the Moria Goblins, because I'm familiar with them. The board is almost correct, it's just got the wells and trapdoors mixed up representing the opposite. It doesn't change anything, the rules state any basic Goblins killed can come back on [not the captains or Troll]. The Troll comes on on a dice roll from turn 4 [I think]. 1 Goblin can come out of the wells, 2 out of the trapdoor, unless a member of the Fellowship is standing on the entry. 

The Fellowship has to survive 10 turns, I win if I kill 5 of the Fellowship, or Frodo. Scott did a good effort in recreating the film, with Gimli on the tomb but one of the Hobbits on the trapdoor to stop any new Goblins coming in.

I won priority and was able to swamp the heroes straight of the bat.

Even with spear support and getting as many goblins in as possible I soon realised just how legendary my opponents were.

I think 6 of the 16 goblins got killed by Aragorn and his crew. Gandalf did great bug Gimli fell over jumping off his ancestor's tomb. Despite not getting into the fight the dished out heavy damage, but took very little in return. All I think I was able to do was get him to use up Might points.

Legolas took the place of Gimli on the tomb, using it's vantage point to rain death on my goblins. Sadly my own archery was not up to scratch, so I moved some of the archers forward, they have swords too and keeping the Fellowship pinned would allow time for my reinforcements to arrive.

The Fellowship couldn't keep all the wells covered, so I was bringing the odd goblin in from either side, but that trapdoor remained shut with Frodo standing on it. 

Aragorn and Boromir got backed up against a well, Legolas again showed his fleet-footedness by jumping down from the tomb to help on of the Hobbits.

I surrounded Gimli, my Captain helping where he could.  The dwarf had either used up a load of Fate/Might points already or at this stage.

The Troll turns up and barrels forward, clambering up on Balin's tomb to defile its presence.

Legolas has moved back to protect Frodo, but sees the new foe rear up on the sarcophagus. He lets loose 3 shots causing 2 wounds on this 3 wound beast.

Aragorn despatches it with ease and Gimli bursts through the press of goblin flesh. Despite the numbers he threw them all back but escape was all he could manage, not wounding a single goblin, but overcoming the numbers at least.

The game had been going on for ages, Gimli was almost unstoppable, but somehow I managed to take him down. I was getting a little frustrated how difficult it was to inflict a wound, let alone kill a hero. No doubt Scott felt similar frustrations as goblins just kept pouring through the doorway every time they were killed. He must have dispatched my entire warband 3 times over during the course of the evening.

I tried to flank Gandalf, Frodo had bravely moved more into the fight with Sam getting to Heroically fight almost every time - he was vicious, I think he [or Frodo] eventually took down one of my Goblin Captains with a thrown rock!

Boromir stormed into the doorway, undaunted by the numbers, in fact relishing it with blast of the Horn of Gondor. Each sounding pushing me back, preventing me from benefitting from those numbers.

The battle continued in the middle of the room. At some point Merry and Pippin would fall, but one of them is now on the trapdoor with Frodo and Sam with Gandalf and Aragorn on the right side.

Boromir continued to hold the doorway.

Merry [or Pippin] had to come off the trapdoor to join his relative and Legolas on the left.

More archers, came down off the ledge to join the fight against Boromir but he just wouldn't retreat.

Finally the goblins succeeded in killing Gandalf [he'll not be there to protect them from the Balrog], a huge blow for the Fellowship.

Boromir blasted the goblins back yet again with the sounding of the horn.

Aragorn cut swathes through the goblins to get to Sam and Frodo. Legolas realised the danger to the ring bearer and came over to support. 

I didn't get anymore pics. With Gimli, Gandalf and eventually Merry and Pippin dead I managed to corner Legolas. It was the 10th turn - if I could take Legolas's last wound I'd win. We rolled for the Duel, I think I had 2 or 3 dice, Legolas had 2. The goblins needed to beat his roll, he just needed to equal and he won the duel, killed the goblins and survived. For curiosity I rolled my fight and if I had have won the duel Legolas would have perished and I'd have won - the last dice roll decides it.

This was such a great game, it didn't feel it at some points though - when it seemed impossible to wound a hero. But, I realised Scott probably felt the horde was endless and I began to appreciate the sheer cinematic experience we were having. Sure, the Fellowship lost Gandalf, Gimli, Merry and Pippin, characters the film shows were essential for the success of Frodo's mission. I take some comfort despite not winning that Frodo would eventually fail thanks to my nefarious intervention. 😈  A lot of fun was had.

Here are some more random pics Scott and Otty took

Wednesday 15 June 2022

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Pink Shirts

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. Yep, that's pink! Vallejo Model Color Magenta Fluorescent. 

I don't have any Contrast paints but I suspect this is somewhere between a Contrast and standard acrylic paint. You can see in places areas of highlight where the white basecoat is showing through, pink in others and the red prime for the shadows.

I think that's why I have some reluctance for Contrast in that despite years of '2 thin coats' to get a flat colour it uses it's shade to highlight to give a finished effect, but essentially it's 'patchy', with areas thick with paint and bits without. 

I'm not sure why I'm so bothered, I never do two thin coats, I always want that additional texture, Contrast should be perfect for me.

Regardless, I'll capitalise on the highlight, just the one coat, throw on some additional red wash shading and then more highlights.

