Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What's on my palette?

Bless me readers for I have sinned, it's been nearly three months since my last confession. Where am I at? Well currently my head is all over the place. I'm getting stuff done, but If I was to prepare a hobby matrix, blogging would certainly be low on the list. I managed to push along with my Deathwing, I think at this stage I'd done the first set of highlightws on at least three of the fiver Terminators [with the 6th in the background for reference].

I then got them all done and hit a wall with the Crux Terminatus, which is odd because that's supposed to be FerronProxima stone, so it's just the Vermillion and Pumpkin shading of the base. However, I think I just saw it as a lot of faffing with not much reward when I could be getting be doing...

...this. Yes I went with the flow and started painting 'nids, at least I didn't touch the 30 Genestealers though! Still, Deathleaper got his base coats and washes

As did my second Carnifex, spare heads and weapons. I'd been anticipating a couple of pairs of Fleshborer Hives from a trade, but that fell through thanks to the other guy's car being broken into, which included the envelope with my bits in his bag and the guy's electric guitar and amp. So I couldn't be too miffed considering his loss. Still, I managed to find a couple of pairs on a German ebay auction. I'm thinking that mught be the way to go in future - stop searching for Tyranids and look for 'Tyraniden' or whatever foreign words translate to the bit I'm needing. Unfortunately I got stung for postage in that additional items were free, except you had to complete the purchase to get them which meant I had to buy and pay for 2 left arms with €4 postage, getting the second arm free postage and then buy and pay for 2 right arms [as the this was a separate auction - bitz sellers, tsk!] with €4 postage, getting the second arm free. So I ended up paying €8 for postage when it should have been €4. In the end I think it came to £12, expensive bits but still cheaper than getting Forgeworld Devourers.

Anyway, whilst I'm throuwing nids back into the pile I'll probably finish this guy off too!

And of course I'm hoping to get this done.

But Like I say my head is all over the place. I feel massive compulsion to get stuff done, there are elements I feel I HAVE to paint, or build, but it's a bit overwhelming and insufficent to overcome my hobby inertia [have I got that right, inertia is a concept I really struggle with]. The fact is I am painting and hobbying but in small doses, certainly not to the level I would wish and kicking into another gear is really tough. Gaming is also in short supply however, me and the gaming crew are looking to have a little mini event in a week or so and that could be the impetus we need. I get to finally try the Tyrannocytes and see the new Necrons in phase or phase in.


  1. Replies
    1. It was actually your request in the last post that motivated me to put paint on him. The unfortunate side effect was my losing interest in blogging - still give with one hand take away with another.

  2. Just overcome a painting slow-down myself, so i know how you feel. Think in my case it was because I knew that there was quite a bit to do on the models i was working on, but it was all mundane stuff rather than the fun parts (dark eldar ravagers, they have lots of crew!). Now that I'm over that and they're done, I've got the bug back and have made massive progress in the last few days on grotesque and scourge units.

    TL:DR - stick with it, the mojo will return, but in the meantime, unless you have genuine needs (like, can't use that model until it's assembled) let what enthusiasm you do have guide you, you're more likely to achieve stuff if you want to see it done.

    1. Project overload can be a nightmare. It's definitely a de-motivator in most cases, although I have been able to twist it to my advantage also in actually saying to myself 'with so much to do I have to get this bit done so I can move onto the next bit'. And you're right it's always better to go with the flow. I've experienced it so many times, if the nids are speaking to me get them done and then ride that momentum into Dark Angels and beyond.

      Good luck with your won efforts Nick, on the plus side for me I need very little for Blog Wars, everything will be ready in time as it's still quite a ways off.
