Friday 27 July 2012

Warhammer World - Game 3 - Chaos Space Marines [5th Edition]

Once again due to the unique way of preparing these posts in advance I have stumbled on a new problem. I still have battle reports for 5th Edition while I'm exploring new 6th Edition so I hope you don't mind having to straddle the two rule-sets to enjoy what went down. For one you've no choice and for two I'm not about to dump the content. This was my third and final match at the Warhammer World Tournament before 5th expired quietly in a corner somewhere.

Bugger, I went and took notes on all my battles but typically I've ended up losing them short of completing the final battle report. Still as this is a 5th Edition report which is so old news now I suppose it doesn't really matter. Anyway, Dawn of War setup by the looks of it versus some rather gritty Chaos Space Marines with some objectives, one in the ruins top right and another just in front of the woods. My opponent got first turn and brought on the two Rhinos with his Winged Daemon Prince in the ruins.

He moved on some other bits and flew the Deamon Prince straight for my Warrior line

And that made it just in charge range for the Adrenal Stealers in turn 1! What followed was one of the luckiest/shrewdest combats I think I've ever had. The Broodlord stared up into the Prince's daemonic eyes and hypnotised it! Whilst it stood there transfixed the Broodlord and his attendant stealers shredded it to pieces while it stood there helpless!

Following their triumph they headed off for more prey. The Tervigon spawned into the woods.

I think the Spore Pod landed badly and was moved elsewhere on the battlefield where it could do no harm :(

The Warriors took a lot of damage, no doubt from the Vindicators and assorted fire leaving the Prime to go it alone. The Trygon headed for the Rhino...

...and tore it to pieces but look what tasty morsels were inside.

It took both the efforts of the Prime and Trygon to maul the plague Marines but one still remained!

Obliterators appeared and did some damage.

I think the Hormies helped clear out the last plague marine, the Prime took out one of the Obliterators and the Trygon took out the 2nd Rhino but I don't think he survived the battle, but I'm not sure why. The Tervigon, who I assume had spawned out, had gone for the Vindicators. I think it immobilised one but chased the other round the ruins, not able to kill it and secure the objective.

Over on my home objective the Termagants were being whittled down mercilessly.

With just three left to keep hold of it.

And then the plague marines struck again.

And the objective was there's. The Devgaunts tried to get into the fight but I think they reverted to Instinctive Behaviour and spent most of the battle heading for trees or shooting not very much.

My last dash to secure a draw involved the Tervigon stroking the Vindicator lovingly instead of doing what it was supposed to do and peel it like a Kiwi Fruit. So with the Plague Marines on my home objective and this one contested I'd lost again.

Again another match I felt in control of and then suddenly defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. I think I recall my opponent saying it was one of the best matches he'd had in ages, which was nice and he was a good and gracious winner, well the loss of the Damon Prince so early must have knocked the wind out of his sails a little bit. Unfortunately for me I think it was the Vindicators who did most of the damage. They sure can decimate a brood of Warriors. I'm not so sure why I lost another objective based match again but it seems to be a recurring theme that despite holding the upper hand for the early part of the battle my Nids just aren't durable enough to last the entire battle. Maybe 6th will bring about alternative options and ways to enhance my troops so they can survive a little longer.

Once again I must apologise for the lack of details the loss of my notes caused. It's really ticked me off but as I say, this being 5th I suppose I just need to get these done so we're all on the same page just doing 6th edition reports. Anyway, I think just one more 5th Edition report to come - 25,000pt each side Apocalypse!

Update I found my crib sheet, here's the notes:
  • Broodlord - Hypnotic gaze! Rend Daemon Price to death
  • Spore Pod mishap
  • Rubbish runners
  • Warriors eat fire
  • Trygon ate Rhino - KABOOM!
  • Trygon at Plague Marines
  • Hormies re-route
  • Trygon ate Rhino
  • Tervigon stroked a lot, got 1 pen didn't do owt.
  • Tervigon spawned turn 1 & 2, 9 & 13 termagants respectively
  • Prime goes rampant, helps kill Plague marines and kills Obliterators
  • Lose objective
  • Tervigon kills Rhino
  • Last Turn - Tervigon assaults Vindicator which moved 12". 6s to hit, I get 1. Roll to penetrate - SNAKE EYES! Failing to make the draw
See what I mean about having notes. I could have captured that objective in the last turn but snake eyes defeated me, the last roll of the dice. Hope you can use the notes to help clarify gaps above.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Warhammer World - Eldar

