Friday 12 May 2023

Not a Battle Report - Middle Earth Bolt Action

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been playing games again but this time something different. Otty loves Middle Earth, as is evident from the many games we've played in the Tolkien universe. He also is a massive WWII history buff and so is really into Bolt Action, which he loves as a games system. So, what if you could combine the two? Use the core Bolt Action rules and map various Middle Earth units and troop types to World War 2 equivalents... Well that's exactly what he's done. Once again I've left it far too long between having this amazing game and decided to record it so I have no recollection of what happened. Perhaps it'll come back to me as I go through the pictures.

What I can say, is I absolutely loved it. I've played Bolt Action 4  or 5 times I think, but this was so much fun. I mean the true WWII setting is always cinematic but this just played well and Otty's collection of figures are so cool too.

I love the mechanic of drawing order dice from a bag, randomly determining who gets to activate one [or more] units at a time. It means you have to think about the importance of who activates first and if the unit you're targeting has already moved or can you neutralise it before it gets a chance to.

Ah, some recollection! A flock of Crebain [big crows] took cover in the woods.

If I remember correctly I was really lucky early on. I think I was using the terrain effectively and this forced Otty to push forward quicker than he might have liked. I also pulled my crossbow skirmishers from my right flank to the centre. They weren't going to do anything on that side and it left his forces on my right out of position.

This meant my Troll became a massive thorn in his side. It behave similar to a tank, and causes fear in opponents, which meant every time a unit wanted to do something they had to take a fear test, which he kept failing meaning a lot of his army was impotent with fear.

My pike-orcs advanced toward the Rohirrim. Otty had made it very clear his cavalry would not survive that match up so I pressed on with confidence.

While my troll made mincemeat of the other unit of horse lords.

The Crebain had been quite good with their missile attacks [representing them diving in and pecking] - too good in fact I think Otty got the rules wrong for them [its a work in progress] and they were hitting better than they should. But, however good they were they didn't survive being charged.

In the centre of the board my forces scouting through the trees were ambushed from behind by a massed cavalry charge of reinforcements. That tipped the balance in Otty's favour and suddenly my good start was beginning to crumble.

My units in the centre were wiped out.

Rohirrim fell back to protect their artillery pieces but I got my pikes into their flanks, wiping them out.

I was bringing up my skirmishers and my Orc command unit.

This was my last body of troops left to help recover this win, luckily the Troll was still terrorising troops around it.

But Otty was hoping to attack me from behind again.

What was left in the middle continued to fight the Rohirrim

But the cavalry switched focus and charged my Ballista.

Wiping them out, which I think tipped the game in his favour. We played quite late but it was a really fun game. Considering how limited my experience of Bolt Action is and this is a 'skinned' ruleset I was absolutely stunned how quick I grasped how to play. With just a few additional rules, the ability for a commander to issue orders that allow you to draw 2 or 3 order dice [depending on their seniority] and activate a unit for each dice within 6"-12". It means if you get that chance you can suddenly take control of the game and if one commander activates another commander who draws additional dice that daisy chain has huge impact. But lets just dissect this for a moment - this game sees activating a unit ahead of your opponent as a significant advantage. Yet 40k, you activate all your units in your turn and then it's your opponents go. Maybe this is why I enjoyed it so much. Each game turn is interactive for both players, no spectating, just action and reaction. 

Regardless of the why's and wherefores I absolutely loved it. Once again it makes me worry that 40k 10th edition will not be able to compete with these games. Also, turning up to someone's house where the figures a re already there, no unboxing or packing away at the end. It cannot be dismissed just how convenient and easy that makes gaming. Whereas when 10th hits I'll be going with bags of figures and having to unpack and pack them which is a right faff!

Just some shots of the pre-game array of the armies about to face each other.

Monday 8 May 2023

'nids part 341 - Parasite of Mortrex and Zoanthrope - Basecoats and washes

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #Tyranid Parasite of Mortrex. Previously it had just had its first bone areas painted.

But you can see I've also added in the Bahama Blue chitin and then done the sepia wash and black claws - pretty standard really.

Darker wash on the chitin, then first and second highlights on the bone areas.

I also added some red wash on the stone outcrop to bring some depth back into it.

Striations to do next but I need to think over how I approach the wings. 

And also I need to do some acid green on the talons and tail poison sack. I'm also a little disappointed there isn't a Ripper on the base somewhere. I think it deserves one at least, but it's a little late now.

