It's simple in detail in some places, certainly limited on texture in others but I paint on a lot of that anyway. I finally arranged with Liam for him to print it out on his 3D printer, but it seemed to have disappeared from the website but I think I'd already downloaded it. It took a while to print and not without some issues, which needed the terracotta Milliput fixing.
And I added various additional Adrenal Gland symbiotes crawling over it for extra details. I also magnetised the arms, because there are the gun options also available [which I don't have pictures of].
But this will be my #Dreadtober entry and I prepped it well in advance because I had the time and inclination. I may well throw in some of the Leviathan models too - 2 Screamer Killers anyone? So whatever headstart I got with this it's so I could be more ambitious and focus on the cool stuff rather than just it's base and the boring process of adding magnets...