Showing posts with label paintingwarhammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paintingwarhammer. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Talonmaster - Highlights

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Ravenwing Talonmaster. And so it comes to edge highlighting black, a task I have been avoiding like the plague and I can't seem to figure why. Having committed to finally finishing this Talonmaster I learned something:

Black highlights are nothing to be afraid of!

The recipe is quite simple really:

• Incubi Darkness
• Dark Reaper
• Fenrisian Grey

I do have an Anita's Baby Blue craft acrylic that is an alternative to the Fenrisian Grey, it's paler and naturally more blue, but it's thinner so I stuck with the Citadel paint.

Eventually when I'd done all the highlights I like to go back in with some more AP Matt Black, to try and tidy up the highlights, particularly the chunky Incubi Darkness ones. Whether it adds the occasional 'tide mar' that you see in matt black on flat surfaces is somewhat of a gamble.

But really, there's mothing to be afraid of. Is it the greatest black highlight ever painted? No. Will it do? Absolutely, and far from something I should fear it's relatively simple and easy to do.

Fingers crossed I can hold onto this knowledge and power through the 3 Attack Bikes and 3 Ravenwing Black Knights too. They're a bit behind, I haven't even done their metallics, but it'd be nice to ride this crest. With them done it'll be a nice set of nids and Dark Angels that will have been done on the bounce. Then it's new challenges?

The highlights on the front of their helmets need a bit of tidying up, red areas need highlighted and I've still to decide on what colour to do the power sword.

But I am back in the saddle and I am going to get this done, mark my words!

Thursday 10 March 2022

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Talonmaster - Blessed verdigris and glow FX

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Ravenwing Talonmaster. I have, but technically these are not what I painted. These parts were painted of July last year and for reasons I can't recall I didn't share the progress. 

Having completed the fussy bits of blessed verdigris and orange glow FX I was left with highlighting the black which killed my progress stone dead.

In fairness I was building a lot of stuff and finished off my Macragge Tactical Squad, which was a challenge in itself. But something about the prospect of the black highlights did nothing for my mojo. Luckily I did have plenty of projects to keep me busy, it's just a shock when you realise this has been on hold for 9 months!

Now, I went a bit overboard on the blessed verdigris, far more than I previously added to my Land Speeders, but this is a special one, so deserves more blessing.

It looks worse than it does in reality actually, but even so I was shocked how generous I'd been with the AP Hydra Turquoise.

But it works on angel 'hood ornament'. I was dubious about using it but I think it works, so I'm happy now.

I know I'm a little inconsistent with my plasma, jet and maglev glows. Actually I'm consistent as I use orange for all of them when they're different tech, but it looks cool and I'd rather not have loads of blues, purples, reds and green glows [he says with red light glows].

Whatever, the palette didn't need a load more colours and I surprise myself sometimes with how this orange comes out.

Of course, it's underneath so you're not really going to see it, which is a shame as I think it's pretty good.

Anyway, I have started the black highlights so we'll be more up-to-date with our pics next time

Saturday 18 December 2021

Terrain is everything - TT Combat Gothic Ruins MDF kit - Red ruined walls.

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer on my TT Combat Gothic Ruins. First up some simple first stage Red Planet BASE highlights all over - stippled/drybrushed on.

The advantage for having the same colour for your buildings as your battlefield is you have this technique and all it's colours ready to hand [although when I run out of the Home & Bargains Vermillion I'm stuffed!].

You can see I added some shading around the windows to make it look like the top rendering had fractured off round the window frames. I then added highlights to the cracks, just the same as my House Raven Imperial Knights - yet more transferrable skills!

I shaded the edges of the ruins with black - where they might have been damage by fire and smoke.


Inside I'd stippled on more Burnt Umber on the cream walls to give a grungy grimdark finish. 

On my Sanctum Imperialis I went on to add some bone highlights to tone this brown grime down, but I deliberately decided to leave this as is for a few reasons. Ordinarily I get to this stage and wish I could leave it but feel compelled to carry on painting, so for once I refused to be a slave to my compulsions. Also, it's quicker to leave it as is and as much as I like this terrain a quicker more slap-dash approach is fine.

Additionally, it would be useful to have something that didn't go all the way to the degree I did on the Sanctum Imperialis, just as a measure to compare when I do.

That's not to say I've rushed this, far from it. I thought I'd be really quick with it but I did far too much detail than I wanted to.

