Monday 22 April 2013

How it's made - Full sized Chaos Space Marine Helmet

You may recall my mate Liam's insane attempt to win best army list at our recent trip to Throne of Skulls, only to be pipped at the post by Otty and his Inquisitorial ammo box full of Eldar relics. At the time I only had the finished pics but since then Liam has provided me links to the actual step-by-step construction which I know you would just love to see.

Liam made a cast of his own teeth for the mouth grill.

The actual list!

So that's the construction, I'll be posting how it's painted inbetween some of my other posts.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Warhammer World Photobomb pt1. Jokaero and terrain tables

I've got at least 5 posts of additional pics I took from this last visit to Warhammer World, as the majority of my readers are from America [very popular in Alaska, big up da Ice Road Gamers] and other places outside of our green and pleasant land I don't think it's overkill as I'm sure there's little chance you'll gt to experience the GW Mecca first hand. So I trust you'll indulge me. Anyway, most of the pics will be self explanatory but some I'll add notes where appropriate and I'm sure you'll need it for the next pair - WTF?! Yep someone went Jokaero crazy, modding a Nemesis Dreadknight into a giant orange walker, together with some primate buddies.

The latest feature tables you can book and play on.

More models eye views so you can use them as backdrops to your own Photoshopping.

Spyral Prime

Kadillus Harbour

Bits of Elannors Pride, interestingly with the Tower absent, wonder if that fits with the rumours that High Elves are the next updated release and they're using it in a battle report, I guess we'll have to wait and see

Opposite view of Spyral Prime, G.O.D. I love that spiral staircase. Not just the modelling but the rust effect that stands out against the stonework.

Also the interior paintwork of the building on the left compared to the exterior stonework colours. Not enough ruins make that distinction [I'm as guilty as most]. Also the mausoleum for Matt Black is very impressive.

I love the Tau Research Station on Vigos, from the black water effects, to the oversized trees.

And these shield generators and buildings - awesome.

I had a close look and I think they're all cast resin, they certainly felt solid and substantial. I really wish they were making components like this available.

Just had a thought for some hemispherical domes, sadly without any decoration but probably of sufficient dimensions to make a decent foundation for Tau Terrain:

Only £4...

Friday 19 April 2013

State of play


At the end of March I was feeling a little overwhelmed by recent events, you'll be glad to know that I think for the most part things are back on track with me and I've been getting on with hobby activities [I must write that post on the hobby matrix] and I'm generally more positive about every aspect, even the blogging. However, I've achieved this in part through choosing not to record everything I've been doing. For instance I've had two games recently and chose not to photograph and prepare battle reports. I've noticed that the reports make more sense the sooner they're done after the battle but that puts undue pressure to follow up as soon as possible and it's actually been a relief not to have to do that. Of course I'll regret the decision down the line for not having recorded the result, added to the blog and shared the experience. So I'll do a quick overview [all old pics but they deserve a second chance in the sun].

The other week I finally got in my first game of 2013 with my good friend PeteB. We'd planned to go to a FLGS he frequents for a 40k in 40 minutes thing the week before but it was right in the middle of things getting on top of me so I postponed. So we had a little 1000pt battle on his 4'x4' table. I went with Warriors, Tervigon, min Stealer brood, couple of Hive Guard and my joker in the pack - a Mawloc! He was going with some Imperial Guard he's rustled up over the last few months, which made me smile as I'm sure in the last 9 months it looked like he was giving all this up! That's the nature of this hobby.

Anyway he had plenty of Heavy Weapons teams, a Leman Russ and a Manticore. Pretty early on the Manticore hit the Warriors and Prime and the amount of extra blasts rolled meant I was pretty much out of Synapse by turn two [although the guys firing must have spent the remainder of the game celebrating because they couldn't hit the side of a barn afterwards!]. I was spanked, spanked hard and early on but in comparison to my drubbing at the hands of the Dark Eldar at Throne of Skulls I enjoyed this immensely and somehow even with just a Broodlord and stealer, two Termagants, 7 Devgaunts and the Mawloc trying to overcome Instinctive Behaviour for 4 turns was able to make PeteB work for the win. It was really good fun and it helped so much in restoring my faith in the game and that I can take a bad loss, especially when its in such good company.

Tuesday I also got to play my mate Ben and he too was sporting Imperial Guard borrowed from Liam. It seems that after facing Necrons with his own Necron force he's realised how unpleasant they are as an opponent and so doesn't want to 'be that guy'. So I set up with the Winged Hive Tyrant, Mawloc, 3 Hive Guard, Ymgarls and the other usual suspects and a Biovore. It was a kill points game and I actually had the advantage going into it with 2 less VPs.

Unfortunately I lost First Blood but despite suffering -1 to my reserve rolls every reserve came in during turn 2. The Doom spent the game snipping away at units [after deviating 12"], taking the odd guardsman here and there. The Ymgarls came out of some woods and messed up a Leman Russ that had been pounding away on my nids. The Mawloc mishapped off the board in turn 2 but popped back up to take out the stormtroopers who wiped out the Ymgarls. It all came to a head when the Hive Tyrant managed to get into assault his command squad, which brought them in range of the Doom and when he rolled three 6s for Leadership on Spirit Leech they all got sucked away. Ben called it then as he didn't see how he could recover. A good result, but I still have to beat his 'crons.

Amongst it all I've started painting the Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultists again [I'll take some updated pics tonight] and got a bit more colour on them. I'm really not achieving a quick result, I hoped they'd be easy to paint but there's so many bits, straps, belts, loops, pipes, guns, shoes, skin, hair - it goes on. I'm concentrating on 11 of them and I've started to rust up the weapons - another effect that seems to be taking ages for a decent result but not quite worth the amount of effort that's going in. Progressing nonetheless though and even with just these I'd gladly tick off one of my To-do's

And last night I actually sat down and looked at my new Defence Line 'master'. I got a couple of packs of Milliput recently to make up for the cheap epoxy putty that you can't sculpt with. Last night I did the two short and two halves [and joins] of the long pieces. I've not put the holes in the base of the facing sides like my own version. I wasn't sure how they might cast so decided to leave them out for simplicity. Anyways, the holes fit more with my scheme so making them more generic allows other folks patterns come to the fore. Another couple of nights work and they should be done, then I have to go about the mould making and casting process, I'm sure my mate Liam will be able to help though. Need to work out if I should be going resin or plaster on these...

Anyway, that's where I'm at, more to come, keep on gaming.