Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts

Monday 17 June 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - May - Large miniatures

The Battle of the Brush Challenge was judged the other week, I'd put in the Sanctum Imperialis and if I'm honest I was hopeful for one of the placings, despite the many entries and high quality. Therein lies a problem though as my priority is purely taking part and the competitive aspect and how that manifests in me is not something I'm comfortable with.  The completion of projects and sharing my hobby is the prize and feeling this fell somehow short of top recognition makes me feel like a brat. It took me a long time to put most of my ego behind me, but clearly it's lurking there to trip me up. Then again if Golden Demon Award winning painters can feel disappointment at the risk of their celebrated miniatures falling short I suppose it's just human nature

Anyway, these were some of the other entries, Ridge Runner and some Tzeentchian nonsense.

Scythed Hierodule/

Zombie dragon.


Awesome Slaaneshi Greater Daemon and Deathwatch dreadnought.

Adeptus Titanicus Titan, with an awesome mottled drybrushed highlight. The new Goblin terrain which would have got a vote from me [if I was judging].

Storm Talon and Canis Rex which either won or placed in the top 3.

This Knight got the Warlord's Award - that's the prize voted by the 'warlords' who are store hobbyists who completed last years 12 monthly challenges. So if I manage it this year I will get that honour. It was well deserved.


The Soul Grinder was great.

Custode and Orruk warboss.


Tyranid Hive Tyrant.

I also noticed they're preparing a new gaming table, here it is unprimed so you cna se eit;s construction.

Liberal use of aquarium gravel for varied rubble.

Loads of really tall ruins.

An  expensive array of plastic!

Characters for June, so that's either the Assassin - because it should be painted and will be so unlikely for a prize it might cure me of my hunger for success. Alternatively I have my Space Hulk Librarian [my most recent completed 'character' I think] or Deathleaper - one of my favorites but the 3rd party base is also unlikely to rate it highly, so it'll purely for taking part which is good.

Monday 13 May 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - April - Squads

Following on from March's Battle of the Brush [or 'Tale of our Warlords', as it's also known], April's category is Squads. I entered Garrek's Reavers, and also Steelhearts Champions, so I could make up for my missing January entry. My goal is just to achieve the 12 entries over the course of the year and as you can see the standard is exceptional each month so the competitive aspect will be tough, hence why I'm just along for the ride. The top 3 are in order - Idoneth Deepkin justifiably taking this month's honours.

Tidy Necrons coming second, with their red glowy eyes and Scarabs.

Khorne Chaos warband was 3rd.

These Sylvaneth were awesome yet again. If I was doing Age of Sigmar I'd go Sylvaneth [having previously thought it'd be Flesh Eater Court].

Ad Mech

House Delaque

Space Hulk Genestealers



and more Squigs.

Very bright Wraithguard.

Some old skool cool Dwarves.

Witch Elves

Stormcast dudes in bronze.

And Hive Guard.

And on the way back I managed to get a nice snap of NOT the Lady of Winterfell!

Large miniatures for May, so I best crack on with my Sanctum Imperialis.

Monday 15 April 2019

GW Manchester Battle of the Brush - March - Characters

Following on from February's Battle of the Brush [or 'Tale of our Warlords', as it's also known], March's category is Characters. I entered my Space Hulk Genestealer Broodlord, aside from the Terminator Librarian [which might feature in June...?] it was my most recently completed character. Obviously if I could paint something in time I would but my priority is my ongoing projects so some months it will be legacy miniatures as my entries. So long as they've never been in the cabinet before, the store is OK with that. Luckily my Sanctum Imperialis will count as a 'Large Miniature' in May, if I get it done that is!

Anyway, I didn't get a lot of pics but these are the highlights. I think I was lucky in that I did capture the top three etntries with this Wight King gaining the top spot.

Gandalf was 2nd I think but he was absolutely stunning. You can even see Sir Ian McKellen in his face.

Riding Shadowfax too, and Merry or Pippin [I forget which].

An Isharann Tidecaster and some kind of Troggoth

Watch Captain Artemis and Spirit of Durthu - this Sylvaneth army is growing month on month so I lookk forward to seeing more entries.

Some additional entires, including a Biophagus.

Moar dakka?!

One of their taster tables, I like the fact it has the standard Realm of battle board next to the Sector Imperialis gamboard. I quite fancy having a couple of those to sit next to my own board as a transition to a more urban area, even if it's a nightmare to play on!

I'll be taking regular pics throughout the months for this challenge, so enjoy.