In my defence I always add far too much detail but I had hoped to fly through these and not worry but I think I settled somewhere inbetween, and this is just before the Blessed Verdigris was to be added!

I did discover this floor has bowed, which was quite a surprise. I think I stored it with something on top and it;s pushed it down by at least 5mm in the middle. I might look to try and weight it in the other direction.

I liked the floor like this, and probably should have left it. but there was going to be now way I couldn't add some more metallics and verdigris, so look forward to how I foolishly handle that in the next update.

Blessed Verdigris next...

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Dark Angels - Macragge Tactical Squad - WHITE PICS

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer Dark Angels Macragge tactical squad. A closer look at these models. Hopefully you can see them in more detail individually. My camera was overheating in the hot weather and with the lights on. Here are all the unique models in the unit - Heavy Weapons, Special Weapons, Sergeant and Squad Leader. 

Here are the monopose, although I think there are actually two poses in here.

Sergeant Vaan, I dunno the name just popped into my head. The freehand text is awful... but I could not believe I managed to get his eyes done. No splodges of white or black and the pupils almost look dead centre.



Plasma Cannon heavy weapons. Naturally the orange plasma glow was one of the last things I did as it goes over the top of the Blessed Verdigris. I was really pleased with the result. It's always a bit hit and miss, but certainly from a distance I think it's a hit. At the same time, I also did all the underside of my Ravenwing Talonmaster, as the levitation nodes are plasma powered [in my army anyway 😉]. I'll share that update soon as it's one of the next jobs in progress.



The Las-Cannon, once again using the las-coils as red glass insulators. They'll match the ones on my Old Skool Predator and it's good to get the practice in as I will be doing the same on my Knight Preceptor Las-Impulsor.



Flamer Special Waepons marine. Hopefully you can see that litany script that my marines usually mark on their armour has been done with a little more panache. I tried to get it to look like cursive italicised text, to give it that handwritten look. Some it works really well on I think, the Las-Cannon guys knee is quite cool.



Brother Balor, where do I come up with these names? Anyway, he's a Squad Leader, he has a Terminator Honour badge on his back-pack [in Ferron Proxima stone]. I figure he may have been some veteran, even in the Deathwing, hence the broken sword badge on his right shoulder too. Why he is not the Sergeant is as yet a mystery to me. But I like the idea that despite his previous elebvated status he is back with some of the outer circle guys, maybe to better observe their behaviour and ensure loyalty and compliance, even under the Sergeant's command... Here you can just about see there is still some Army Painter Anti-Shine frosting. The second picture [top right], side on view, just a alongside the purity seal on his leg there is a pale circle - that was a bubble of varnish. It's not really noticeable but zoomed in and under the lights it shows up.


Also, on the last picture, you can see in the crease between the helmet and the targeting lense there is still some pale frosted varnish.


There's a tiny bubble of frosting on his right shoulder pad [our left in the front view]. I was rushing when I did it, I could see the paintbrush was making all these bubbles and because it was the end of the bottle it may well have had more matting agent and it was thicker. The bases too don't quite reveal the darkest of the shading I applied because the Anti-shine has frosted it,. Thankfully it's less obvious.



This one, frosting inbetween the pouches in the final pic. I had gone over most of those creases with some thinned black but clearly I missed some. It was really annoying at the time and a totally deflating. I will have to remember in future it's the most important part, take my time or end up ruining all this effort.



This one, frosting inbetween the pouches in the final pic, right leg and piping in the 3rd back pic, and the recess in the helmet crest in the second pic. All since fixed with more black but frustrating both for it to happen and I missed the fix before the pics.



Frosting in the bottom recess of his right shoulder pad, but you can't see it on final side pic - lights and zoom enhance obviously. As does how rough the chapter symbol looks, and I was so proud of my freehand efforts.



I really don't need to point out the frosting, you can find it if you look hard enough.



I still love the muzzle size of this Bolter. I had to cut the original off and use plastic lollipop stick for it.



Anyway what can I take away from all this? Was I devastated by the frosting? No, disappointed yes, but I took a few days off, fixed it. Took the pics, fixed what I'd missed when I saw the pics and probably still missed some. But again my headspace is such that I can take some of these flaws despite how upsetting they should be. They're all done now and boxed off. Who knows if they'll ever even be on the battlefield in anger. They'll be part of this years Armies On Parade but any flaws won't show up in those pics. The fact I am able to overlook them and move on I think is a huge achievement. Striving for perfection can do more harm than good, for me. So 'finished not perfect' still rings true as one of my mottos.