Friday 29 December 2017

'nids part 234 - Rippers & Trygon - Bonewhite & Chitin highlights, Fleshy bits and stuff

It's all mixed up now. I cracked on with the Rippers, as you can see they are almost complete. Not sure if its 100% clear they're bursting from the ground but they definitely look a lot better than my original Rippers.

These need their teeth painting, another coat or two of Valejo Heavy Red on the base edge and then Army painter Anti-Shine Varnish.

Here's the second set of Bonewhite highlights on the tail. So pleased with the result and just how fibrous it looks. I originally intended for these front sections to also be Chitin blue, given it doesn't feature on the plastic version and would add some extra variety. Considering the result I don't feel so bad about the lost opportunity now.

The Chitin on the tail is definitely something I've been avoiding and as the base edge on the Rippers was drying I used it as an opportunity to tackle some of the plates. I'd done 12 of them before I started to get bored and as I still had some Turquoise on the palette I managed another two or three more.

Frustratingly I only did one side of the tail and I'm not even halfway up the tail on that side. You can just about make out as the tail curves up the plates get compressed, which means there are a lot in a small space. Then as they go up the back they get bigger, which will take just as long as the small ones. The brush strokes are pretty rough though, hopefully the next highlights will be sharper.

But the purpose of this effort was to move it on, and I've done that at least. I think I may get all the first highlights done and then focus back on the Land Speeder Dark Shroud for a bit to take a break from this.

Monday 25 December 2017


Merry X-Mas from Professor Egon Seuss and the rest of the Magos on Ferron Proxima. Additional felicitations from the guys and gals at the Vulcan Institute of Techno-Archaeology. May all your X-mas wishes be plastic [or resin, but not Finecast].

In case you're not X-mas orientated please accept the following good wishes:

Wednesday 20 December 2017

'nids part 233 - Trygon & Genestealer Broodlord/Patriarch - Bonewhite & Chitin highlights, Fleshy bits and stuff

I've been avoiding some of the Chitin highlights on the Trygon, the final largest] carapace plate and it's tail but after painting the Rippers Chitin I had the turquoise out so I at least finished the carapace.

Meanwhile I'd avoided the Chitin by painting the Bonewhite. Mixing up the process so I can't keep track of what I'm doing si both freeing and frustrating. All but four of the talons have had their highlights done but the tail has come across particularly well with the striations far less cartoony than usual.

The head also got highlights and I picked out the flesh bits in Valejo Heavy Red to make them stand out more.

I'm really going to have to do something about that gap I didn't fill between the top of its gum and side of it's mouth! The eyes also got done. They are far from perfect but actually far better than I thought I'd get away with as they are so recessed they're hardly visible at all. Moar Bonewhite next.

The Broodlord/Patriarch had some 'glow' effect put around the eyes and veins on his head. Unfortunately the glow on the eyeball went wrong so this is after ignoring it for a week and then splodging on some Valejo Dark Green onto the eyeball to cover it up. It has certainly made it a lot better and I can start in again on the eyeball.

Then it's highlight the claws. Can't remember if I've said but the Terminator helmets in the skull pile are either Deathwatch or pre-Deathwing Dark Angels [or Consecrators?], for the history buffs. But I'm not going to indicate which for added mystery.

Monday 18 December 2017

'nids part 232 - Rippers get some paint on

I've been splitting my time between the various projects - Rippers, Trygon, Land Speeder Dark Shroud, while the Broodlord reached an almost finished state then I messed up his eyes so he's on hold while I recover the strength to fix it.

The Rippers in particular have progressed with pace as I applied the base coats, washes and first Chitin highlights.

Second highlights and Bonewhite 1, not to mention the eyes and blacked out the teeth.

I also added some Valejo Heavy Red on all the fleshy bits just to make them a little more defined.

Second set of Bonewhite highlights.

Claws and teeth still to do but next up the base.

I think this is just first stage Vermilion Red Planet BASE! highlights.

I managed the second stage highlights as well, but don't think I took pictures.

I was really quite pleased with my progress but I'm beginning to feel a little fatigued.

I don't think this is my usual post-Christmas Malaise come early, just end-of-year tiredness. The weather has been awful, making the desire to troop down to the shed unappealing. It's dark and cosy in the house and I'm just tired. An early night followed by a 1am finish, followed by a 12:30am finish, followed by an early night - no wonder I'm feeling the strain. Anyway, they're nearly done.

Friday 15 December 2017

Terrain is everything - Warhammer TV Tables

Following on from the debate over the terrain Ben and I used in our last match I decided to share with him what GW themselves are using on their Twitch Channel during Warhammer TV Live. I took these screengrabs from a game last week.

Going into this I was already aware how much terrain they use but what I did notice that was surprising was just how few fire lanes are available. The Ferratonic Furnaces, combined with the Munitorum Containers means there are hardly any complete lines of sight from one deployment zone.

Definitely for Ben, or anyone who employs a gunline this would present some challenges. Preventing your opponent from just sitting still and shooting without any disadvantages, but also making those artillery pieces that can shoot without line of sight all the more valuable.

Ben had actually considered dropping the units that could do that but if the normal tables at Warhammer World have had increases in terrain he may well be needing the ability to shoot without line of sight.

They certainly love their Munitorum Containers, over £125 worth of them on one table!

Lots to think about going forward as I'm beginning to realise I'll need to step up my own endeavours in terrain - whether that is producing some of my very own Print & Play buildings, completing my container STC, or creating new pieces and STCs from scratch it looks like I'm goignn to have to find some time to get some done...

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Terrain is everything - Bolt Action WWII tables.

PeteBis heavily into Bolt Action now and although I'm hearing many positive reports from him, Ben and Otty and I'm unlikely to take the plunge into another game. That said I do admire hsi efforts and he hosted a Bolt Action event at Wargames at the weekend and I had to take pictures of the tables he put together. I belive this one was Tobruk

This was Normandy.

Burma, I think.

And Stalingrad

Apparently the Traain was from Home & Bargain here in the UK - perfect scale, including track for under £15!

Great boards, normal 40k will resume shortly ;)

Tuesday 12 December 2017

'nids part 231 - Rippers Big Build TO DONE!

Not much to see here, apart from acknowledging that the 'build' is done, having put basing material on them.

I fractured a piece of slate to make it more like the ground had broken. Whether that looks effective when it's painted remains to be seen.

I'm going to progress with the actual painting of the models a bit ahead of the base as I don;t want to paint the base and then find when I paint over the top that it just doesn't look like they're coming from underneath the ground. Anyway Big Build Gamboge Stamp of Approval.