Tuesday, 3 September 2024


A while back I was wandering through Home Bargains and they had these amazing Marvel 'paint your own' resin figurines and I was extremely impressed by the Venom model they had. I realise now I haven't included anything for scale, but I think the base is about 17cm wide and the model perhaps 20cm tall.

Anyway, this was just £4.99 and it even included paints and a brush! 😲 Now my youngest [he's 18 😂] loves Venom and I thought it would be fun to paint it for him. I started with all good intentions, got the primer on and did the base really quick and then couldn't decide on if I was going to paint the black as I would normally do, or try something a little bit more 'comic book'.

That indecision killed my momentum dead, which is a shame. It's been sat on the shelf ever since.

But it deserved to be acknowledged for reasons that will become clear. When I'll finally overcome this creative impasse is anyone's guess...

I know the Season of Blood is over but officially this deserves a Bloody Great Big Bloody BASE Stamp of Bloody Approval 

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