Showing posts with label halflings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halflings. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 June 2022

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Pink Shirts

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. Yep, that's pink! Vallejo Model Color Magenta Fluorescent. 

I don't have any Contrast paints but I suspect this is somewhere between a Contrast and standard acrylic paint. You can see in places areas of highlight where the white basecoat is showing through, pink in others and the red prime for the shadows.

I think that's why I have some reluctance for Contrast in that despite years of '2 thin coats' to get a flat colour it uses it's shade to highlight to give a finished effect, but essentially it's 'patchy', with areas thick with paint and bits without. 

I'm not sure why I'm so bothered, I never do two thin coats, I always want that additional texture, Contrast should be perfect for me.

Regardless, I'll capitalise on the highlight, just the one coat, throw on some additional red wash shading and then more highlights.

You'll be pleased to know that I've progressed greatly since these pics, they're ready to be flocked. That does mean there is only one set of pics since these and it's the practically complete models. 

Sorry, but I've had a number of real-life things keeping me preoccupied so although I have found time to hobby, the blog has taken a back seat for a bit. Don't worry, some posts lined up.

Thursday 26 May 2022

Blood Bowl - Halfling Team - White Shirts

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've done a bit more #paintingwarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. It was June 2021 they last got attention and painting all their uniform white is the first step of then doing their Fluoro Magenta, as seen on the right.

I also added orange to their shoulder pads, which will eventually be yellow. Half with orange trim, half will be brown. I don't know why I'm differentiating them but I am. 

There are also some decisions to be made about helmets and pans. Whether I want them to be as if they were the actually cooking utensils, hastily pressed into service, fully painted to match their uniform, or half and half - a quick splash of paint to show it had served the Hopeful well in a pinch and now it was his lucky colander.

No doubt I'll do a mix of all of these, but it's pink next and oh boy, these will look insanely different in the next update 😎

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Blood Bowl - Halfling Team - Crackling

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've done a bit more #paintingwarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. I know I just said I had other stuff to focus on but that was a conclusion I came to as I was doing this. This was a big step - covering the red basecoat in white in readiness for the fluoro pink.

Weird in a way because I liked the red, but also the white looks pretty cool too.

And big jump here. The fluoro pink went on and it's been highlighted a couple of times [mixing in white]. The weather turned very warm so the paint was drying quite rapidly

I also added some Army Painter Skeleton bone pinstripes, but felt they need defining a bit more, hence the additional Khorne Red 'drop-shadow'. I've added some Bloodletter glaze in the recesses and highlighted all the tops of creases to get extra definition.

I added the criss-cross of the crackling pattern on the helmet and shoulder pads. It's frustrating in a way as when I did it on my original models decades ago I was actually neater. I tried adding the Skeleton Bone for more definition, still to add the cloves, although the helmet studs suffice there. That said the criss-cross pattern is all over the shop on the helmet, so I'm a little underwhelmed.

While I was at it I did some of the same crackling bits on this Hefty - shoulder pads, helmet, highlighted the skin and did the eye.

Cloves will be in the centre of the criss-cross I see examples where they're placed both in the centre of the square and at the juncture of the cuts.

This helmet is the most representative of a ham, but the shoulder pads - I'm kicking myself at the difference in size of the patterns :(

The catcher also got crackled and a first set of highlights, and his eyes, slightly skew-whiff but passable. I need to work out how to do a flushed complexion on a dark skintone next.

I also remembered to make his palms and soles of his feet lighter skinned. It's a small detail that I believe can be overlooked and as I continue to explore varied skintones it was worth doing. One thin coat on the palm of his hand already looks quite effective.

I have to admit I'm not quite as pleased as I hoped to be with the pink, or the crackling for that matter. I'm pretty sure that the varnish will tone things down, it's currently a bit glossy in places which makes it odd. I think the pinstripes really help the model, but overall it is very, very busy and the crackling pattern is all over the place - which is where most of my disappointment lies.

Half the team will have brown shoulder trim, the other half orange to make the crackling effect bolder. I want to get these three completed, perhaps do the orange basecoats on all the rest... but now I want to get all the metallics done on my tactical squad too - time and motivation [plus cooler working conditions] please!

Friday 11 June 2021

Blood Bowl - Halfling Team - Test Model

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've started #paintingwarhammer on my Halfling #BloodBowl team. The Land Raider is paused, while I try to resolve the decal situation and I didn't want to go back to the Titans, so it was test model. I wanted to get some practice on the face and the kit. The face was coming along really well and then I decided to add eyebrows...

Big mistake, I was not taken by them at all. he reminds me of an actor, but I can't place which one, actually is it Scorsese? Anyway, I wasn't having it. I added some orange to the armour plates.

And then yellow to make the 'crackling'. I did brown edging but I may mix that up - some with brown some with all yellow. As you can see I also painted over the eyebrows and despite it being a cheat I think he works much better. I added a little more purple round the nose to get a very flushed face. I also painted some belly fluff, which looks gross and cool and also makes me miss the plain belly I had originally - mixed emotions.

The feet are my least favourite element, I do love the knuckles and elbow though, I got some tips from the Art of War's painting tutorial.

Now I was focussing on one miniature as a test, but as I had excess paint in certain instances I used it on a couple of other players. So I've got the yellow done on this, although I've thinking an addition highlight might be needed. That might work our when I've done the crackling criss-cross.


This guy also got some yellow done. I maybe should have done his dinner plate number badge with the yellow. I may do one some different ones, like a camping plate - ceramic white with blue rim. A silver one etc. Just play around for a bit of fun.


I have to take the plunge and do the pure white highlight on the clothes next in preparation for the fluoro pink. I have to be brave and remember my Tyranid Void Shield Generator efforts and how well they came out.

Really pleased with the test so far. Need to move them along but I am feeling a little drained at the moment and given the pause in the Land Raider really need to focus on what's next...

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Blood Bowl - Halfling Team Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer the bases of my Halfling #BloodBowl team. The process is almost identical to my Red Planet BASE, except with my Burnt Umber as a starting point. Then with bonewhite mixed in.

Actually just two successive Burnt Umber highlights gave a pretty good soil colour and I could have left it with that.  I may even look into some meadow flowers! I'm also concerned because having just discovered I'm unlikely to get the Vermillion Craft Acrylic from Home & Bargains the Burnt Umber is also absent and I only have half a tube of that left. It's been so useful in my weathering effects, it beggars belief that such a standard artist colour is no longer available. I'll look into alternatives.

 I'd primed them Red Oxide, and again used a kitchen roll tube to mask the model to get a [mostly] black base. They will be grassed over mostly, so it doesn't have to be perfect.

Here's where I started to block in some skintones. Again, I want diversity in my team but I'm not sure if I've seen halflings that aren't white. 

They're such characterful models I wanted some additional diversity to help identify different players.

But I haven't painted white characters for a long while so I thought I'd use this as an opportunity to explore that facet. Perhaps lift my game with rosy cheeks and florid noses from all their feasting. it should be fun.

For now I get my Great Big Granite Big Build Basing stamp of approval.