Thursday, 3 March 2011

Terrain is everything - mo' fences

Here's an update on the fences - as you can see below my two test subjects are all growed up, the glue has dried with no warping of the cardboard base [yay!]. I think perhaps the grating provided some sort of tensioning effect that prefented this, that's my pseudo-science explanation there. The grating is a bit too chunky for my taste but I'll live with it seeing as it's esay to work with and I've a ready supply. I'm sure it'lll look better painted.

One minor concern is that I rushed a little too much and they don't meet neatly at the corner. Hopefully with a dozen or more of these there'll be some that fit others better but for gaming purposes we can live with this.

The last shot was after I undercoated the fences black. I thought this would stick to the granny grating a little better but I think it uses far to much spray to fully cover the sand and the rockcrete posts still come out as plastic so I'll be adding a coating of black art paint, PVA for adhesion and some plaster [my usual base]. This will probably be thinned on the fencing because it's chunky enough as it is. 

Before I do any more painting I'll be prepping a fair few more fences and some broken ones. I'm confident this test has served it's purpose so there's no stopping me from doing the rest.


  1. Very effective looking fences
    The "granny grating" that the same stuff used for going on walls when they get a coat of plaster.?


  2. No, granny grating is used for making tapestries. You can get it at craft shops. Grannies thread the fabric through the grating like giant cross stitch. It's about 99p for an A3 sheet and cuts like butter, you can use scissors on it! You can also get circular sheets and other shapes for more creative tapestries, or more creative scenery.

    Although, you may be able to use that plaster scrim [I think it's called] it's not quite as dimensionally stable but I suppose a few washes of PVA glue might make it more rigid.
