Wednesday, 18 December 2024

'nids part 372 - #DreadTober Norn Emissary TO DONE!

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer for DreadTober, failed to meet the deadline so rolled it over into #NidVember, blew that too so now it's some December pun that I'm not smart enough to create.

But the Norn Emissary is TO DONE!

I am very happy with the final result. Considering how down I was on my abilities way back when I started it the finished article looks as good as anything I've done. I may never trouble a Golden Demon but my tabletop standard has presence.

The model is pretty cool too. I took it to show the guys and as we've finally got round to playing Adeptus Titanicus I was struck how this is roughly the same height as a Warlord Titan.

With the correct bases I think there are a lot of figures you could proxy into Titanicus as Tyranid Titan constructs. The Neuro Tyrant wouldn't look out of scale either I think. You could probably find something the Neurolids could be too. 

I didn't take any red pics with the Norn Assimilator harpoon claws, but the white background pics have some below.

The question is, will I ever use him in a game of 40k? My plan is to get the Tyranid combat patrol painted, as their rules are free. I'm not sure if we'll get to a point where we add extra units as some of the games have felt one-sided and I can't imagine this guy is anything but over-powered. Still it would be nice. Regardless he will fit in next year's Armies On Parade, with the rest of the Combat Patrol.

Did you know that this is the first Great Big Wooden Stamps of Approval of the season?! Now you do.

And here we have the white background pics.

And the first of the Norn Assimilator images.

Obviously I didn't include the carapace extension. It's probably not that hard magnetise but I hadn't originally planned on making it swappable so this is the compromise.

I think I could probably use those harpoon claws on the Emissary anyway, they do look cool.

And it's somewhat like the Trygon/Mawloc - nobody really cares about the specifics. You just state the unit type and the nids get away with a lot.

And here's the DreadTober participation badge, that I now feel is earned. Although the two Genestealer Cult Sentinels still need finishing off. There so very nearly done, I just need a final push.

But actually I was doing something else too.

I had this little special project painting a Genestealer for a friend.

The Norn Emissary gave me plenty of opportunity to add paint, not only to this, bt some of the combat Patrol models as I've shared.

It helped break up the enormity of the Norn project.

I had the spare resin base to make it something of a mini diorama.

I just thought it would be cool for them to have one of my Tyranids for their own collection.

Hopefully they like it, maybe we'll find out soon.

So 2 things completed for the Season of Wood.

And a Great Big Wooden MINOR GOAL Stamp of Approval.


  1. Great to see the big one finished! I love the spots of green colour all over the miniature. Agreed – it would make for a fun Epic scale biotitan. I really don't see GW expanding Legions in that direction, but there are of course alternatives.

    1. I need to share some of our AT battle reports. It's early days as we get to grips with the rules, we're struggling to finish a small game in one evening's session. But aside from our 2 standard Loyalist and Heretical titans Ben has a small Ork force we'd proxy and Otty is building and Eldar maniple. We've some cool 3D printed Revenants, plus proxying Wraith Lords as a Reaver and old skool metal Wraithguard as Knights. They'll be very cool when they're done.

  2. What a great completion! Congrats on your results. I love the 'stealer to. Fun!

    1. Cheers DAM, appreciate your support. Turns out who I was sending the Genestealer to is very happy with it 😁