I've still got such a massive backlog of stuff to do it's not funny. I've even got to the point where my seond pair of Hive Guard have just been painted to nearly 80% completion without any step-by-step pics whatsoever - because you've seen it done before and I've got enough to catch up on already. Interestingly I had to paint the legs and torso, then add the rending claws and then add the Impaler Cannons so I could get to all the bits without mucking it up, so it may have been wise to document it.

Nevermind, here are some of the display cases from Warhammer World, all Eldar in this instance - Avatar of Khaine.

Iyanden Wraithguard and Lord for my son.

Blurry close-up of the Farseer and Wraithguard.

Biel Tan jetbikers with the criminally beautifuly thorn patterns.

Eldar Titan - WOW!

Lastly, a whole slew of the many Kabals used in the Dark Eldar Codex.

Hope you got a bit of vicarious enjoyment out of that.

Monday 23 July 2012

Look Around You! - Fantasy world inspiration

One of the blogs I subscribe to featured the work of Tuomas Korpi his artwork is really inspiring and not a little far removed from the potential 40k 'grimdark' universe. I'll certainly be looking to try and utilise these as backgrounds to some of the scenery shots I took at Warhammer World that I'll composite with my gaming pics. Check out the website and enjoy the inspirational art below:

Saturday 21 July 2012

Warhammer World - Game 2 Space Marines [5th Edition]

Once again due to the unique way of preparing these posts in advance I have stumbled on a new problem. I still have battle reports for 5th Edition while I'm exploring new 6th Editon so I hope you don't mind having to straddle the two rule-sets to enjoy what went down. For one you've no choice and for two I'm not about to dump the content. This was my second match at the Warhammer World Tournament before 5th expired quietly in a corner somewhere.

Don't be fooled these aren't Grey Knights, they're just vanilla marines with a penchant for metallics. When I saw this line up for Pitched Battle - Anihilation I was pretty scared as you know mech is not what I'm geared for, still a Vindicator, Razorback, Land Raider and Predator is not the most mech I've ever faced. For some reason my opponent was really apologetic about his list, I was convinced I had little chance and he was convinced he would conquer all comers so he graciously relinquished first turn to me. I thought this was incredibly sporting and if and when they came round to ask about sportsmanship I was thinking he'd get my vote.

Anyway his deployment in the top right corner made my deployment so much easier with everyone ready to barrel forward, the Trygon for the Land Raider/Razorback. 

 The Hormies charged forwards going for the scouts,

The Tervigon headed for the Predator and the infiltrating Adrenal Stealers for the Vindicator

Splat, the Spore Pod came down on target. The Devgaunts popped out and shot at the squad of Marines in front of them. Not sure if they killed anyone, might have taken one or two. The Spore Pod lashed the back of the Predator with it's Ripper Tentacles but I think it only managed to stun or shake the tank.

Over on the right flank the Hormagaunts finally got to grips with the scouts and out of the 24 hits, this first 12 rocked up seven 1's! Of course this was handy as their scything talons allow them to reroll 1's. However at this point I started to get a little frustrated by my opponent. My early respect for his grace in giving me first turn was spoiled by the fact he revealed he had not brought his Codex and he was convinced his scouts had the same stat lines as a full Space Marine. Once again I didn't want to come across as an a$$ so lets just say the Hormagaunts spent a while in combat here thanks to the scouts 3+ saving throw

The Stealers had taken a few casualties but charged into the marine squad so they could finish them off or be safe locked in combat.

The Tervigon advanced up the hill, the Predator's turret is turned round so maybe I destroyed the twin linked las-cannons with the Spore Pod afterall, I'm not sure.

The Hormagaunts continued to maul the scouts. At this point I think one of the other guys from Southport turned up to watch, having finished his game. I think I'd had enough of my opponent guessing stats from his Codex and just posed the question 'are you sure?' with the back up of my team mate we had the true stats and things moved on apace...

