Friday 10 September 2021

Imperial Knight - Armiger Helverin Big Build TO DONE!

Afternoon #warmongers and #warhammercommunity having gone standard with the other Helverin  I went back to the 'leaping' one to try and get it right. As you can see I didn't quite crack the pose but hopefully I can explain why.

At some point I was looking at these two options, with the foot backwards or the foot splayed forwards. I couldn't quite decide which was the better option and the practicalities of it - preventing the model from breaking or ease of transport made me rethink.

I ended up with this pose, as if it was in mid turn and it had acquired a target. It seemed so right, made more sense as a Helverin and of course it did, because it was very much still the pose of the standard model, doh! I even ended up with both Helverins being right foot forward, losing some variety.

It was really annoying, but all the faffing, cutting the legs, reposing them, splitting the toes, pinning and resculpting bits was becoming so overwhelming I just had to grit my teeth and get it done.

I'm a little disappointed I don't have one that is leaping, or even 'loping' along to give that famed impression of the Armiger's speed and 'pack hunting' behaviour. But this is a nice compromise thanks to the forward lean giving it momentum.

The greenstuff inbetween the toes is a bit ham-fisted but shouldn't be too noticeable once it's painted. Now, I'm just awaiting some black spray so I can get them primed. Naturally they'll both be based and I may even get the bronze base colours and stipple the vermillion craft acrylic on ahead of Dreadtober; that's the only way I can see them achievable in the timescale. But I won't do any more updates until then, which may leave the blog a little sparse.

Until then - Great Big Big Build BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval.


  1. I like it, it is different enough that people familiar with model will notice, and it is more dynamic. I need to get mine off the sprue and start constructing too.

    1. I've made no secret of my frustration with building, that's why the Big Build exists. I desperately want to build cool models, convert them and tweak them but I always lose confidence so it takes so long to do. This was a huge obstacle that I needed to overcome, else the whole thing was in jeopardy.

      My Mate Liam's are almost Velociraptor in pose, I'd have loved that. The standard pose is too linear for me. I love how they made the legs switchable for some customisation but if they'd just found a way to make those pipes from the groin to the hips on a proper ball joint that would have given so much more dynamism.

  2. A lot more Dynamic than mine, but you can solve the both have same foot forward by getting a third... like me. Haha

    1. Ha, ha. I would love an army of Armigers with a Preceptor leading them, but I bet they're completely unviable. This force would be mostly Warglaives though - cheap and more practical.

      In reality I don't think I need any more Armigers. As for Helverins though, I have my two Icarus Autocannons to proxy one of my Warglaives into a Helverin and I have a spare Quad Gun that I will add magnets to, to make a potential 4th Helverin. I mean I prefer the Warglaive, but you can't argue with the effectiveness of a Helverin. Fingers crossed there will be some good rules or even some new units when their Codex gets refreshed.

  3. Yes, a third! Honestly, the pose is solid. No worries. Looking forward to seeing some paint on it.

    1. You guys are too much. I've thrashed my hobby budget this year with no justification considering I'm not actually playing! Luckily the magnets give me option for this army. I highly doubt Armigers will feature again, I have my 2 extra Genestealer Sentinels to scratch my 'big walking machine' itch after these two.

      Can't wait to paint them too, I put some black primer on them yesterday. Just some red oxide and find that missing head and I'm ready.
