Friday, 20 February 2015


It was back in September when I hit 500,000 page views and if I'm honest I'd considered not celebrating them until the cool million but I decided people clicking on my blog was actually worth thanking, not necessarily showing off. However, the stats say I managed this in roughly 5 months as opposed to the last 100,000 which took six. What is more shocking is the sad fact I've reduced my posting and haven't had quite the big projects to justify the page views, at least not like I had last year with the Tyranid Skyshield Landing Pad.

So I can only reiterate my great thanks to those who continue to visit -THANKS! There are some interesting things in the pipeline, despite recent posts suggesting I was stuck mojo-wise. It's fair to say things are not quite as frenetic as they were last year but I am making progress, just slowly and surely. Stuff is getting done I just need to find time to record what I'm doing so I can share it with you all and get my head back in the game. Just you wait, when I clear the decks of those pending models from my last post, what wonders I will have to share.

So, until 700,000 thanks once again, you're the best.


  1. Well done Dave, its good to see your blog growing.

  2. Congrats Dave, 600,000 is some going fella and I for one will continue to keep your blog ticking over ;)

  3. Congrats, man! I always enjoy reading your posts - keep up the great work!

  4. Congratulations! I wonder how many of those page views were from my mobile phone automatically opening on your Blog during the day, whenever I tried to do anything ;-) Let's just say I was reminded of your varnishing problems quite a few times, and it made me cringe every time.
