Tuesday, 18 April 2017

'nids part 212 - Genestealer cult - Brood Coven - MOAR SHOTS.

And tthe next plethora of shots of the Brood Coven, once again Camera 360 managing to capture quality that perhaps it shouldn't ought'a.

They make a nice little family unit.

I'd also played around with my light box and a white background. As much as I am a fan of high-contrast saturated images there's something not-quite-right about this but it's not too bad.

Although I was struggling to find the right white balance on the Patriarch.

However, the Ferron background just worked. You'd think some much red/orange would have a detrimental impact on the colour shift of the image but I think this is pretty accurate.

Slightly darker and desaturated here but I keep trying.

The sad reality is that these pics are much more representative of the model and put it into context with the Red Planet BASE! on the red planet mat. These are just the sort of pictures I'd be happy to share with White Dwarf and hopefully finally get into their hallowed pages but I have a sneaking suspicion that without a white background they wouldnlt be considered. It's much easier to cut them out froma  plain background, although I'd happily do clipping paths for these if they wanted.

Still, I'll send some of them in and give it a shot again.

Such a great pose on this Magus.

Some more experiments with the light box, less successful ones I might add. Looks like I was using my digital camera, hence the desaturated colours.

This was why I felt compelled to wait until I had some more light as I know the digital camera can take nice pics it's just here they weren't.

I've also picked up a new bulb for the light box since these were taken, a daylight 11W LED bulb that's 1500 Lumens. Hopefully that should help make better pictures.

I probably need two of the them as the second bulb is still a 60W incandessant which has a warm yellow tinge to it. I did a bit of staged photography at uni, with three point lighting. I think it's probably overkill on miniatures, certainly doesn't seem to need more than two according to GWs phtography guide.

However the two light sources might benefit from being the same wattage and luminosity that way they cancel each other out and reduce the chances of casting shadows.

I've the four Abberrants to showcase next, I took some pictures under the new light box setup so we'll see if the higher powered lights make things better or worse...

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