Monday 21 March 2022

#BloodBowl Chorley Bowl 2022 - Game 1, Humans Vs Troglodytes

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been into the hobby for decades now and my first game was Blood Bowl but the new[ish] version, I've never actually played more than one half of a game. But Otty had some friends who were having a Blood Bowl tournament and needed someone willing to make up the numbers, there were only 6 of us. The great thing was it was very relaxed and David, who's birthday it was celebrating was more than willing to treat it like a learning experience and help me out. It brought back memories of attending the Lost Boy's gaming club in Ainsdale. Anyway, I got 3 [more like 2.5] games in but even when I was taking these pictures I wasn't sure how much of a commentary I could make and certainly not a few weeks later now. But I took the pictures so I will damn well share them, not that my Blood Bowl posts are particularly popular either, so I appreciate it if you don't want to peruse them with limited sketchy context. TBH, I'm not even sure if the pics are in chronological order.

Anyway, Dave was running Troglodytes, which I think is from the wider fan based list of teams. They're slightly tougher than Halflings and with two Stone Golems that randomly swirl about the board flattening people if they bump into them, but if they fall over they shatter into rubble and removed from play. My Middenheim Marauders take the field. 

I think I kicked the ball to David, but it looks like I've had a few players fall down. If I remember rightly one of my favourite players - Joe Mauler was hit by a rock thrown by the cord and injured before the kick-off.

One of the Stone Golems has left the field, I think the Ogre and a bunch of other players ganged up on it with them both falling down. The Golem came off worse, but I think I was still stunned. My Catcher in the top right was about to get bundled off the pitch too.

I managed to get a line of players back to defend against a break down my right wing.

Not sure what happened here, looks like David threw a pass but somehow failed to get the ball, or maybe fell 'going for it'. I think this marks the end of the first half and it was still 0:0.

2nd half and the ball was kicked to me.

My ace thrower 'one eyed Jim' picks up the ball and my catcher heads up the field. One of the Golem is removed from play.

My catcher get ready to make a break for it but there are some Trogs heading to sack One Eyed Jim.

Somehow he evades them heads up the field and throws to the catcher but misses. Luckily the rest of the team form up to block any pursuit. I think I then must of recouped the ball and scored.

We line up again, with 2 Golem back on the field!

My Ogre gest smashed and the Trogs break down my left wing.

I try to hold them back with putting bodies in the way, but to no avail David scores bringing us even on 1:1

We line up to receive.

Then I think I got to make an early move on the kick-off table and rather than have everyone pummelled by stone Golem I just bring them back to hold the ball and finish the game.

David did point out afterwards that me getting that early try allowed him the opportunity to draw even so it's worth thinking on that in the future, he was helping me, but not 'completely' helping me, which I respect and is perfectly reasonable. On to game 2.

Thursday 17 March 2022

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Talonmaster - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Ravenwing Talonmaster. This feels like ages ago. I think it's about 2 weeks since I finished the Talonmaster. I've since picked up the eldest from uni, so my hobby time has been reduced and it feels odd to be writing this post [I;ve a Blood Bowl tournament to report on too and that was like 3 weeks ago!]

Anyway, with my epiphany regarding the simplicity of my black highlights I cracked on no bother. All the red's got highlighted, parchments and purity seals and any additional glow or lense effects.

It was only two or three sessions after the last update to get it finished and I was really chuffed as it's a big deal. Unfortunately I hadn't got any of my attack bikes or other Ravenwing up to speed so it's a retrograde step to be starting them from the beginning of the metallic stage.

But back to the Talonmaster and you can see I opted for the currently en vogue molten lava/red hot power sword. I watched a number of tutorials from the likes of Artis Opus, the one and only Duncan Rhodes, Vince Neturella and 2brushes1cup.

Given the wealth of research one might expect better results but I'm really pleased with it. It totally does not stand up to close scrutiny and there are so many subtleties from those tutorials that I just didn't do. BUT, from a tabletop perspective I thinks it's perfect.

I really can't see what difference hours of additional blending and glazing would have added to the sword. Even the quick and dirty additional glow FX feel bob on. It's amazing how some rough stippling hast achieved this. That's nto say I might not try to be more careful next time, that is practice afterall, but I'm over the moon with the end result.

I also got the Typhoon Launchers finished, I'd forgotten to do all the orange missiles for so long, so that was a last minute thing.

I do like a Squadron of these.

I don't think these can be armed with Power Swords, but I wasn't going to magnetise his weapon, not everything has to be 100% W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.

I do like how the blade echoes the missiles though.

That trophy banner will inevitably get snapped off.

This will at least be something new for my #ArmiesOnParade2022 Ravenwing Vs Death Guard, so that's another bonus.

But I also envisage if I ever play with my Dark Angels the Talonmaster will be an essential choice to support the rest of the Ravenwing. So it's a major achievement [even though I don't always differentiate that in my stamps of approval...).

So, here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! White pics to follow.