You'll be pleased to know that I've progressed greatly since these pics, they're ready to be flocked. That does mean there is only one set of pics since these and it's the practically complete models. 

Sorry, but I've had a number of real-life things keeping me preoccupied so although I have found time to hobby, the blog has taken a back seat for a bit. Don't worry, some posts lined up.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum - TO DONE! White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. I know, I know, the blog has been quiet but its not been a priority as I've had some interviews to prepare for and upgrading the Man Cave, which has taken all of the Queen's Jubilee weekend so I don't even know if she won or anything - no spoilers, I'll watch the season finale on catch-up 😂 

I'll just try and get this out of the way so you can see the pics against a white background. Check out the faked lenses using multiple thick coats of VerniDas Gloss Varnish.

 Again, the Dirty Down Rust was abandoned in favour of a mix of Vallejo Rust Wash and Secret Weapon Pigments Rust Orange, with some additional sepia and dark brown streaks. 

Sure I want the Dirty Down to do it's party trick, but I'm OK with this too.

It turned out really well

because partway through it was just OK. Som additional weathering just lifted it onto that next level.

But the inside, oh my! I just love it.

Despite all the hard work and grind of painting such a large and detailed 'miniature' I'm minded to build up my Shrine of the Aquila and get that painted too.

It would certainly be something to add to my #ArmiesOnParade board. And yet, I was offered £140 for it! I got it with some vouchers for £30 when I could see it might be discontinued.

Part of me is wedded to making it and painting it because I see it as a gift. Theoretically I could decide to sell it and it may even increase in value, although red terrain might actually reduce its value!

Most likely it would ensure I didn't sell it as I can't bear to part with anything I've painted I may one day do a Twitter poll to see what to do. 

Anyway, lots of lovely pics for you to check out, hope you like them.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Terrain is everything - Sector Imperialis Administratum - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Sector Imperialis Administratum. It's funny, the Blessed Verdigris has always felt like a step too far on these terrain pieces. The brown underneath always felt sufficient, yet I think it really works here. Despite an abundance of turquoise I'm happy with the result. 

The door itself wasn't as weathered, which fits with my Sanctum Imperialis. I am looking forward to seeing these alongside each other and how they sit together #ArmiesOnParade baby!

Now, I had ordered the mythical 'liquid talent in a bottle' Dirty Down Rust to play around with on these AC and heating units. Unfortunately they did not perform. Starting with a dark brown only the most yellow of the rust showed up. Multiple coats, reactivation with water, thick or thin application I only got yellow rust in tiny amounts. Whether that is because of the dark base, or the fact I applied a matt varnish beforehand that somehow prevented whatever alchemical reaction that causes the rusty goodness I don't know. So, I resorted to my Secret Weapon Rust Orange Pigment, mixed with Vallejo Model Wash Rust.

I'm down with this rust though, especially with the streaks that are dripping off the bottom over the verdigris. I briefly considered shading the rivets, but there are just too many of them. Not that the challenge wasn't worthy, I just felt there would be far too much visual noise with every rivet shaded. Some have some rusty leaks, but for the most part they're just highlighted. The dials have been filled with multiple layers of Vernidas gloss varnish. It shrinks like most varnishes, but far less, so you can get these almost glass lens results, which I really like.

And from the inside, much less weathering, which is also pretty cool.

I love how the floor tiles came out. It certainly would have been too much to have the internal wall and floor in this colour. It made a lot more sense to make the differentiation here than justify how the walls were a different colour on the inside, even when they're clearly represented as a rockcrete fascia on top of a metal core.

The yellow pipework was also a bit of fun, and the fastening and some of the stripes embossed on the cable made breaking it up with black hark back to my Knights and eventually my small AdMech force.

This top piece isn't attached, so it can always be removed to create an additional terrain piece if needed.

So much detail, hence why I will be putting this down as a 'Lord of War or Behemoth' in my hobby Bingo scoring sheet. I've plenty of terrain to score and this is much bigger than just a Munitorum Container.

The smaller corner piece as well, that's part of the whole, I haven't scored that seperately.

I just love how this came out. Again the Dirty Down had to be covered up but it's a learning experience and I;m sure I'll find the right way to use it eventually. It certainly stinks, no one mentions that in the videos, quite acrid, bleurgh!

I glossed all the buttons and that broken lens on the controller is Tamiya Clear Green X-25.

I also used Tamiya Clear Re X-27 and Clear Orange X-26 in places too.

So, here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! White pics to follow.

Thursday 26 May 2022

Blood Bowl - Halfling Team - White Shirts

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've done a bit more #paintingwarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. It was June 2021 they last got attention and painting all their uniform white is the first step of then doing their Fluoro Magenta, as seen on the right.

I also added orange to their shoulder pads, which will eventually be yellow. Half with orange trim, half will be brown. I don't know why I'm differentiating them but I am. 

There are also some decisions to be made about helmets and pans. Whether I want them to be as if they were the actually cooking utensils, hastily pressed into service, fully painted to match their uniform, or half and half - a quick splash of paint to show it had served the Hopeful well in a pinch and now it was his lucky colander.

No doubt I'll do a mix of all of these, but it's pink next and oh boy, these will look insanely different in the next update 😎