While I was doing the Parasite I thought I'd bring my first Zoanthrope up to today's standard.

Of course that meant painting over the existing striations on the chitin - a bold move with no going back after the Bahama Blue hit.

All the washes and bone highlights, a bit more red on the fleshy bits too.

Now it's time for the striations and decide on the colour glow for the brain. I think it'll be blue this time, each one has a different colour so far.

One is green, the other is yellow/orange and this could be blue.

Thursday 4 May 2023

Not a Battle Report - Middle Earth Battle Strategy Game - Charge of the Rohirrim 2.0

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been playing #MESBG. I know no one is really interested in these but I need to document  the bare minimum for my Hobby Season as 'continue to play games' is on my TO DO LIST. Otty and I decided to have a got the Charge of the Rohirrim from the Two Towers again. 

Now I call this 'not  a battle report' and that's evidenced by the fact I had thought I was the Rohirrim in this but I think not, as that's clearly Otty measuring his first turn move.

So I guess I was the Orcs this time around, but I still love the anticipation in this charge. Otty had re-jigged the force compositions again - more Rohirrim, but also the Orcs had a smattering of crossbows for some long range effectiveness.

I think I was a little lucky and killed a couple of Rohirrim as they closed, I think one turn was relatively effective - 2 or 3 kills which was really surprising and lucky for me. But, the next turn they whiffed and so I suppose it balances out

And they come together. Obviously I've no idea who had priority, if I did it'd be a battle report. But I think although I did receive a number of casualties and it looked like the Rohirrim had just about broken through on their left flank I think it wasn't quite as successful a charge as Otty had hoped.

I may well had lost a few troops, but I think I won priority, or did some heroic charges and 'with me' I was able to tie up a lot of Otty's cavalry so he couldn't charge again [although it does look like they have charge counters on a fair few, I dunno].

But there are significantly less horses here, 5 or 6 less, which is a massive loss for Otty.

I think I managed to blunt Otty's charge again, at which point he was regretting choosing not to do an Heroic Charge in the previous turn. His force was becoming scattered, but even worse, the dice were abandoning him too.

Another catastrophic turn for Otty. trapping a lot of his horse lords meant I was able to overwhelm him with pikes and warriors. Another 5 or so down.

I think my dice were on fire and Otty's had all but left at this stage, just Gandalf and two knights left which i think wins me the game.

Gandalf may escape and live to fight another day but he'll need another 5 days to recover the Rohirrim he led to slaughter in this doomed charge.

It's amazing how fascinating a game can be when it is fundamentally a head on charge. No objectives, no terrain, just a series of combats, rolling for priority, choosing whether to utilise Might to fight first and then how you position your forces to hamper your opponent. And then when the dice desert them... on the one hand it's hilarious but on the other it's perfect generalship 😉

Wednesday 3 May 2023

#WarhammerFest Photodump 1

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I went to #WarhamerFest2023 and took over 250 pictures! Unfortunately that means you have to sit through my 'holiday snaps'. Lots of comments on Saturday and Sunday about queues and crowds but Monday was quieter and it was only 15 to 20 minute wait to get into the Hang Out & Hobby to paint some figures.

I loved the cosplay and small Tyranid Capillary Towers

There was plenty of space here, which I think was busier on Sat and Sun, but there had been some demo games scheduled for this space but didn't materialise at the event.

These cabinets were studio armies

I've zero interest in Seraphon, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate those that do.

And here we have the new Tyranids for #New40k, some Barbgaunts.

I'm not a huge fan of thes but they're painted really well.

New Screamer Killer

Some back views, for those that are interested in such things as we've only really seen front shots.

The Screamer Killer is mighty big, credit where it's due.

And if you wanted to see the back of the new Psychophage here you go.

It's like an organic Venomcrawler

Neurotyrant  and rear view 

and Winged Warrior Prime.

New Termagant

Some of the alternate Hive Fleet colour schemes.

Look! It's got a hole in its bottom!

Vashtorr and the Titan Owner's club

One fo the highlights of the day was meeting Siph from weemen as he supported the Titan Walk. Always so supportive of the blog, I now need to add my Knight Lance to the Titan Owners blog.

Oscar had fun making new 'friends'.

Some of the staff armies at Combat Cards.

These 'stone' Custodes were a really interesting concept.

Adeptus Mechanicus

I wish we saw more of the Tech-priest Manipulus rather than the Dominus. He's fascinating.

Warpforge 'card game' had an amazing stand, really created a vibe

More pics to come...