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Talonmaster - Highlights

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Ravenwing Talonmaster. And so it comes to edge highlighting black, a task I have been avoiding like the plague and I can't seem to figure why. Having committed to finally finishing this Talonmaster I learned something:

Black highlights are nothing to be afraid of!

The recipe is quite simple really:

• Incubi Darkness
• Dark Reaper
• Fenrisian Grey

I do have an Anita's Baby Blue craft acrylic that is an alternative to the Fenrisian Grey, it's paler and naturally more blue, but it's thinner so I stuck with the Citadel paint.

Eventually when I'd done all the highlights I like to go back in with some more AP Matt Black, to try and tidy up the highlights, particularly the chunky Incubi Darkness ones. Whether it adds the occasional 'tide mar' that you see in matt black on flat surfaces is somewhat of a gamble.

But really, there's mothing to be afraid of. Is it the greatest black highlight ever painted? No. Will it do? Absolutely, and far from something I should fear it's relatively simple and easy to do.

Fingers crossed I can hold onto this knowledge and power through the 3 Attack Bikes and 3 Ravenwing Black Knights too. They're a bit behind, I haven't even done their metallics, but it'd be nice to ride this crest. With them done it'll be a nice set of nids and Dark Angels that will have been done on the bounce. Then it's new challenges?

The highlights on the front of their helmets need a bit of tidying up, red areas need highlighted and I've still to decide on what colour to do the power sword.

But I am back in the saddle and I am going to get this done, mark my words!

Thursday 10 March 2022

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Talonmaster - Blessed verdigris and glow FX

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Ravenwing Talonmaster. I have, but technically these are not what I painted. These parts were painted of July last year and for reasons I can't recall I didn't share the progress. 

Having completed the fussy bits of blessed verdigris and orange glow FX I was left with highlighting the black which killed my progress stone dead.

In fairness I was building a lot of stuff and finished off my Macragge Tactical Squad, which was a challenge in itself. But something about the prospect of the black highlights did nothing for my mojo. Luckily I did have plenty of projects to keep me busy, it's just a shock when you realise this has been on hold for 9 months!

Now, I went a bit overboard on the blessed verdigris, far more than I previously added to my Land Speeders, but this is a special one, so deserves more blessing.

It looks worse than it does in reality actually, but even so I was shocked how generous I'd been with the AP Hydra Turquoise.

But it works on angel 'hood ornament'. I was dubious about using it but I think it works, so I'm happy now.

I know I'm a little inconsistent with my plasma, jet and maglev glows. Actually I'm consistent as I use orange for all of them when they're different tech, but it looks cool and I'd rather not have loads of blues, purples, reds and green glows [he says with red light glows].

Whatever, the palette didn't need a load more colours and I surprise myself sometimes with how this orange comes out.

Of course, it's underneath so you're not really going to see it, which is a shame as I think it's pretty good.

Anyway, I have started the black highlights so we'll be more up-to-date with our pics next time

Tuesday 8 March 2022

'nids part 335 - Tyranid Primes [and Spore Mine] - White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on these #Oldhammer Tyranid Warriors, now Tyranid Primes. Definitely worth updating them and upscaling the base from 40mm to 50mm for yet more height.

I did get lazy and not add any yellow highlights to the Adrenal Glands on the join between abdomen and thorax. All the Termagants are highlighted this way and it looks cool, but I thought it would create an unnecessary focal point.

Really the gland is only there to bulk out that area, as it looks a bit weedy otherwise. I'm honest, as much as I like the design there are some parts that don't quite work and I'm sure there are much better ways to bring them in line with the new design but my efforts are easy and still effective.

For instance I added Tyrant Guard crest piece on it's back. This wasn't on my original kitbash, but I had the piece and fit really well on this one. I did leave the boneswords untouched from the original paintjob. 

I mean it wouldn't have taken much to highlight it improve it a little but I wanted to hold onto some of what I had done so long ago. It's not perfect, but it's a true reflection of what I did then.

The second Prime I kitbashed and there wasn't room for the crest on the back. I did swap out original bonesword kitbashed lash whip. The weapons themselves I am happy with.

But the arms are a bit too chunky, which is odd as they don't appear so obvious on the smaller Warriors. I guess it comes down to build - these Primes are taller and more slender, whereas the Warriors are shorter and stockier. But it was the right decision, for consistency across the models.

Here's my progress diary, a month for 11 medium sized models is OK for me I think. I mean it felt neverending and that's despite my being 'at peace' with my scheme and the process. The diary helped and hindered. It let me understand how long things would take, but it also estimated how much I still had to do and when I would finish. When you're in the middle and know there's still 2 weeks worth of work left that can be daunting.

But, it wasn't just Warriors and Primes, I did this Spore Mine too.

I played a bit with the pink, alongside the lashwhips. It's nothing special but I no longer have to look at it's stupid unfinished 'face'.

Upon completion of all these I took some time off. All Marvel shows on Netflix were being removed so I thought I'd try and catch some of them and binge watched The Punisher. I was actually angsty to get onto my Talonmaster - a motivation I was surprised by and worried it would dissipate while I was taking a break. Luckily that would not be the case...