Showing posts with label halflings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halflings. Show all posts

Thursday 6 July 2023

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Star Players - Pre-season training pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #Halfling #BloodBowl team. This is the Porkbelly Stuffers Star Players before they go off to their stadium - 'Surf n'Turf Moar'. 

Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath, everything came together in the end. 

I'm still a little disappointed that I couldn't execute the diamond pattern on Puggy's shoulder pads but it looks OK otherwise.

He's got far more 'crackling' than any other player, which befits a star player and he is more armoured anyway so it makes sense. His 'lucky 13' team number just visible on the right shoulder pad.

Really please with his face, even though hardly any of it is visible inside his helmet.

Cindy came out well, her face is great, although as evidenced by my zoomed pics in the last update it does not stand close scrutiny but certain aspects are better than I've ever done.

At least, the distance I usually look at it it looks great and the pies look cool too.

A great addition to my Armies On Parade, now I just need to do the Treemen and the board too and I should almost be ready. Just need to decide on back drops and things. Some TO DONE pics to follow with 'grass on the pitch'.

Monday 12 June 2023

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Star Players - BIG BUILD & Base TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on two Blood Bowl Star players for my Halfling team. I got Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath at #WarhammerFest I have to admit that £26 for two tiny figures was an insane purchase. I could have had a second team to paint instead - converted them in some way to be star players.

But, I would have come away from the day empty handed otherwise and they are pretty amazing sculpts. The casting was almost flawless, just a tiny bit of mold slipping under the armpits.

But it had loads of little internal supports to make sure it cast properly, almost like how 3D prints are done.

Here's the Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

And onto the base [as well as some base coats].

Standard borwn base that will be covered in flock.

Orange areas picked out where there will be 'crackling'

Ready for yellow and to paint the 'pink' areas white.

Great Big Big Build BASE RUSTY Stamp of Approval. 

Thursday 30 June 2022

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #Halfling #BloodBowl team. This has been a labour of love - aside from that Blood Bowl tournament we don't play. I think all my mates have painted up teams but they've never warmed to the game, sadly. 

I understand somewhat as it's formulaic. But, compared to the way the goalposts are constantly being shifted in 40k and its overwhelming complexity, something formulaic and dependable should be right up our alley!

Nevermind, these guys had some flowers and flock added to their bases, alongside the obligatory white pitch markings.

Here you can compare the original test model at the front right with the rest and just notice the slightly lighter pink on his vest. I also used my first Contrast paint on these. Iyanden Yellow was used on the shoulder pads - to add both a glaze and shade on the lower edges. It helped round them out, they were looking a little flat otherwise.

The coins were quite fun to do, particularly the BB logo side. It was almost my first non-metallic metals for me.

The  team logo was fun because of the extra 'ham' than the obverse. I got to play around with the effect with lighter pinks and washes to create some marbling.

I'm so glad I went back into the helmeted Hefty's shoulder pads. I had wanted variety in the crackling markings but diagonals just made the most sense across the lot. Our eyes are predisposed to see straight lines and a vertical/horizontal grid was exposing any flaws. The diagonals here are actually quite varied in their positioning, but thankfully it's harder to notice because it's at an angle.

The Ferret, Weasel and Squirrel were quite daunting and I delayed painting them as long as I could but the end results are much better than I expected. I've seen other hobbyists since, which look almost real, but I'm still happy with these little critter. I do need to make an Akhorne at some point from the spare squirrel head I have.

I also added a little splat of Tamiya Clear Red X-27 blood on t hat Hefty's nose bandage and the knuckles of some of the Hopefuls - like they've just punched someone to a pulp - definitely hopeful, perhaps even wishful!

The pasty came out so well and the flowers add just that little touch of extra detail on the bases.

I do love the helmeted Hefty, I just think the sponge was an element too far. That's the sort of thing you can add on, whereas a plain helmet would have been a little more generic. It would have been nice to have had a second one in this style - my only criticism.

As mentioned previously I've got to get some Kurnoth Hunters to get to make up as Treemen. When I do that I'll take I'll take individual 4 planar shots of each model, so you get to see the full effeorts. There'll be two Treemen in this team and I may save the third for an eventual Wood Elf team - I just love painting these teams. That said, the Orc team is NOT progressing at all.

One day though I'll get over that first orcish obstacle and get that test model complete. But for now I have a small treat for myself before I get back to my Ravenwing

So, here's my Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamps of Approval! 

Tuesday 28 June 2022

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Pre-season training pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #Halfling #BloodBowl team. This is the Porkbelly Stuffers before they go off to their stadium - 'Surf n'Turf Moar'. These are essentially finished, except for adding grass and flowers to the bases [I also picked out some bonewhite stones, as is my signature]. Granted, a huge jump from my last pics but it's been a labour of love and I just kept plugging away, not worrying about pics.

I think everyone should have a go at painting these models, so much character. I know I've been more adventurous and explored quite a bit more skintone techniques than normal.

That said Warhammer Community tweeted a post about sharing your 'Fling teams and the standard was insane. I was perfectly happy with mine but did feel as though I wish I could have pushed them more.

But I know I was already achieving diminishing returns in the effort I was putting in. 

However clumsy and 'not quite right' some of my painting achieved there were odd paint strokes, blobs and washes that lifted them to a place I was delighted with.

A strange contradiction, but most of my finished minis hold some element of imperfection I'm willing to overlook.

The marker pieces came out particularly well, which is something I'd avoided for most of the project, for fear of mucking them up.

The sausages in particular are so juicy. My mate Liam says gloss varnish has no place in miniature painting. He says everything can be achieve with highlights, which is true. But, I defy anyone to claim that the gloss varnish on those sausages make them as close to a banger as possible. The steam too was a happy accident, just thinned white paint over the red oxide primer base. Extra coats on the thicker areas - it just works.

The full team alongside one of the original 2nd Edition players I painted way back in the day.

There are still some elements of the original I couldn't replicate or surpass, but certain newer efforts are so much better. I'd been disappointed at some of the pork cracking slicing I'd started on some of the earlier test models and repainted them all as diamonds. I also chose not to add the cloves in the centres, but darker at the intersections. It's either cloves or shadows.

I had struggled to find any examples of halfling's of colour to add diversity to my team. A little patience and we have Lenny Henry as a hobbit! I didn't quite stretch myself with variations in the skintone around the face, but I liked the definition straight off the brush and didn't want to lose that.

This guy is one of my favourites though - the shaved head was particularly successful, compared to previous efforts.

I had intended this one to be full-on Gordon Ramsey, with the blonde hair and everything. But, I ended up doing red hair. Although the pupils don't quite match I was so pleased with the red wash on his face for that flushed/freshly punched effect.
Although, the original test model still rates as one of the best of the bunch- with his navel hair and swollen knuckles. The pink is a little paler than the rest of the team - too much highlighting. But it's not that noticeable as a group.

I'll be back with the TO DONE! pics next. There are still some Kurnoth Hunters to buy, build convert and paint to fill out the team. But not for a while yet.