Wednesday 5 July 2017

Dark Angels - Assault Squad - TO DONE!

The Assault Squad is TO DONE! The 'good' pictures are however a bit grim [and dark]

I mean this is why GW say not to photograph using daylight - it was just too bright so the shadows are super dark but there's nothing like persisting with it despite the poor results.

I have taken some phone pics simultaneously that manage to mitigate the shadows that will be in the MOAR pics, so look forward to them.

Luckily I think I've also got the light box set up almots right so those pics may well become the defacto standard, we'll see how things go.

I love this guys pose.

I don;t know how many people saw on the Facebook group but I did manage to drop them all on a rough concrete paving slab as I went to do these pics.

Tehy were balanced on a take-away tub lid and there was a moment before I moved them I thought it was going to end in tears. Then one tipped over, what with them all having weird high centres of gravity. Another tipped and as I tried to compensate my hand spasmed and I practically threww them all in the air.

To add insult to injury my wife had seen me setting up the back drop and made some sarcastic comment about having to watch me take the pics, she soon scarpered when she realised this was not a funny situation anymore.

So, two back packs needed gluign back on and all of them had some remedial damage somewhere or another. The worst was the chips on the base edges :(

Still, about 30 minutes later they were all sufficiently repaired to have poor pictures taken of them!

Anyway, 90° shots of each of them now.

Sergeant - 2 chainswords means he gets 2 extra attacks, you should see the rage on all the Tyranid forums that three pairs of Scything Talons only get +1 extra attack and he gets 2!

These Flamer guys should be pretty cool.

So there we go, only on my Great Build list but started and pushed through to completion. I'm not sure if that's a good thing but certainly shows how it can be beneficial as although they've been in the pipeline for a good few months it felt like they were turned around really quickly over the last few weeks as I kept chipping away with the build, the basing and undercoat, then basecoats and metallics. Suddenly there were only the green highlights and all the remaining hurdles were 'fun'. Fingers crossed I'll be able to repeat the process in the future.

Monday 3 July 2017

DIY dice box

We like a good dice box/rolling tray in our house. It's funny, when I first got back with my gaming crew rolling dice in a box was what I did with the kids to avoid arguments, the fact Ben, Liam and Otty were also operating the same system, probably for the same reasons goes some way to illustrate how fraught those games could be. I like to think there's a more relaxed approach nowadays 'win at all costs' is no longer an issue. That said the box still has it's place and I was really impressed by Ross Graham's tutorial on how to make one and then Nick over at the Burning Eye did something similar.

However, good as they were they weren't quite what I was after. We're used to rolling in box lids, bigger and wider than thos box frames with plenty of run-up like a craps table. So I'd been looking at a variety of options [detailed at the end] but have created this option as a serviceable solution. We'd nipped to Hobbycraft recently and they had these 'Photo boxes' for just £2, which was a perfect price point for me. This was the best patter on the outside, the rest being pastel polka dots and gold embossing, shame they had now darker more urban looking one but ultimately it's a £2 shoe box!

I also picked up four sheets of felt for 55p each [three was enough]. I chose black because I thought it'd show up my yellow dice beautifully.

I then cut them to fit, layed on PVA glue, smoothed it out with a coffee stirrer and attached the felt. Now I'd done a few rolling tests and even with the felt there was a certain loudness to the dice I still wasn;t happy about. So I glued a sheet of my laminate floor foam underlay into the base first.

I then glued another sheet of felt on top.

So the sides are reasonably muffled but then the base is perfect. Ultimately if I wanted a noisy dice roll late at night I'd still be rolling on my Realm of Battle board! I got so excited I did some videos, because all the cool kids use the YouTube.

And then I went and did a slow-mo

OK I got giddy again with the slow-mo

So I was really pleased with the results. As you can see from Ross, and Nick's interpretations, including my own there are plenty of ways to do this so here are the 'also-rans' for boxes I was considering if you want to try and make one yourself...

This box from the Works was my original contender and at £4 was nice prize but it would require painting on the outside too as well as getting the felt to line it.

However I'd been distracted by a crate similar to this at Home & Bargain that I was going to remove the upper slats and then repin lower down and trim the bits poking up to make it an enclosed box. It was only £2.99 but they stopped selling them in the end, which led me to look at alternatives and seeing just the £2 box at Hobbycraft and the felt being right there too I just snapped it all up.

Friday 30 June 2017

1500pts battle report - Tyranids v Astra Militarum - 8th Edition cherry popped!

A fair few regular bloggers and vloggers have been getting in their new 40k battle reports but only now have I had a chance to see what 8th edition is really like. One might think that in the intervening period I've become fully au fait with the rules to ensure a rapid transition but you'd be all kinds of wrong! Ben and I arranged a game, I set it up whilst he was slightly delayed saving some actual human beings life! Big up the emergency services. Anyway it was 9pm by the time we'd gone through rigmarole of the new you go/I go deployment. Sad to see that we'll no longer be able to set up and then nip to the loo while your opponent does their deployment. Anyway it was Vanguard Strike, Cleanse & Capture

I've not done this sort of deployment since 5th edition - just massed line ready to cross the killing field and engage. I had a Tervigon, big brood of gaunts, the Swarmlord, a Carnifex, a Biovore, 20 Hormagaunts, 3 Hive Guard and 20 Stealers hiding in a Trygon's tunnel.

