Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Well Officer, I couldn't possibly recall how I ended up with all this.

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been a naughty boy. I've been on a bit of a retail therapy kick. I'd seen the Mechanicum Battle Group begin to disappear from 3rd party sellers and I thought now might be my last best chance of securing it at discounted prices.

I've always wanted the Triaros Conveyor, it's crazy to look but when it was resin that was never going to happen,

Now it's plastic and there was all sorts in the box too.

I quite like the robots, but I'm less enamoured by the Tech-thralls. Their ungainly zombie-like pose doesn't inspire the techno-confidence the Ad-Mech usually conveys.

That said I'm sure they'll look cool when they're painted, as will their sweet, sweet, ride.

Can't wait to get round to doing this project, but I'm not touching it until some others are done.

The decal sheets are pretty cool too, maybe some that I can use on my Cerastus Knights too?

And this is the other cause of this unnecessary purchase. Yes I got the 30k rules for the princely sum of £5 [plus £4.99 postage]. I mean the book is massive and thoroughly gorgeous throughout. It may say Warhammer but we know a Forgeworld product when we see one. Of course that also means that deciphering the rules in such a might tome is inversely proportional to how good the rest of the book is. The plan was to use my Dark Angels as a 30k army. With what appears to be a more stable rule system, one we're more familiar with from our halcyon tournament days and more balanced units we may like 30k more than 10th Edition 40k! Of course that does not explain why I then bought an AdMech Battle Group if I was going to try my First Legion in the game...

And alongside all this 30k shenanigans I actually decided to get some Guardian of the Covenant and heraldry decals from The Mighty Brush. The crossed swords will go on my Primaris army, should I ever get round to them and the mixed black and white heraldry scripts just look awesome.

Let's just say my hobby spends this year have gone out the window. But as recent events have reminded me you can't take it with you. So I'm treating myself while I can. Maybe next year I can be more frugal...


  1. Nice! Admech would be my next army if I wasn't already buried in projects. Enjoy!

    1. Ha, ha, I'm already buried in projects, it clearly hasn't stopped me!