Now you know that awesome collection of 1s, welllll... not as good as this beauty rolled - nine 5s and two 4s. Although by the looks of one of the later pics it seems like it still wasn't enough to destroy this squad of scouts. Once again the Hormies fail me, I'm not sure why I bother with them!

Over on the left flank the Terfigon got to grips with the Predator and ripped it's turret off, most of it's other efforts involved it caressing the tank lovingly with it's slightly floppy scything talons! You may also note the missing Vindicator, presumably the Broodlord and remaining stealer got in and tore it to pieces for a 2nd kill point.

Time was ticking down I'd already had to field a number of discussions with random passers-by ranging from how the Spore Pod was made [always fun] to why we do the hobby! These pit-stops ended up costing me a little bit of time at the end, the Trygon had to choose between the Razorback and Land Raider. I was convinced the Raider was the more significant threat so it had to go. I charged - 7 auto hits - not one single one penetrated only needing 8s on the charge! In the following turn I thought I'd just switch targets to the easier Razorback. It hadn't moved, I'd get my +1 St and Initiative but that time limit came up just as I rolled to penetrate the first of 7 auto hits and no joy so we had to stop. I think the last Hormagaunt may have bitten the dust thus securing 1KP to my opponent.

It was at this point that I had to disabuse him of the notion we had drawn. Despite a lot of victims I'd only suffered 1KP. I'd inflicted 2 but it should have been more. This was quite a weird game, from the generosity in the beginning to the cardinal sin of forgetting to bring your Codex. I really liked the guy I was playing, he was cheerful and chatty throughout but the lack of 'professionalism' tainted the match for me a little bit. I just wish those bits hadn't happened so it could have been a thoroughly enjoyable game and I really don't know how we didn't do more in the given time. I know we got into combat really quickly but it still came as a shock when time was called. I really felt my Monstrous Creatures should have done more, but it was the Stealers that carried the day with their lightning strikes and deadly claws. So I was 1 win and 1 loss at this stage and as each progressive game was worth more victory points game three would be even more valuable.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Warhammer World - 'nids

Aah, the studio collection of Tyranids. This was really quite exciting to see as you look at them and suddenly realise these are the very same figures in White Dwarf, the Codex and on the website. Here's the Hive Fleet Leviathan Trygon.

Here are the colour variants for the various Tyranid Hive Fleets.

The Hive Fleet Leviathan Swam, impressive no?

And Hive Fleet Behemoth, there is nothing like that endless sea of Gaunts. Despite the limited posing options of Termagants and the fact they all have 'Rocketdog' tails when you get them in a swarm like this they don't half look like the Galimimus flock from Jurassic Park and if you position them well they can look far more animated than their straight pose ever conveys alone.

The Bio Titan. I'm hoping to utilise this in some of my future 'action' shots [ooh!]

Lastly the Swarmlord, not a great pic but it was the first miniature I saw when I entered the main hall and started snapping like a fiend!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Warhammer World - Blood Angel Displays

Obviously the display gallery was worth a visit to see soem of the wonderful studio painted armies. I've collected together some of the specific chapters, here's the Blood Angels. This bunch of tactical marines is quite impressive

Next, Astorath the Grim. I do like this model and the armour based on Vlad the Impaler's armour in Bram Stokers Dracula. What was interesting, and unfortunately just out of shot, was a second Astorath that was nigh on identical to this one. Who knows how many 'studio standard' miniatures for each special character exist?

The Sanguinor, another awesome figure and paint job.

Here's one of the Forgeworld large scale Marine sculpts painted up in Death Company colours

Sunday 15 July 2012

+++ Data Blurt - The Free Radical Collective bring Protection to the People! +++

+++ The Free Radical Collective continue to bring about Progress for Progress! We bring protection and safety to the people of Ferron Proxima! No more do we rely on others to defend us from the ravening hordes! We bring you progress! We bring you safety! We bring you the Targus Assault Blockade! +++

+++ Easily erected using a variety of materials from rockcrete to foamcard! Protect your home! Protect your loved ones! Protect your Promethean Refining Concern! +++

+++ Uploaded and ready, admech unapproved! Progress is Progress! Protection for the people! Point your cogitators here and support the Free Radical Collective! To hell with the Omnissiah! +++

Other STCs are available