Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Not a battle report - Adeptus Titanicus 2 & 3

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PlayingWarhammer and yet another non-battle report but still Adeptus Titanicus. It started off well...

and then the power tripped out in Otty's shed and we were reduced to the rather atmospheric scenes we have here using a mix of candles and single extension lamps.

This pic is awesome too but for some reason I didn't take anymore. I think the only thing I remember of this game was this sneaky Warhound scampering in-between my Reaver and Liam's Warlord, stopping me getting the good stuff for some upstart welp of a titan.

Not sure if they went on to finish the game mid-week but the electrics eventually got sorted and a new plan for heating the shed was devised as Otty felt the electric heaters were putting too much strain on the supply. Although he had identified one of his kids had also run an extension lead to a tree house so they could watch telly and it had got a bit wet! 🤣

So, game 3 and we're building proper Maniples now, with Legio rules. We've also put down some more terrain so there's more LoS blocking and minuses to hit. Ben decided to choose a force devoid of Liam's beloved Warlord while I stuck with the 3 Reavers and 4 Cerastus. Legio Gryphonicus has a particular rule that means your titans can pick a target and get reroll 1's to hit. However, if any other of your titan's shoot at their target then they lose the bonus. So, in the short term it makes their individual shooting more effective but it means you can't really focus fire from all of your Titan's to bring an engine down, otherwise those bonuses evaporate. On top of that my Priceps Seniores had the trait to make all its hits on its target rerollable.

I tried to get up as far as possible.

Liam pushed up too but I was now in range of his Questoris with my Reaver's Thermal Cannon. I was able to hit the unit and just totally deleted every Knight within the household. It felt like overkill before I fired and the outcome definitely felt like overkill. Liam was definitely unhappy. 

In return his squadron of Warhounds and Cerastus started to push even further up the board, getting behind my Reaver and close to my missile silo that was missing every turn. 

My Cerastus moved up to get his Reaver.

The Lancers continued to chase down the Reaver, while my own Reaver moved toward the middle of the board to then turn and get a firing solution on his Warhounds and Lancers now firmly in my backfield.

Liam's force now castled up in my back corner. But it looks like I was able to take one of the Warhounds down. However, they work really well as a squadron and I bet if you can learn how to get their movement down so they move together that this is the optimal way to play them.

As they were now cornered the Reaver fell and the Lancers too by the looks of it. Whether they got consumed in the Reaver's fireball or fell to additional fire I'm unsure.

More of my Reavers began to converge and Liam and Otty felt it was done and dusted.

These are our faces afterwards, Liam and Otty completing faking any happiness as they were thoroughly convinced my Legio rules were too overpowered. It didn't help that Liam had been given a list that was not great [although it represented what Ben has in his Ork force so they wanted to see how that would fair - not good by the looks of it]. Also, he wasn't taking any of his own traitor Legio rules for Legio Krytos. I've since seen what they are and I'm not sure it would have been a benefit. Although, it does confirm they have a penchant for Warlords, just as my Legio has one for Reavers, which coincidentally reflects our passions in the game.

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