Ben had all this - whatevs!

I drew Supremacy as a card so I Advanced my Hormagaunts to get a 3rd objective and secure the VP. Crazy to see my Advance roll of '6', + their 8" move and they're now 14" up the board! Although in reality they could do that just as well in the old codex - 6" plus D6+3" versus 8" plus D6". The charge is also different because although you now get the 6" pile in move previously you got to re-roll that charge. Regardless it seemed fast, despite it effectively being less so.

Whereas the Trygon burrowed up and brought in his buddies. Well, who wouldn't try a first turn assault with these things now that we can. Unfortunately the Trygon failed his charge, possibly took a wound or more in Overwatch.

But the Stealers made it, swarming forwards and putting 9 wounds on the Leman Russ, from the 14 Stealers we worked out were in range. Meanwhile the Hive Guard managed to wound the Vendetta, I think 5 wounds. I scored a single VP for Supremacy, darn D3!

The Vendetta took revenge, whittling down the Hive Guard and wounding the Tervigon. Throughout the game not a single Termagant was attacked let alone killed! So much for their Brood mother boosting their numbers.

With the Leman Russ falling back the Stealers were left exposed. We think we played this wrong but it is our first game and we'll let it slide but the Stealers were completely wiped out thanks to the combined tank fire and rapid firing guard las-guns.

To make matters worse there was sufficient firepower left over to remove the Trygon as well - so much for that first turn assault :( Ben walked away with First Blood for the Stealers.

Turn 2 and the Hormagaunts assault the Hellhound, I think I did just one wound to it, it had suffered 3 Mortal Wounds off of Smite cast by the Swarmlord. Clearly just because Hormagaunts can wound a tank doesn't mean they should - perhaps I need a better understanding of the right tool for the job.

Who used his Hive Command ability to charge this unit of guard,

Decimating them all and consolidating into the woods. I think at this point we began to realise that we can't continue to resolve each assault as a separate entity a la 7th, there is a charge phase and a fight phase for a reason, especially as Ben wanted to to use a Command Point to assault first against the Swarmlord. But again as it was our first try we carried on as normal with a view to trying to get it right next time. I came away with Objective 3 and Behind Enemy Lines for 2 VPs.

Ben turned his attention to the rampant Swarmlord, with so much fire power at his disposal it was kind of underwhelming when just one Las-cannon did six damage wiping out his remaining wounds for Slay the Warlord.

The Basilisk pumped shots into the Tervigon, or the Hive Guard, I think there was just one left in the end.

His Ratlings had had enough of the 'not a Pyrovore' Biovore. It had already taken a few out with it's Mortal Wounding Spore Mines.

So saw the business end of their Mortal Wounding sniper shots, while they camped in my DZ for Linebreaker.

It was midnight and we'd only got to the end of turn 2, I doubt even if that inconsiderate cardiac emergency hadn't had delayed the start *joke* we'd have got more than another turn in. End result was 5:4 to Ben, but the big question is what do we think? I think it's still a bit early to tell for us, a lot of change is clouding our judgement and although there was a lot of dice rolling everything seems to have gone bigger but damage and casualties are bigger too. It's definitely more of a bloodbath but whether we're convinced by it at the moment is irrelevant as this is the edition we've got and we'll have to come to terms with it.

So far though the increase in toughness of everything means those tanks are just so much more durable. Whereas before you got past their armour and they took damage, now they get the armour save just like everyone else, which is quite disheartening when you see those three wounds your feeble little Hormagaunts achieved wiped out without a blink of an eye. I'm certainly finding the fact nids are no longer Assault weapons across the board a little difficult to keep track of, mainly it's the Hive Guard that suffer this and I suppose they got their extra BS back, although it serves me right for shooting at a Flyer that I didn't feel the benefit.

Cover seems a step too far. I'm OK with all cover being just +1 to your save, that's simple, streamlined and reduces confusion. But you only seem to get that if you are in terrain, intervening terrain means nothing. Of course that requires a bit of interpretation but we've already got a precedent of larger creatures needing a % of obscurity to benefit from cover, but again, only if they're in it. We all understand the intervening cover mechanic so I think it should still be in place. I get that +1 to a save seems like a big deal when you're -1AP is having a big impact on survivability so perhaps cover from intervening models makes sense to drop but not having intervening terrain confer a benefit, then what's the point of having it? You may as well have an empty board because the chances are it's only going to help your infantry when they're standing in it and any other terrain will need to be complete LoS blocking to benefit something more than your rank and file.

Like I say, it's too early to tell for us, we probably went too big with 1,500pts. I think we'll go smaller next time. I kind of feel I need a beginner's session  like when I used to go to the GW beginner's Sundays. Although some of the reports I've seen online suggest the grasp in-store of the rules can be just as open to interpretation as ours is. Anyway, lets see where we are in a few games time.